GuavaPay eCommerce SDK for PHP - Integrate eCommerce services to your PHP project easily

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Last update: 2025-01-02 01:41:53 UTC


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The GuavaPay eCommerce SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to integrate GuavaPay Electronic Payment Gateway in their PHP code. You can get started in minutes by installing the SDK through Composer.

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Getting Started

  1. Sign up for GuavaPay – To begin, at first you need to sign up for an GuavaPay merhant account and retrieve your credentials.
  2. Minimum requirements – To run the SDK, your system will need to meet the minimum requirements including having PHP >= 8.0. We highly recommend having it compiled with the cURL extension.
  3. Install the SDK – Using composer is the recommended way to install the SDK for your application. The SDK is available via Packagist. If Composer is installed, you can run the following in the base directory of your project to add the SDK as a dependency:
    composer require guavapay/epg
  4. Using the SDK – The best way to become familiar with how to use the SDK is to read the User Guide. The Examples section will help you become familiar with the basic concepts.

Quick Examples

Create EPG instance


use GuavaPay\EPG;

$epg = new EPG('USER', 'SECRET', 'BANK_ID', 'SERVICE_ID');

After initializing an instance of the EPG object, you can easily call methods. Examples are below.

Register order on EPG

In order to accept payments, it is essential to register an order on the Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG). This can be accomplished by invoking the createOrder() method from the SDK.

use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaEcomException;
use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaClientException;

try {
    $orderId = '123456'; // The order ID from your database.
    $amount = 100; // The amount in cents for the payment.
    $currency = 978; // The currency code in ISO 4217 format (Euro in this case).
    $returnUrl = ''; // The URL where the customer will be redirected after a successful payment.
    // Create an order using the Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG).
    $order = $epg->createOrder($orderId, $amount, $currency, $returnUrl); 
    // Get the EPG order ID for reference. Example: 84c5387a-7824-742b-9567-0c1a0e7e1e23.

    // Get the URL for the payment, where the customer should be redirected to make the payment.

} catch (GuavaEcomException $e) { 
    // An error occurred due to a logical issue during the payment process.
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (GuavaClientException $e) { 
    // Unable to send the request to the EPG server, possibly due to connectivity issues.
    echo $e->getMessage();

Get order status from EPG

To verify the status of your order on the Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG), you can utilize the getOrderStatus() method from the SDK. To access the EPG order status, you will need to provide the status code received during the integration process with GuavaPay.

use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaEcomException;
use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaClientException;

try {
    $epgOrder = '84c5387a-7824-742b-9567-0c1a0e7e1e23'; // EPG order ID
    $statusCode = '013'; // status code which was provided by GuavaPay during the integration
    $orderInfo = $epg->getOrderStatus($epgOrder, $statusCode);
    var_dump($orderInfo->getStatus(), $orderInfo->getIsSuccess(), $orderInfo->getAmount());
} catch (GuavaEcomException $e) { 
    // An error occurred due to a logical issue during the payment process.
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (GuavaClientException $e) { 
    // Unable to send the request to the EPG server, possibly due to connectivity issues.
    echo $e->getMessage();

Get 3D Secure version

To check version of the 3D secure on the customer's card, you need to call check3dsVersion() method from the SDK, pass the EPG order ID (which was previously created) and CardConfig object in it.

use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaEcomException;
use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaClientException;
use GuavaPay\Config\CardConfig;

try {
    $epgOrder = '84c5387a-7824-742b-9567-0c1a0e7e1e23'; // EPG order ID
    $expiry = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/Y', '02/2030');
    $cardConfig = new CardConfig('CardNumber', $expiry, '547', 'CARD HOLDER');

    var_dump($epg->check3dsVersion($epgOrder, $cardConfig)->getVersion()); // int(2)
} catch (GuavaEcomException $e) { 
    // An error occurred due to a logical issue during the payment process.
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (GuavaClientException $e) { 
    // Unable to send the request to the EPG server, possibly due to connectivity issues.
    echo $e->getMessage();


To charge the customer's card, at first you need to call check3dsVersion() method (example shown above) then call paymentRequest() method from the SDK and pass the CardConfig and DeviceConfig objects in it.

use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaEcomException;
use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaClientException;
use GuavaPay\Config\CardConfig;
use GuavaPay\Config\DeviceConfig;

try {
    $expiry = DateTime::createFromFormat('m/Y', '02/2030');
    $cardConfig = new CardConfig('CardNumber', $expiry, '547', 'CARD HOLDER');
    $deviceConfig = new DeviceConfig(true, 'ru-RU', 986, 1024, 0, false, 16);
    $payment = $epg->paymentRequest('84c5387a-7824-742b-9567-0c1a0e7e1e23', $cardConfig, $deviceConfig);

} catch (GuavaEcomException $e) { 
    // An error occurred due to a logical issue during the payment process.
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (GuavaClientException $e) { 
    // Unable to send the request to the EPG server, possibly due to connectivity issues.
    echo $e->getMessage();

Get merchant available balance

In order to check available funds on your merchant account, you need to call getBalanceStatus() method from the SDK using the status code which was provided during the integration process with GuavaPay.

use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaEcomException;
use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaClientException;

try {
    var_dump($epg->getBalanceStatus(978, '013')->getAmount()); // returns float(133.74)
} catch (GuavaEcomException $e) { 
    // An error occurred due to a logical issue during the payment process.
    echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (GuavaClientException $e) { 
    // Unable to send the request to the EPG server, possibly due to connectivity issues.
    echo $e->getMessage();

Check callback signature

To check the signature of the callback request, you need to call checkSignature() method from the SDK.

use GuavaPay\Exception\GuavaSignatureException;

try {
    $request = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); // get JSON as PHP array from POST request
    if ($request === null && json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid JSON request');
    $certPath = "file://./certificate.pem"; // path to your certificate file (.pem) from GuavaPay
    $publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_public($certPath);
    if ($publicKey === false) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid public key'); // if you have an error here, check your certificate file
    $result = $epg->checkSignature($request, $request['signature'], $publicKey);
    echo 'Valid signature!'; // if you see this message, then the signature is valid

    // now you can top up the user's balance, update the order status, etc.
} catch (GuavaSignatureException $e) {
    echo 'Invalid signature!' . $e->getMessage(); // if you see this message, then the signature is invalid
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; // if you see this message, then an error occurred