
A framework for rapid REST API development.


A framework for rapid REST API development.


  1. Require the repository in your composer.json
  2. Add the ApiServerServiceProvider to your application and publish its config artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fuzz\ApiServer\Providers\ApiServerServiceProvider".
  3. Extend the packaged route provider for your app:
    namespace MyApp\Providers;
    use Fuzz\ApiServer\Providers\RouteServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
    class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        // ...
  1. Extend the packaged exception handler for your app:
    namespace MyApp\Exceptions;
    use Fuzz\ApiServer\Exception\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
    class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
        // ...


Basic usage

Register a base controller extending Fuzz\ApiServer\Routing\Controller:

    class MyBaseController extends Fuzz\ApiServer\Routing\Controller {}

Register routes pointing to extensions of your base controller. Make a catch-all route to send all other requests through your base controller.

    class MySpecificController extends MyBaseController
        public function someEndpoint() {
            return $this->succeed('Foobar!');
    Route::get('some-endpoint', 'MySpecificController@someEndpoint');
    // ...
    Route::controller(null, 'MyBaseController');


Resource controllers extend functionality of fuzz/magic-box repositories and provide CRUD and authorization functionality out of the box.

Your application should extend the base fuzz/api-server Resource controller:


namespace MyApp\Http\Controllers;

use Fuzz\ApiServer\Routing\ResourceController as BaseResourceController;

class ResourceController extends BaseResourceController
	// ...

And to define a route for a resource in your routes.php: $router->restful('User');. The restful route macro is defined in Fuzz\ApiServer\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.

If any resources need to override the default functionality, you can create a specific ResourceController by extending your application's base ResourceController:



namespace MyApp\Http\Controllers\Resources;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Fuzz\MagicBox\Contracts\Repository;
use MyApp\Http\Controllers\ResourceController;

class Users extends ResourceController
	public function index(Repository $repository, Request $request)
		// custom index...

You can then point your restful route to your custom ResourceController: in routes.php: $router->restful('Run', 'Resources\Users');

Returning that sweet, sweet, data

Send mixed data:

    return $this->succeed(['foo' => 'bar']);

Send any arrayable data:

    return $this->succeed(Model::all());

Send any paginated data:

    return $this->succeed(Model::paginate($this->getPerPage(Model::DEFAULT_PER_PAGE)));

Send RESTful errors with error codes and optional data:

    $this->badRequest('That button does not do what you think it does.');
    $this->forbidden('Maybe next time.');

Raise RESTful error exceptions outside of the controller context:

	throw new Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\ConflictHttpException;
	throw new Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
	throw new Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
	throw new Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException;

Require the user to provide certain parameters:


    // Magically works with either JSON or form data
    list($foo, $bar) = $this->requireParameters('foo', 'bar');

Read a list of certain parameters:

    list($foo, $bar) = $this->suggestParameters('foo', 'bar');

Special handling (with de-duplication) for reading arrays:

    $stuff = $this->requireArrayParameter('stuff');

Handles nested JSON and form properties just fine:

    // Corresponds with {"foo": {"bar": {"id": 9}}}
    list($foo, $bar_id) = $this->requireParameters('foo', 'foo.bar.id');

CORS Middleware

Configuring the CORS middleware is as simple as adding Fuzz\ApiServer\Routing\CorsMiddleware to the $middleware array in app/Http/Kernel.php.