
Better HTML email templates

Installs: 142

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 12

Watchers: 3

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 2


dev-tests 2019-10-27 23:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-28 10:24:08 UTC


TYPO3 extension templatedMail

This extension is a proof of concept how to improve the templating of mails. The plans are to ship this code with TYPO3 10 and provide the extension for 9x.


  • All mails share the same layout which makes it easier to style mails
  • It is faster to create nice mails


  • TYPO3 10
  • PHP 7.2


$templatedEmail = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TemplatedEmail::class);
    ->from(new NamedAddress('', 'TYPO3'))
    ->subject('A mail')
    ->htmlContent('<h1>Hello</h1> an example')
    ->textContent('Hello' . LF . 'an example')

This example will send one mail with the following parts:

HTML part Plain text part
HTML Plain

Further examples

The examples can also be called by CLI with ./web/bin/typo3 mail:template.

Using a single template file

$templatedEmail = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TemplatedEmail::class);
    ->from(new NamedAddress('', 'TYPO3'))
    ->subject('A mail')
    ->context(['title' => 'My title'])

Using custom template paths

$templatedEmail = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TemplatedEmail::class);
    ->from(new NamedAddress('', 'TYPO3'))
    ->subject('A mail')
    ->context(['title' => 'My title'])

Providing custom translations

$templatedEmail = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TemplatedEmail::class);
    ->from(new NamedAddress('', 'TYPO3'))
    ->subject('A mail')
    ->context(['title' => 'My title'])
<f:section name="content">
	<h1>{f:translate(languageKey:defaults.language,key:'LLL:EXT:templatedmail/Resources/Private/Language/dummy.xml:good_morning')}, {title}</h1>

Adding inline images

Use the provided ViewHelper to attach images properly.

<html xmlns:f=""

<f:layout name="Simple"/>

<f:section name="content">
    <email:mailImage mail="{mailMessage}" src="fileadmin/my-files/CA191.JPG" width="100" />


The paths are configured in the site configuration

  templateRootPath: EXT:templatedmail/Resources/Private/Templates/
  partialRootPath: EXT:templatedmail/Resources/Private/Partials/
  layoutRootPath: EXT:templatedmail/Resources/Private/Layouts/

If a mail is sent via CLI, the used site can be set with $templatedEmail->setSite($site);