
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the gears/asset package instead.

PHP based js and css asset minification.

Installs: 83

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v0.9 2014-09-15 06:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-02-20 17:56:31 UTC


PHP based js and css asset minification.

This project is all about making your JS and CSS assets mini. Yes there are plenty others out there that do a similar sort of thing. How do we differ, what features do we offer:

  • Normally it will concatenate all css or js files together and then minifiy and gzip the output resulting in the final payload.

  • It will then cache this output so that NGINX or Apache can then serve the output directly without having to ever touch PHP.

  • The view helper class will automatically invalidate the cache if need be.

  • It can also parse LESS/SASS files, so you can use variables and other cool stuff in your css. IT EVEN COMPILES TWITTER BOOTSTRAP ON THE FLY FOR YOU

  • When in debug mode it will load standard css and js files individually, unminified and uncompressed.

  • When in debug mode LESS files will still be parsed but again will not be minified or compressed.

How to Install

Installation via composer is easy:

composer require gears/assetmini:*

How do I use it?

First up when you install assetmini it will attempt to create an assets folder in your project root dir, if the folder doesn't already exist. Don't worry we won't overwrite anything.

If you would like to place the assets folder else where please add the following to your composer.json file. Note this is just an example.

	"assetmini-dir": "./public/assets"

The assets folder however you create it should look like the 'skel' folder of this project.

Also note that the cache folder will need to be writable by PHP.

Apache should work out of the box. This is done by the inclusion of a .htaccess file. If using the view helper this will even update the .htaccess file to have the correct RewriteBase path.

To configure for Nginx, you could use the following:

location ~* \.(css|js)$
	try_files $uri /assets/min.php?$uri;
	expires max;
	gzip_static on;
	gzip_http_version 1.1;
	gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth;
	gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";
	gzip_vary on;
	add_header Pragma public;
	add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
	log_not_found off;
	access_log off;

This block will catch any minified css or js requests. We use the try_files to test for an already minified version, if this does not exist we will get php to make it for us. Make sure you point nginx to the correct location of min.php

Once your PHP server is setup and working with the appropriate re-writes then you can use the view helper like so:


A note about the AssetMini scope. Composer will load a file called Globalise.php, all this does is checks to see if a class called \AssetMini already exists in the global scope. If not it uses the class_alias function to alias the \Gears\AssetMini\HtmlHelper class to \AssetMini.

This means that you no longer have to place the following in each php script you need to use AssetMini:

use Gears\AssetMini\HtmlHelper as AssetMini;

I am in two minds about this functionality and open to peoples thoughts. If you think this is stupidly silly let me know...

Manually Setting Paths

For most setups AssetMini will hopefully guess the base url and path for your project but if not you may need to do this yourself.

To set the base url:


To set the base path:


A few things to note:

  • Your are now responsible for the http/https detection.
  • You must also now ensure that the htaccess RewriteBase is set correctly.
  • In both cases ensure there is no trailing slash.
  • You can not do one without the other.

Dot Notation Folder/File Names

First up I will say if you are familiar with Laravel this works basically the same as specifying a View name. I could ramble on here for a while but I feel like it's easier to show with an example.

Lets say your assets folder looks like this:


To load those assets the php would be:


Pre Minified Assets

Now if you have used some sort of minfication before you are probably all to familar with the situation where it works fine unminified but the second you minify your code it all breaks and fails.

No 2 minification programs are made the same while one might work and the other won't on the same source code. I do really like AssetMini thats for sure but I am the first to admit sometimes even we can't get it right.

Anyway I didn't write the minfication code, you can thank Robert Hafner and Joe Scylla for that... and send them all the bugs hahaha :)

Back on topic. To get around this issue you can provide a pre minified asset. Just make sure the filename contains '.min.' and we will bypass the minification process. We still combine the file with any other assets and also gzip compress it.

Laravel Integration

I have now included a ServiceProvider and Facade for Laravel. All you need to do in your Laravel project is require assetmini as above. And then add the following to your main config/app.php file.

// Add to the providers array 
// Add to the aliases array
'AssetMini' => 'Gears\AssetMini\Laravel\Facade'

Making Contributions

This project is first and foremost a tool to help me create awesome websites. Thus naturally I am going to tailor for my use. I am just one of those really kind people that have decided to share my code so I feel warm and fuzzy inside. Thats what Open Source is all about, right :)

If you feel like you have some awesome new feature, or have found a bug I have overlooked I would be more than happy to hear from you. Simply create a new issue on the github project and optionally send me a pull request.

Developed by Brad Jones -