PHP ECS (Elastic Common Schema): Simplify logging with the power of elastic common schema.

2.0.0 2025-02-12 12:02 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-12 12:21:23 UTC


PHP ECS (Elastic Common Schema)

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PECS is a PHP package that facilitates the usage of ECS (Elastic Common Schema) within PHP applications. ECS is a specification that helps structure and standardize log events.

PECS offers a practical approach for integrating ECS into PHP applications. By utilizing type-hinted classes, you can enhance your data layers with ECS fields. PECS simplifies the transformation of these data layers into the standard ECS schema.

  1. Installation
  2. Integrations
    1. Monolog
    2. Symfony
    3. Laravel
  3. Usage
    1. Helpers
    2. Multiple Fields
    3. Custom Fields
      1. Wrapper
      2. Empty Values
    4. Custom Formatter
    5. Collection
  4. Testing
  5. Security
  6. License
  7. Changelog
  8. Contributing


You can install the package via composer:

composer require hamidrezaniazi/pecs



PECS can be used with the popular PHP logging library, Monolog to apply the formatter to handlers.

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Monolog\EcsFormatter;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Event;

$log = new Logger('logger name');
$handler = new StreamHandler('ecs.logs');

$log->pushHandler($handler->setFormatter(new EcsFormatter()));

$log->info('message', [
    new Event(action: 'test event'),

The EcsFormatter ensures that the default records generated by Monolog are correctly mapped to the corresponding ECS fields. Additionally, it takes care of rendering the remaining fields in the context array to align with the ECS schema. Here is the output of the above example:

    '@timestamp' => '2023-05-27T00:13:16Z',
    'message' => 'message',
    'log' => [
        'level' => 'INFO',
        'logger' => 'logger name',
    'event' => [
        'action' => 'test event',


In Symfony applications, you can apply the EcsFormatter to a logging channel. First, you need to define it as a service in config/services.yaml:

        class: Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Monolog\EcsFormatter

Then define a custom channel in config/packages/monolog.yaml:

        - ecs
            formatter: ecs
            type: stream
            path: '%kernel.logs_dir%/ecs.log'
            channels: [ "ecs" ]

Now, you can use the ecs channel in your Symfony application by autowring the logger channel:

public function __construct(LoggerInterface $ecsLogger)
    $ecsLogger->info('sample message', [
        new Event(kind: EventKind::METRIC),

See Symfony's documentation for more information.


In Laravel applications, you can apply the EcsFormatter to a logging driver. First, you need to create a class that implements the __invoke method like bellow:

use Illuminate\Log\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\FormattableHandlerInterface;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Monolog\EcsFormatter;

class LaravelEcsFormatter
    public function __invoke(Logger $logger): void
        foreach ($logger->getHandlers() as $handler) {
            /** @var FormattableHandlerInterface $handler */

Then to apply this formatter to the logging driver, you need to add the tap key to the desired logging configuration in config/logging.php:

'ecs' => [
    'driver' => 'single',
    'tap' => [LaravelEcsFormatter::class],
    'path' => storage_path('logs/ecs.log'),
    'level' => 'debug',

See Laravel's documentation for more information about this method.

Now, you can use the ecs driver in your Laravel application's logging configuration to apply the ECS formatter to the logs.

Log::channel('ecs')->info('sample message', [
    new Event(kind: EventKind::METRIC),

Since Laravel utilizes Monolog as its underlying logging system, the same behavior is applicable here regarding the automatic configuration of the @timestamp, message, level, and logger fields.


It's important to note that empty values such as null, [], etc., in the data layers are eliminated automatically. You don't need to handle them explicitly as strings like N/A. However, these values 0, 0.0, '0', '0.0', false, 'false' are whitelisted and will appear in the logs.


The syntax can get a little bit verbose when you want to log with several fields. To make it more concise, you can implement helper classes:

use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Error;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Log;

class ThrowableHelper
    public static function from(Throwable $throwable): array
        return [
            new Error(
                code: $throwable->getCode(),
                message: $throwable->getMessage(),
                stackTrace: $throwable->getTraceAsString(),
                type: get_class($throwable),
            new Log(
                originFileLine: $throwable->getLine(),
                originFileName: $throwable->getFile(),

Then the usage would be shortened to:

try {
    // ...
} catch (Throwable $throwable) {
    Log::error('helpers example', ThrowableHelper::from($throwable));

Multiple Fields

It is completely possible to have multiple fields of the same type. In case of a conflict, the most recent properties will take priority.

use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\EcsFieldsCollection;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Base;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Properties\ValueList;

(new EcsFieldsCollection([
    new Base(message: 'Hello World'),
    new Base(message: 'test', tags: (new ValueList())->push('staging')),
    'message' => 'test',
    'tags' => [

You can find the available classes for defining ECS fields in the this directory.

Custom Fields

You can also create your own custom fields by extending the AbstractEcsField class.

use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\AbstractEcsField;

class FooField extends AbstractEcsField
    public function __construct(
        private string $input
    ) {

    protected function key(): ?string
        return 'Foo';

    protected function custom(): Collection
        return collect([
            'Input' => $this->input

Check the ECS custom fields documentation for naming conventions and use cases. It is important to note that custom field key and property names must be in PascalCase not to conflict with the ECS fields.


You may need to combine your custom fields with the existed ECS field classes. It's feasible by overwriting the wrapper in your class:

use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\AbstractEcsField;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Event;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Properties\EventKind;

class BarField extends AbstractEcsField
    protected function key(): ?string
        return 'Bar';

    protected function custom(): Collection
        return collect([
            'Bleep' => 'bloop'
    public function wrapper(): EcsFieldsCollection
        return parent::wrapper()->push(new Event(kind: EventKind::METRIC));

All the fields in the wrapper will be rendered at the same level as the custom field. In the given example, the rendered array will be:

    'Bar' => [
        'Bleep' => 'bloop',
    'event' => [
        'kind' => 'metric',

Empty Values

It's also possible to customize the empty value behavior by overriding the whitelisted array:

class FooFields extends AbstractEcsField
    protected array $validEmpty = [0, 0.0];

Now only 0 and 0.0 are whitelisted and will appear in the logs. The rest of the empty values such as null, [], false, '0', etc., will be eliminated.

Custom Formatter

The default formatter is the EcsFormatter class as mentioned in the integration section. However, you can load more default fields by overriding the prepare method:


use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Ecs;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Monolog\EcsFormatter;

class CustomEcsFormatter extends EcsFormatter
    protected function prepare(array $record): EcsFieldsCollection
        return parent::prepare($record)->push(new Ecs(version: '1.0.0'));

By registering the above formatter, the rendered array will contain the ecs.version in addition to the default fields.


Here's the usage example of the EcsFieldsCollection to render an array of ECS fields:

use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\EcsFieldsCollection;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Base;
use Hamidrezaniazi\Pecs\Fields\Log;

(new EcsFieldsCollection([
    new Base(message: 'Hello World'),
    new Log(level: 'info'),

The above code will output:

    'message' => 'Hello World',
    'log' => [
        'level' => 'info',

The EcsFieldsCollection is adaptable and can be used with various logging drivers, not just limited to Monolog. Practical use cases for Monolog are mentioned in the integrations section.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.