gluck1986 / yii-sentry
A Sentry integration for Yii Framework
Fund package maintenance!
Open Collective
- php: ^8.0
- psr/http-message: ^1.0
- psr/http-server-handler: ^1.0
- psr/http-server-middleware: ^1.0
- sentry/sdk: ^3.2
- symfony/console: ^5.4|^6.0
- yiisoft/di: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.3
- httpsoft/http-message: ^1.0.9
- php-http/guzzle7-adapter: ^1.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- roave/infection-static-analysis-plugin: ^1.16
- spatie/phpunit-watcher: ^1.23
- vimeo/psalm: ^4.18
- yiisoft/error-handler: ^2.1
- yiisoft/yii-console: ^1.0
- yiisoft/yii-event: ^1.0
- yiisoft/yii-console: Add error catching to console application
- yiisoft/yii-event: Add error catching to console application
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-17 19:26:47 UTC
Yii Sentry
The package provides Sentry integration for Yii Framework
The package needs PSR-compatible HTTP client and factories so require it additionally to this package:
composer install httpsoft/http-message composer install php-http/guzzle7-adapter composer install yiisoft/yii-sentry
The first two can be replaced to other packages of your choice.
For handling console errors yii-console
and yii-event
packages are required additionally:
composer install yiisoft/yii-console composer install yiisoft/yii-event
Configure HTTP factories and client (usually that is config/common/sentry.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient; use Http\Adapter\Guzzle7\Client as GuzzleClientAdapter; use Http\Client\HttpAsyncClient; use Http\Client\HttpClient; use HttpSoft\Message\RequestFactory; use HttpSoft\Message\ResponseFactory; use HttpSoft\Message\StreamFactory; use HttpSoft\Message\UriFactory; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; use Yiisoft\Definitions\Reference; return [ // HTTP Factories StreamFactoryInterface::class => StreamFactory::class, RequestFactoryInterface::class => RequestFactory::class, LoggerInterface::class => NullLogger::class, UriFactoryInterface::class => UriFactory::class, ResponseFactoryInterface::class => ResponseFactory::class, // HTTP Client HttpClient::class => GuzzleClient::class, HttpAsyncClient::class => [ 'class' => GuzzleClientAdapter::class, '__construct()' => [ Reference::to(HttpClient::class), ], ], ];
If you want to trace Guzzle requests and add Sentry headers to external queries, add the following:
GuzzleHttp\Client::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container) { $stack = new HandlerStack(); $stack->setHandler(new CurlHandler()); $factory = $container->get(GuzzleMiddlewareFactory::class); $middleware = static function (callable $handler) use ($factory): callable { return $factory->factory($handler); }; $stack->push($middleware); return new GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'handler' => $stack, ]); },
Add the following code block to your params.php
and define DSN. Also you can set "environment" and "release". Good example is to use TAG from for it.
'yiisoft/yii-sentry' => [ 'options' => [ 'dsn' => '', 'environment' => 'local', //SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT, //YII_ENV, 'release' => 'dev', //SENTRY_RELEASE, //TAG // 'send_default_pii' => true, 'traces_sample_rate' => 1.0, ], 'handleConsoleErrors' => true, 'log_level' => 'warning', 'tracing' => [ // Indicates if the tracing integrations supplied by Sentry should be loaded 'default_integrations' => true, 'guzzle_max_body' => 200, ], ]
constant into index.php
and yii.php
define('APP_START_TIME', microtime(true));
Add log targets for breadcrumbs and tracing to app/config/common/logger.php
or another config file with logger settings:
return [ LoggerInterface::class => static function ( /** your_another_log_target $your_log_target */ \Yiisoft\Yii\Sentry\SentryBreadcrumbLogTarget $sentryLogTarget, Yiisoft\Yii\Sentry\Tracing\SentryTraceLogTarget $sentryTraceLogTarget ) { return new Logger([ /** $your_log_target */ $sentryLogTarget, $sentryTraceLogTarget ]); } ];
Note: If you want to see your logs in sentry timeline, you need to use keys (float)'time' and (float)'elapsed' in log context array.
Add DB log decorator for tracing db queries in app/config/params.php
(now it is available only for postgres, it will work with another db, but can't separate system queries from user queries correctly)
'yiisoft/yii-cycle' => [ // DBAL config 'dbal' => [ // SQL query logger. Definition of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface // For example, \Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Logger\StdoutQueryLogger::class 'query-logger' => \Yiisoft\Yii\Sentry\PostgresLoggerDecorator::class, /** * ... * your another db settings **/ ] ]
Add SetRequestIpMiddleware
to app/config/params.php
, "middleware" section:
'middlewares' => [ ErrorCatcher::class, \Yiisoft\Yii\Sentry\Http\SetRequestIpMiddleware::class, //add this Router::class, ],
Add SentryTraceMiddleware
to app/config/common/router.php
RouteCollectionInterface::class => static function (RouteCollectorInterface $collector) use ($config) { $collector ->middleware(FormatDataResponse::class) ->middleware(JsonParseMiddleware::class) ->middleware(ExceptionMiddleware::class) ->middleware(\Yiisoft\Yii\Sentry\Tracing\SentryTraceMiddleware::class) // add this ->addGroup( Group::create('') ->routes(...$config->get('routes')) ); return new RouteCollection($collector); },
If your transaction is too heavy, you can slice it to several transactions with clearing log buffer. Use SentryConsoleTransactionAdapter
or SentryWebTransactionAdapter
. For example:
/** some code with default transaction */ /** commit default transaction and send data to sentry server */ $sentryTraceString = $this->sentryTransactionAdapter->commit(); while ($currentDate <= $endDate) { $this->sentryTransactionAdapter->begin($sentryTraceString) ->setName('my_heavy_operation/iteration') ->setData(['date' => $currentDate->format('Y-m-d')]); $this->process($currentDate, $sentryTraceString); $this->sentryTransactionAdapter->commit(); } $this->sentryTransactionAdapter->begin($sentryTraceString) ->setName('my_heavy_operation done, terminating application'); /** transaction will commit when application is terminated */
In this example all new transactions will linked to transaction with $sentryTraceString
In options
you can also pass additional Sentry configuration. See
official Sentry docs for keys and values.
Unit testing
The package is tested with PHPUnit. To run tests:
Mutation testing
The package tests are checked with Infection mutation framework. To run it:
Static analysis
The code is statically analyzed with Psalm. To run static analysis: