
1.0.0-p1 2016-08-22 14:58 UTC


An OAuth wrapper to bridge lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel and Laravel's authentication system while providing optional support for fuzz/magic-box repositories


  1. Require the composer package

  2. Set up your project AuthServiceProvider to extend Fuzz\Auth\Providers\AuthServiceProvider

  3. Follow instructions in lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel to set it up.

  4. Configure the grant_types array in config/oauth2.php to use the Fuzz grants (or extend/create your own)

    'grant_types'             => [
    	'password' => [
    		'class' => \Fuzz\Auth\OAuth\Grants\PasswordGrant::class,
    		'callback' => '\Fuzz\Auth\OAuth\Grants\PasswordGrantVerifier@verify',
    		'access_token_ttl' => 7600,
    	'refresh_token' => [
    		'class' => \Fuzz\Auth\OAuth\Grants\RefreshTokenGrant::class,
    		'access_token_ttl' => 7600,
    		'refresh_token_ttl' => 14600,
  5. Set up config/auth.php

    Set the default guard to api

    'defaults' => [
        'guard' => 'api',
        'passwords' => 'users',

    Set the api guard to use \Fuzz\Auth\Guards\OAuthGuard::class as its driver

    'api' => [
        'driver' => \Fuzz\Auth\Guards\OAuthGuard::class,
        'provider' => 'users',

    Set Laravel to use the oauth user provider and set your project's User class

    'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => 'oauth',
            'model' => \App\User::class,
            'token_key' => 'access_token',
  6. Create app/Http/Middleware/OAuthMiddleware.php and extend Fuzz\Auth\Middleware\OAuthenticateMiddleware. Add it to the $routeMiddleware array in `app/Http/Kernel.php

  7. Your User class should implement the Fuzz\Auth\Models\AgentInterface and Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable and their required methods


Protecting routes

Routes that require authentication can now be protected with the auth middleware:

    ['middleware' => 'auth'], function (Router $router) {
        $router->get('locations', 'LocationsController@index');

Within any authenticated route, you can use all the default Laravel Auth methods such as Auth::user() to resolve the currently authenticated user. lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel provides a way to protect routes based on scope, but you can also use Fuzz\Auth\Policies\RepositoryModelPolicy@requireScopes to throw League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException exceptions when a user does not have the required scopes.

Protecting resources

Laravel OAuth comes with a base Fuzz\Auth\Policies\RepositoryModelPolicy but you may create your own (implementing the Fuzz\Auth\Policies\RepositoryModelPolicyInterface might be helpful). Extending Fuzz\Auth\Policies\RepositoryModelPolicy will provide some base methods to ease writing policies for repositories.

Once a policy is set up and mapped to its model class, you may use it to check user permissions according to your policy:

 if (policy(ModelClass::class)->index($user, $postRepository)) {
 		// Index stuff

Resolving the current user

All of Laravel's Auth methods will work, so resolving the current user is as simple as $user = Auth::user(). https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/authentication.

Auth will use your default guard unless specified. A typical guard set up for an OAuth specced API would be having one for users accessing via a client and another for client-only requests. Currently there is only Fuzz\Auth\Guards\OAuthGuard which is responsible for resolving the user for a request.


  1. Separate fuzz/laravel-oauth from fuzz/magic-box
  2. Support client requests in their own guard and be compatible with the current user OAuthGuard