
    Bulma Package delivers a full configured frontend theme for TYPO3, based on the Bulma CSS Framework.

  • PHP


    Create your own content elements and page templates. Easy to use, even without programming skills because of the comfortable drag and drop user interface. Stored in structured database tables. Style your frontend with Fluid tags. Ideal, if you want to switch from Templavoila.

  • sbtheke/backgroundimage4ce

    Allows background images and background options for all types of content elements (text, text with image, forms, plugins, ...). Background images are adaptive.

  • sbtheke/cewrap

    Allows to wrap content elements with individual IDs and/or classes and select multiple predefined classes, e.g. to hide content elements dependent to screen width.

  • PHP


    News Permissions

  • PHP


    This extension provides option to translate content element, and TCA record texts to DeepL supported languages using DeepL API services with TYPO3 CMS

  • PHP


    This extension provides option to translate content element, and TCA record texts to DeepL supported languages using DeepL API services with TYPO3 CMS