
Callable and Pimple Service Provider for Google's ReCaptcha.

1.0.6 2022-03-30 10:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:17:14 UTC


Callable wrapper, Slim3 Middleware and Pimple-style Service Provider for Google's ReCaptcha.

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Installation with Composer

$ composer require germania-kg/googlerecaptcha

Alternatively, add this package directly to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "germania-kg/googlerecaptcha": "^1.0"


The following examples assume you're working with Pimple or Slim Framework and have your DI container at hand:

$app = new Slim\App;
$dic = $app->getContainer();
$dic = new Slim\Container;
$dic = new Pimple\Container;


See chapter The services in detail to see which services and resources are offered. For public and secret test keys, see the official reCAPTCHA v2 FAQ.

use Germania\GoogleRecaptcha\GoogleRecaptchaServiceProvider;

// See FAQ for test keys
$public_key = "lots_of_characters_here";
$secret_key = "secret_bunch_of_characters_here";

// Pass keys to ServiceProvider
$recaptcha_services = new GoogleRecaptchaServiceProvider( $public_key, $secret_key );
// ... and optionally a PSR-3 Logger
$recaptcha_services = new GoogleRecaptchaServiceProvider( $public_key, $secret_key, $logger );

// Now register; all services will transparently be added to the $dic
$dic->register( $recaptcha_services );

Slim3-style Middleware

Before the route controller is executed, this middleware checks

  1. whether there is a recaptcha user input in $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']
  2. whether the validation with Google's ReCaptcha client succeeds.

Dependent on the results, this middleware does

  • Store the validation result in a Request attribute named GoogleRecaptcha.
  • When the validation fails, add a 400 Bad Request status code to the Response object.

The string identifiers used here can be modified in the Google.Recaptcha.Config service, see below.

use Germania\GoogleRecaptcha\GoogleRecaptchaMiddleware;

// 1. Add Service provider first
// 2. Create route
$route = $app->post('/new', function() { ...} );

// 2. Add route middleware
$route->add( 'Google.Recaptcha.Middleware' );

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The middleware will call the $next middleware, regardless of the validation status. Any route controller should check for the HTTP status itself and react accordingly. The GoogleRecaptcha Request attribute array will help – just ask for failed or success or status elements.

$route = $app->post('/new', function(Request $request, Response $response) { ...

	// Grab
	$recaptcha_status = $request->getAttribute("GoogleRecaptcha");

	// All these are boolean
	if ($recaptcha_status['failed']) { ... }
	if ($recaptcha_status['success']) { ... }
	if ($recaptcha_status['status'] == true) { ... }

Callable validation wrapper

The ReCaptcha validation client is instantiated automatically. The callable wrapper uses the same logger instance than the ServiceProvider. See section Google.Recaptcha.Validator on how to setup your own validator instance.

// 1. Add Service provider first
// 2. Grab service. 
$callable_recaptcha = $dic['Google.Recaptcha.Validator.Callable'];

$valid = $callable_recaptcha( $_POST['g_recaptcha_response'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );

The services in detail


This is the service you surely will need most often.

$public_key = $dic['Google.Recaptcha.PublicKey'];

echo $twig->render('form.tpl', [
	'recaptcha_key' => $public_key


The default logger has been passed on instantiation. Override or customize like this:

$dic->extend('Google.Recaptcha.Logger', function($default_logger, $dic) {
	$custom_logger = $dic['CustomLogger'];
    return $custom_logger->withName( "CustomLogger" );


The client API is used to ask Googles web API; its default is $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. You normally will not need to override this:

$dic->extend('Google.Recaptcha.ClientIP', function($server_remote_addr, $dic) {
	$ip = 'whatever'
    return $ip;


This creates Google's server-side validation client which comes with the official ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha library. It will be automatically installed with this GoogleRecaptcha package and automatically instantiated. If you wish to create your own, do something like:

use ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha;

$dic->extend('Google.Recaptcha.Validator', function($default, $dic) {
	$secret = $dic['Google.Recaptcha.SecretKey'];
	$my_recaptcha = new Recaptcha( $secret );
    return $my_recaptcha;


is a callable wrapper, i.e. an invokable class, around the Google.Recaptcha.Validator service. This executable will return exactly true or false. It uses the Google.Recaptcha.Logger instance from above, logging an info on success and a notice on failure.

// Most simple:
$callable_recaptcha = $dic['Google.Recaptcha.Validator.Callable'];

// Validate a form:
$recaptcha_input = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];
$remote_ip = $dic['Google.Recaptcha.ClientIP'];

$valid = $callable_recaptcha( $recaptcha_input, $remote_ip);

When instantiated manually, it accepts an optional logger.

use Germania\GoogleRecaptcha\GoogleRecaptchaCallable;

$validator = $dic['Google.Recaptcha.Validator'];
$callable_recaptcha = new GoogleRecaptchaCallable( $validator );
// Optionally with custom Logger
$callable_recaptcha = new GoogleRecaptchaCallable( $validator, $logger );


This configuration array is used by the GoogleRecaptchaMiddleware and provides these values:

field value description
input_field g-recaptcha-response The form field name
status_code  400 The Response status when validation fails
request_attribute GoogleRecaptcha The Request attribute name for validation information
$dic->extend('Google.Recaptcha.Config', function($default, $dic) {
    return array_merge($default, [
        'request_attribute' => 'custom_attr_name'


$ git clone
$ cd GoogleRecaptcha
$ composer install

Unit tests

Either copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and adapt to your needs, or leave as is. Run PhpUnit test or composer scripts like this:

$ composer test
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpunit