
This is the PHP dependency package setup for a Garp 3 project.

Installs: 27

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 11

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 2


v1.0.11 2017-05-11 05:13 UTC


Build Status

Readme for Garp Scaffold

This is a scaffold set to initiate Garp 3 projects.

Getting started

Use Composer to create a Garp3 scaffolded project:

composer create-project grrr-amsterdam/garp3-scaffold <your-target-directory>

Next update/install all dependencies by running:

composer update
npm install

Create an Apache vhost pointing to the public folder. This should always be the preferred webroot of any Garp project.

Building assets

You can start a frontend build and watch by running:

gulp watch

or alternatively via:

npm start

You should now be able to visit localhost:3000 and get to your site.

Building assets for different environments

You can generate builds for different environments by running either:

gulp --e=[development/staging/production]


npm run build
npm run build:staging
npm run build:production


We use Sass for css compilation. However we prefer to stick as closely to vanilla css as possible. Definitely make use of variables, but try to limit your use of mixins and loops. Also never use extend.

We have a bunch more conventions for writing CSS. Please heed these conventions, they lead to more consistent and maintainable code. See the css coding standards for more info.


JavaScript is transpiled from ES6 to ES5 with Babel. We also use Browserify to allow you to import modules.

ES6 writing style is preferred, so please take full advantage of constants, arrow functions, modules, template literals and all that goodness.

That being said, there are some features that can’t be properly transpiled. Make sure you load the appropriate Babel polyfills for those. You can include just the polyfills you need.


We use Modernizr to test browser support for certain features. We can then use progressive enhancement to leverage those features for supported browsers. Usage of Modernizr.feature in JS, or .feature-class .selector in CSS will automatically be detected and Gulp will make sure the appropriate tests are included.

Note: this detection isn’t run when you’re using gulp watch, see gulp watch task below for more details.

Building with Gulp

Gulp is our task runner of choice. It takes care of building CSS, compiling JavaScript, and much more.

Gulp takes most of it’s configuration values—such as where to put build files, or which cdn to use—from app.ini. Gulp will tell you which values it uses when you start a build.

Although you can run all Gulp tasks from the command line, only a subset is actually suited for individual use. These are the tasks you can run:



Builds everything. Defaults to a development build, use --e=[staging/production] for generating a staging or production build.


gulp watch

Runs a build and watches for file changes in CSS and JavaScript, as well as php/phtml files in the application/modules directory.


gulp watch Also fires up a BrowserSync instance which proxies the domain set in app.ini. This instance is accessible through both localhost:3000 as well as

Browsersync also comes in handy for checking your work on other devices connected to the same local network, such as mobile phones. Fire up a browser and point it to [local ip address]:3000 to access the site on your local machine.

Generating a Modernizr file

gulp modernizr

Modernizr is run on build, checks your CSS and JS, and includes the appropriate feature tests. The only caveat of this soluation is that Modernizr doesn’t account for inline CSS/JS. You will need to explicitely include these tests in the Gulp Modernizr task.

Also, we don’t re-run Modernizr when watching, so if you add a test while running gulp watch, so will either need to manually run gulp modernizr, or restart that watch task.

Using icons

You can place all svg icons in the public/css/img/icons folder, and they will be transformed into a sprite automatically.

In your views you can render an icon via the SVG helper as such, whereby [icon-name] is taken from the filename of the SVG:


Coloring icons is as easy as using fill: #f00 in css.

Note If your icons are not changing color, it is most likely because there are inline fill attributes on your SVG. Open up the SVG in your text editor and remove all fill attributes to make it colorable through CSS.

Preloading webfonts

Your browser will only load a font once it has downloaded your css and finds an element which uses the font. By using the <link rel="preload"> syntax you can tell the browser to start loading the font immediately, leading to faster render times. See layout.phtml for an example.