
Guesl wrapper card connect payment gateway.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v1.0.5 2018-05-11 17:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-04-15 22:52:16 UTC



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1. Install and config CoPilot.

Card Connect CoPilot basic feature.

1.1 Install the library
composer require guesl/copilot
1.2 Update app.php file under Laravel config folder.
'providers' => [

     * CardConnect CoPilot service provider.

'aliases' => [
        "CoPilot" => Guesl\CardConnect\CoPilot\Facades\CoPilot::class,
1.3 Publish config file to application config folder.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=cardconnect
1.4 Add env variables.<copilot username>
COPILOT_PASSWORD=meESV@yWgGNa9<copilot password>
COPILOT_CLIENT_SECRET=87b246b0-02c5-43e5-a8c6-7f0bef598448<copilot secret>
COPILOT_SALES_CODE=CC99<copilot sales code>
COPILOT_VERSION=1.0<copilot version>

2. How to Use

Official CoPilot APIs Documentations

2.1 Models

Like Merchant, OwnerSiteUser, Bank, Fee.

You can find all the names of the models and the columns in the documentations.

Official CoPilot APIs Schemas


 * Created by Jianfeng Li.
 * User: Jianfeng Li
 * Date: 2018/05/04
interface CoPilotService
     * Create access token.
     * @return mixed
    public function createAccessToken();

     * Refresh access token.
     * @param $refreshToken
     * @return mixed
    public function refreshAccessToken($refreshToken);

     * Create Merchant.
     * @param int $templateId
     * @param Merchant $merchant
     * @param OwnerSiteUser|null $ownerUser
     * @return int
    public function createMerchant(int $templateId, Merchant $merchant, OwnerSiteUser $ownerUser = null);

     * Update merchant.
     * @param int $id
     * @param Merchant $merchant
     * @param OwnerSiteUser|null $ownerUser
     * @return mixed
    public function updateMerchant(int $id, Merchant $merchant, OwnerSiteUser $ownerUser = null);

     * Retrieve merchant.
     * @param int $id
     * @return Merchant
    public function retrieveMerchant(int $id);

     * Retrieve merchant status.
     * @param int $id
     * @return mixed
    public function retrieveMerchantStatus(int $id);

     * Request Merchant Signature.
     * If the request signature was successful, the signature url will be returned.
     * @param int $id
     * @return string
    public function signMerchant(int $id);

     * Request merchant signature status.
     * @param int $id
     * @return SignatureStatus
    public function retrieveMerchantSignatureStatus($id);

     * Put the merchant back in the In Progress state.
     * @param $id
    public function retractMerchantSignature($id);

     * Create a merchant attachment.
     * return attachment id.
     * @param $id
     * @param Attachment $attachment
     * @return int
    public function createMerchantAttachment($id, Attachment $attachment);

     * Create owner site user for "CardPoint".
     * @param int $merchantId
     * @param OwnerSiteUser $ownerUser
     * @return mixed
    public function createOwnerSiteUser(int $merchantId, OwnerSiteUser $ownerUser);

     * Update owner site user for "CardPoint".
     * @param int $merchantId
     * @param OwnerSiteUser|null $ownerUser
     * @return mixed
    public function updateOwnerSiteUser(int $merchantId, OwnerSiteUser $ownerUser = null);

     * Retrieve owner site user of the merchant.
     * @param int $merchantId
     * @return OwnerSiteUser
    public function retrieveOwnerSiteUser(int $merchantId);

     * List the equipment available for a sales code.
     * @param string|null $salesCode
     * @param string $equipmentSupplierCd
     * @param string $equipmentTypeCd
     * @param int $pageNumber
     * @param int $pageSize
     * @return EquipmentPageObject
    public function listEquipmentCatalog(string $salesCode = null, string $equipmentSupplierCd, string $equipmentTypeCd, int $pageNumber, int $pageSize);

Ex: CoPilot::createAccessToken();
    // Take a look at the "MerchantTest" for more detail.
    CoPilot::createMerchant($templateId, $merchant, OwnerSiteUser $ownerUser = null);
    public function fakeOwnerSiteUser()
        $faker = Factory::create();
        $ownerSiteUser = (new OwnerSiteUser())->setEmail($faker->email)->setFirstName($faker->firstName)->setLastName($faker->lastName);
        return $ownerSiteUser;
    // Generate fake merchant and owner site user.
    // All models like Merchant, OwnerSiteUser support chain setter. 
    public function fakeMerchant()
        $faker = Factory::create();
        $merchant = new Merchant();

        $demographic = new Demographic();

        $businessAddress = new Address();


        $mailAddress = new Address();




        $bankDetail = new BankDetail();
        $depositBank = new Bank();
        $depositBank->setBankName("Dep Bank");

        $withdrawalBank = new Bank();
        $withdrawalBank->setBankName("With Bank");



        $ownership = new Ownership();
        $owner = new Owner();
            (new Address())
                ->setAddress1("123 Fake St")
                ->setAddress2("Apt 121")
        $owner->setOwnerName("Mike Lucas Owner");



        $merchantContactInfo = new MerchantContactInfo();
        $merchantContactInfo->setContactName("John Doe");


        $processing = new Processing();
        $platformDetails = new PlatformDetails();
        $platformDetails->setBusinessDescription("Business Description");

        $businessDetail = new BusinessDetails();

        $volumeDetails = new VolumeDetails();

        $deliveryPercentages = new DeliveryDetails();

        $modeOfTransaction = new TransactionDetails();



        $pricing = new Pricing();
            (new FlatPricing())->setAmexEsaQualDiscountPct(22.00)


        $fee = new Fee();

        return $merchant;