
Content management system and web application framework

Installs: 67

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0



Content Management System and Application Framework

Keep it as easy as possible - make it as flexible as possible

Content-o-mat is an easy to use yet very flexible content management system and application framework.

Getting started


  • Apache Webserver with mod_expires and mod_rewrite enabled (other web servers will work, but since cmt relies on url rewriting (mod_rewrite) with .htaccess must be replaced by equivalent mechanisms (for nginx there are converters available in the interwebs).

  • PHP >= 7.0 with extensions curl, xml, intl, mbstring, gd

  • MySQL or MariaDB database


It is recommended to use Composer to install Content-o-mat and setup a web project:

For other installation methods see the official documentation

To start a new cmt project with Composer, navigate to your webspace, then create a project with composer:

$ composer create-project halma/contentomat my-project

Composer will fetch the lastest version from the contentomat repository and install all dependencies, leaving you with a folder called my-project inside your webspace, from which you can finish the installation by visiting


with your browser (replace yourdomain with however you can access youro webspace).

The installer will check for all prerequisites and tell you if something is missing. It asks for your database credentials and finishes the installation.

Check your installation

Congratulations. You have successfully installed contento-o-mat for your web project. Head over to your web browser and check if everything is fine by visiting


and you should be greeted by the content-o-mat login screen. The initial default credentials for the admin user are

User: cmt
Password: contentomat

Where to go from here

Check the official documentation: http://www.contentomat.de/docs