
PSR-15 Middleware for storing client location

1.1.7 2022-03-30 09:55 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:26:37 UTC


Germania KG ยท ClientLocation

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$ composer require germania-kg/client-location

PSR-15 Middleware

The middleware checks the incoming ServerRequest for a client-ip attribute. The client IP is passed to the factory callable which returns some location information. This client location is then stored in the ServerRequest as client-location attribute.

If the client-ip attribute is not set or empty, the middleware does nothing and passes on to the RequestHandler.

The ClientIpLocationMiddleware implements PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface. The constructor requires

  • Factory callable which accepts the client's IP address and actually determines the client location. Proposal: Use the HttpClientLocationCreator below.
  • PSR-3 Logger for errors.
  • An optional PSR-3 error loglevel name can be added optionally. Default is LogLevel::ERROR
use Germania\ClientIpLocation\ClientIpLocationMiddleware;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;

$fn = function($ip) { return "Berlin"; };
$logger = new Monolog(...);

$middleware = new ClientIpLocationMiddleware($fn, $logger);
$middleware = new ClientIpLocationMiddleware($fn, $logger, LogLevel::ERROR);


Both attribute names can be renamed. Here the defaults:



the HttpClientLocationCreator is a callable class which accepts the client IP and returns the client location. Its constructor requires an API endpoint, a PSR-18 HTTP client and a PSR-17 Request factory.

The API endpoint should contain a {{ip}} template variable where the client IP is placed in.

use Germania\ClientIpLocation\HttpClientLocationCreator;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

$api = "https://api.geocoder.test/location?ip={{ip}}";
$http_client = new \Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client( new \GuzzleHttp\Client );
$request_factory = new Psr17Factory;

$creator = new HttpClientLocationCreator($api, $psr18_client, $request_factory);


Set custom API response decoder

Per default, the response will be json_decoded as associative array. You can specify a custom response decoder:

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

$decoder = function(ResponseInterface $response) {
  return json_decode($response->getBody(), "assoc");

// Pass with constructor
$creator = new HttpClientLocationCreator($api, $psr18_client, $request_factory, $decoder);

// ...or 
$creator->setResponseDecoder( $decoder );

Set default location to return when HTTP client throws exception:


Set PSR-3 Logger:

$logger = new Monolog(...);

// Pass with constructor

$creator = new HttpClientLocationCreator($api, $psr18_client, $request_factory, $decoder, $logger);

// ...or 
$creator->setLogger( $logger );


See full issues list.


Grab and go using one of these:

$ git clone
$ gh repo clone GermaniaKG/ClientLocation

Unit tests

Either copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and adapt to your needs, or leave as is. Run PhpUnit test or composer scripts like this:

$ composer test
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpunit