
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2013-07-02 13:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:38:37 UTC


This package offers improved integration of the php-resque package into your Silex project. It comes with a console command to maintain a worker, and an abstract job class that makes the Silex application available to each job.


php composer.phar require grom/silex-resque:dev-master

If you already have a console set up, just add the Grom\SilexResque\Command\ResqueWorkerCommand($app) command to it. If you don't, here's an easy way to make one:

php composer.phar require knplabs/console-service-provider:dev-master

Then create a file called something like bin/console, make it executable then fill it with something like:

#!/usr/bin/env php
$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new Silex\Application;

/* Your bootstrap script, shared with the web app
 * Should "return $app" and configure all services.
 * Or, you know, configure your services here instead.
$app = require __DIR__.'/src/bootstrap.php'; 

// Register console provider
$app->register(new Knp\Provider\ConsoleServiceProvider(), array(
    ''              => 'My Project Console',
    'console.version'           => '1.0.0-alpha,
    'console.project_directory' => __DIR__,

// Add the Resque worker command
$app['console']->add(new \Grom\SilexResque\Command\ResqueWorkerCommand($app));

// ...add any other commands you want


Then to start a worker, run bin/console resque:worker default (where default is the name of a queue.)

Creating a job

Create a job class that extends Grom\SilexResque\BaseJob and fill in the required execute function:

namespace MyVendor\MyProject\Job;

use Grom\SilexResque\BaseJob;
use Silex\Application;

class TestJob extends BaseJob
    protected function execute(array $args, Application $app)
        // do stuff here, e.g.

Now to queue a job from your Silex application:

$app->get('/queuetest', function () {
    $token = Resque::enqueue('default', 'MyVendor\MyProject\Job\TestJob', array(
        'arg1' => 1,
        'stuff' => 'things',
    ), true);
    return print_r($token, true);

The token can be used to get information about a job later:

$status = new Resque_Job_Status($token);
echo $status->get(); // Outputs the status

Monitoring jobs

Because PHP-Resque is compatible with the original Ruby edition, you can use its webapp to manage and monitor your queue, retry failed jobs etc. Install it with gem install resque, then run it with resque-web -p 5678. When you're finished, you can kill its server with resque-web --kill.