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A package to handle s3 upload and download using PSR-7 interfaces, async operations and Zip options

1.0.3 2023-06-27 18:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 20:43:44 UTC


A package to handle S3 upload and download using PSR-7 interfaces, async operations and Zip download.

How does it work?
IZI You only need to provide a set of AWS credentials to be able to do both uploading and downloading from resources, which are:

  1. AWS IAM key;
  2. secret;
  3. the bucket region and
  4. the version used in your bucket.

Then, it's required to instantiate any of the factories for downloading (S3DownloaderFactory, S3AsyncDownloaderFactory) or uploading (S3UploadingFactory, S3AsyncUploadingFactory), provide some AWS object's info to the factory object you received and voilá, you are able to use the functionalities provided by this lib.

Downloading objects from S3

// Receive a stream from the objects
$stream = $streamResourceCollector->streamCollect(
  new ResourceObject('fookey.txt', 'foo-name.txt'),
  new ResourceObject('barkey.txt', 'bar-name.txt')

foreach ($resources as $objkey => $obj) {
    // do something

Uploading objects to S3

// $source may be a object Stream or a string path
$results = $uploadObjects($bucketName, new UploadableObject('test-upload.txt', $source));

Zip objects

  // $streamCollector must be an instance of StreamCollectorInterface
  $streamCollector = (new S3DownloaderFactory()->create(/* credentials */));
  $zip = new S3StreamObjectsZipDownloader($streamCollector);
  $streamOfZipFile = $zip->zipObjects(self::$bucket, [new ResourceObject('test.txt', 'testa.txt')]);