
v0.5.0 2022-10-19 15:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 16:35:14 UTC


GitHub branch checks state


Create ORM model

 * @property-read string name
 * @property-read int event_id
 * @property-read \DateTimeInterface begin
 * @property-read \DateTimeInterface end
 * @note better typehinting for your IDE
class ModelEvent extends AbstractModel {
    // you can define realtions
    public function getParticipants(): GroupedSelection {
        return $this->related('participant', 'event_id');
    // you can define own metods
    public function __toArray(): array {
        return [
            'eventId' => $this->event_id,          
            'begin' => $this->begin ? $this->begin->format('c') : null,
            'end' => $this->end ? $this->end->format('c') : null,          
            'name' => $this->name,

Create ORM service


class ServiceEvent extends AbstractService {

    public function getNextEvents(): TypedTableSelection {
        return $this->getTable()->where('begin > NOW()');

Register extension

        service: 'FQN of service'
        model: 'FQN of model'
        service: 'FQN of another service'
        model: 'FQN of another model'
    orm: Fykosak\NetteORM\ORMExtension


TypedTableSelection is a regular selection you can use all methods like in nette DB Selection.

$query= $sericeEvent->getNextEvent();
$query->where('name','My cool event');

TypedTableSelection return ORM model instead of ActiveRow, but ORM model is a descendant of a ActiveRow.

$query= $sericeEvent->getNextEvent();
foreach($query as $event){
$event // event is a ModelEvent

$model = $sericeEvent->getNextEvent()->fetch(); // Model is a ModelEvent too.

Take care GroupedSelection still return ActiveRow, you can use static method createFromActiveRow

$query= $sericeEvent->getParticipants();
foreach($query as $row){
// $row is a ActiveRow
$participant = ModelParticipant::createFromActiveRow($row);

Define relations between Models by methods

class ModelParticipant extends AbstractModel {
    // use ActiveRow to resolve relations and next create a Model.
    public function getEvent(): ModelEvent {
        return  ModelEvent::createFromActiveRow($this->event);

Now you can use ReferencedAccessor to access Model

$myModel // any model that has define single method returned ModelEvent
$modelEvent = ReferencedAccessor::accessModel($myModel,ModelEvent::class);