Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Provide powerfull Hydrator to make advanced hydration
718 1
Symfony PubSub Router Bundle
1 945 115 43
Ratchet Stack
809 004 6
AMQP bindings for ReactPHP
77 594 17
Symfony Web Socket Bundle
1 907 240 620
WAMP client in PHP
1 977 698 34
Advanced Retry Implementation
575 4
ACL Manager for Symfony2
232 5
Cache manager bases on Doctrine cache provider
151 0
Keep your repository healthy !
365 1
Provide solution to process simple fixtures
103 0
Fixture bundle, fixture, bundle, fixture tool, doctrine, orm
6 0
Form bundle
957 4
Mailer Bundle, easy email templating & reusable
0 1
Provide midleware oriented CMS
186 0
Provide simple solution to parser common thing
276 0
Pnctl event emitter for event loop
1 212 443 23
PHP WebSocket library
812 134 7
Make widget easier and reusable !
6 5