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S3 uploader service

v1.0.1 2019-08-07 10:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 12:01:47 UTC


This piece of software can be used to recursively scan a folder for large files and upload them to an AWS S3 bucket. Optionally files can also be deleted after successfully uploaded.


As composer package

The software can be installed using Composer as dependency package.

composer require hadimodarres/uploader_service

The package will be installed in vendor/hadimodarres/uploader_service.


Alternative you can directly clone the repository or download it as a ZIP file.

git clone https://github.com/HadiModarres/uploader_service.git

After that you would still need to install all of it's dependencies.

cd uploader_service
composer install


Programmatic usage

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$config = ( new \UploaderService\Config\Config() )
    ->setPath( '/absolute/path/to/folder/to/be/processed' )
    ->setSizeThreshold( '1k' )
    ->setS3Region( 'eu-west-1' )
    ->setS3Bucket( 'your-bucket' )
    ->setS3Key( 'your-key' )
    ->setS3Secret( 'your-secret' )
    ->setDelete( true ); // pass false if you don't want files to be deleted

$uploader = new \UploaderService\Service\Uploader( $config );
$uploader->scan(); // scan files
$uploader->upload(); // upload scaned files

If you need to re-scan or re-upload files using the same configuration you can save on re-creating the uploader instance. The only thing you need to do is call:

$uploader->clear(); // clear queue of scanned files

Console output

If you are running the above code in the terminal you might want to see some fancy output of what is going on.
You can achieve this with the help of Symfony Console.

$uploader = new \UploaderService\Service\Uploader(

    new \UploaderService\Service\Uploader\Output( new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(), null, true )


You can also write logs.
Just pass a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface as the second argument of the UploaderService\Service\Uploader\Output class.

Only the following 3 log levels are used:

  • debug - For trivial stuff like operation announcements and statistics.
  • info - For successful operations like file uploads and deletions.
  • error - For exceptions.
$uploader = new \UploaderService\Service\Uploader(

    new \UploaderService\Service\Uploader\Output(
        new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput(),
        ( new \Monolog\Logger( 'upload' ) )
            ->pushHandler( new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( 'debug.log', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG ) ),

CLI usage

The package comes with a ready-to-use CLI executable located at bin/cli.php.
You can run it with php bin/cli.php upload .. or even directly ./bin/cli.php upload ...

You can specify values for all of the configuration options right in the command line.
For more info and available options run:

./bin/cli.php upload --help

Custom CLI

If you need to use the package in the terminal, but don't want to use the provided bin/cli.php you can build your own Symfony Console compatible CLI.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Application();

$app->add( new \UploaderService\Command\Upload() );

// or also pass config:
// $config = ( new \UploaderService\Config\Config() )
//     ->setPath( '/absolute/path/to/folder/to/be/processed' );
// $app->add( new \UploaderService\Command\Upload( $config ) );

The \UploaderService\Command\Upload() command will do an automatic merge of the configuration with options specified via the command line. This means that you can pass incomplete config and have the rest configured via the terminal.

Keep in mind that options specified via terminal will override ones specified programmatically.