hagmann / zf-oauth2-doctrine
Doctrine OAuth2 Server Adapter for Apigility
- php: >=5.5
- doctrine/doctrine-module: ^0.9
- doctrine/doctrine-orm-module: *
- zendframework/zend-config: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-i18n: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-modulemanager: ^2.5
- zfcampus/zf-mvc-auth: ^1.3
- zfcampus/zf-oauth2: ^1.3
Requires (Dev)
- mockery/mockery: 0.9.*
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4
- satooshi/php-coveralls: 0.6.*
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2
- zendframework/zend-authentication: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-form: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-loader: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-log: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-serializer: ^2.5
- zendframework/zend-test: ^2.5
- bushbaby/zf-oauth2-doctrine-mutatetablenames: Allows configuration of the table names that this module uses
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-07 21:21:53 UTC
This provides a Doctrine adapter for zfcampus/zf-mvc-auth and entity definitions for all aspects of OAuth2 including Authorization Code, Access Tokens, Refresh Tokens, JWT & JTI, and Scopes.
Entity Relationship Diagram created with Skipper
Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to getcomposer.org.
$ php composer.phar require api-skeletons/zf-oauth2-doctrine "^1.0"
Add this module to your application's configuration:
'modules' => [ ... 'ZF\OAuth2\Doctrine', ],
The User Entity
This repository supplies every entity you need to implement OAuth2 except the User entity.
The reason is so the User entity can be decoupled from the OAuth2 Doctrine repository
instead to be linked dynamically at run time. This allows, among other benefits, the
ability to create an ERD without modifying the OAuth2-orm.module.xml
The User entity must implement ZF\OAuth2\Doctrine\Entity\UserInterface
The User entity for the unit test for this module is a good template to start from: https://github.com/api-skeletons/zf-oauth2-doctrine/blob/master/test/asset/module/Doctrine/src/Entity/User.php
Module Configuration
Copy config/oauth2.doctrine-orm.global.php.dist
to your autoload directory and
rename to oauth2.doctrine-orm.global.php
This config has multiple sections for multiple
adapters. Out of the box this module provides a default
adapter. You will need to edit this file with
at least your User entity, which is not provided.
Configuration With zfcampus/zf-mvc-auth
By default this module includes a oauth2.doctrineadapter.default
The adapter is used to create storage from services:
'zf-mvc-auth' => array( 'authentication' => array( 'adapters' => array( 'oauth2_doctrine' => array( 'adapter' => 'ZF\\MvcAuth\\Authentication\\OAuth2Adapter', 'storage' => array( 'storage' => 'oauth2.doctrineadapter.default', 'route' => '/oauth', ), ), ), ), ),
Configuration with zfcampus/zf-oauth2
Add the default storage adapter to the zf-oauth default storage:
'zf-oauth2' => array( 'storage' => 'oauth2.doctrineadapter.default',
It is possible to use this library with a second set of entities for a second OAuth2 server in the same application using two or more APIs.
Using Default Entities
Details for creating your database with the included entities are outside the scope of this project.
Generally this is done through doctrine/doctrine-orm-module
with php public/index.php orm:schema-tool:create
By default this module uses the entities provided but you may use the adapter with your own entites (and map them in the mapping config section) by toggling this flag:
'zf-oauth2-doctrine' => [ 'default' => [ 'enable_default_entities' => true,
Customizing Many to One Mapping
If you need to customize the call to mapManyToOne, which creates the dynamic joins to the User
entity from the default entites, you may add any parameters to the
element. An example for a
User entity with a primary key of user_id which does not conform to the metadata naming strategy
is added to each entity:
'refresh_token_entity' => [ 'entity' => 'ZF\OAuth2\Doctrine\Entity\RefreshToken', 'field' => 'refreshToken', 'additional_mapping_data' => [ 'joinColumns' => [ [ 'name' => 'user_id', 'referencedColumnName' => 'user_id', ], ], ], ],
Identity field on User entity
By default this Doctrine adapter retrieves the user by the username
field on the configured
User entity. If you need to use a different or multiple fields you may do so via the
'auth_identity_fields' key. For example, ZfcUser allows users to authenticate by username and/or email fields.
An example to match ZfcUser auth_identity_fields
'zf-oauth2-doctrine' => [ 'default' => [ 'auth_identity_fields' => ['username', 'email'],
Validate zf-apigility-doctrine resources
To validate the OAuth2 session with Query Create Filters and Query Providers implement
and use ZF\OAuth2\Doctrine\OAuth2ServerTrait
Then call $result = $this->validateOAuth2($scope);
in the filter function.
Other module(s) which extend the functionality this repository provides.
api-skeletons/zf-oauth2-doctrine-console - Console management of a default zf-oauth2-doctrine installation.
basz/zf-oauth2-doctrine-mutabletablenames - If you do not want to use the default table names provided with the default entities this module lets you customize them.