
1.4.2 2022-03-30 09:50 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:28:45 UTC


Germania KG ยท Addresses

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$ composer require germania-kg/addresses


AddressInterface and Address Class

The AddressInterface provides 5 basic methods as follows, with the Address being its basic implementation:

use Germania\Address;

$address = new Address;

// All these are string or null
echo $address->getStreet1();
echo $address->getStreet2();
echo $address->getZip();
echo $address->getLocation();
echo $address->getCountry();
echo $address->getType();

// Depending on street1/street2, zip, and location
echo $address->isEmpty() ? "empty" : "has address data";

// Setters accept string or null,
// returning fluent interface.
$address->setStreet1( $new_street_1 )
  ->setStreet2( $new_street_2 )
  ->setZip( $new_zip ) 
  ->setLocation( $new_location )
  ->setsetCountry( $new_country )
  ->setType( $new_type );

The Adress class also implements the AddressProviderInterface, returning itself:

$adr2 = $address->getAddress();
$adr2 === $address; // true

Create using a factory

The AddressFactory class is callable and accepts associative arrays.

use Germania\Address;

$factory = new AddressFactory;
$address = $factory([
  'type'     => 'office',
  'street1'  => 'Street name 1',
  'street2'  => null,
  'zip'      => 'DG2JQ',
  'location' => 'Dumfries',
  'country'  => 'Scotland'

The factory creates per default Address instances; the concrete class used can be configured via constructor setting:

// Given a custom implementation
// and $address_data from database
class CustomAddress extends Address {}

$address_data = array( ... );

$factory = new AddressFactory( CustomAddress::class );
$address = $factory( $address_data );

echo get_class( $address ); // CustomAddress

Update Addess instances using the factory

The factory also has an apply method that aims at AddressProviderInterface instances. It will apply the information given with the array parameter:

use Germania\Address\AddressFactory;
use Germania\Address\AddressProviderInterface;
use Germania\Address\Address;

// Custom AddressProviderInterface implementation
class MyAddressProvider implements AddressProviderInterface
{ };

$address_provider = new MyAddressProvider;
$factory = new AddressFactory;

$address_provider = $factory->apply($provider_address, [
	'street1' => 'Updated information'

Remember, class Address also implements AddressProviderInterface!

$old_address = new Address;
$new_address = factory->apply(old_address, new_address_data);
echo get_class( $new_address ); // Address

Getting and Setting an Address object

The interface AddressProviderInterface provides a getAddress method. The trait AddressProviderTrait provides an implementation:

use Germania\AddressProviderInterface;
use Germania\AddressProviderTrait;

class MyClass implements AddressProviderInterface
  use AddressProviderTrait;

$obj = new MyClass;
$address = $obj->getAddress();

The AddressAwareInterface extends AddressProviderInterface and additionally provides a setAdress method. The AddressAwareTrait provides an implementation, using the AddressProviderTrait.

use Germania\Address;
use Germania\AddressAwareInterface;
use Germania\AddressAwareTrait;  

class MyClass implements AddressProviderInterface
  use AddressAwareTrait;

$obj = new MyClass;
$address = $obj->getAddress();
// null

$obj->setAddress( new Address );
print_r( $obj->getAddress() );
// Germania\Address


See full issues list.


Fill in planned or desired features


$ git clone
$ cd Addresses
$ composer install

Unit tests

Either copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and adapt to your needs, or leave as is. Run PhpUnit test or composer scripts like this:

$ composer test
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpunit