futoin / core-php-ri-asyncsteps
FutoIn Core Reference Implementation for PHP - AsyncSteps
- php: >=5.6
- ext-spl: *
- futoin/core-php-api: ^0.7
Requires (Dev)
Reference implementation of:
FTN12: FutoIn Async API
Version: 1.7
Spec: FTN12: FutoIn Async API v1.x
Adds classical linear program flow structure to async programming supporting exceptions. error handlers, timeouts, unlimited number of sub-steps, execution parallelism and job state/context variables.
There is little benefit of using this tool in classical PHP aproach of one-request-one-execution approach. However, it is base for FutoIn Invoker and Executor implementation, which target at daemon-like execution pattern.
It should be possible to use any other async framework from AsyncSteps by using setCancel() and/or setTimeout() methods which allow step completion without success() or error() result. Specific step-associated AsyncSteps interface will be valid for success() or error() call on external event.
It also possible to use FutoIn AsyncSteps from any other event framework. Just make sure to notify external framework from the top most error handler (for errors) and last step (for success).
To minimize cost of closure creation on repetitive execution, a special feature of "model" step is available: model step is created as usual, but must never get executed. It possible to copy steps and state variables using AsyncSteps#copyFrom() to a newly created object.
Command line:
$ composer require 'futoin/core-php-ri-asyncsteps'
and/or composer.json:
"require" : {
"futoin/core-php-ri-asyncsteps" : "^1.1",
NOTE: copy&paste from FTN12: FutoIn Async API v1.x
This interface was born as a secondary option for executor concept. However, it quickly became clear that async/reactor/proactor/light threads/etc. should be base for scalable high performance server implementations, even though it is more difficult for understanding and/or debugging. Traditional synchronous program flow becomes an addon on top of asynchronous base for legacy code and/or too complex logic.
Program flow is split into non-blocking execution steps, represented with execution callback function. Processing Unit (eg. CPU) halting/ spinning/switching-to-another-task is seen as a blocking action in program flow.
Any step must not call any of blocking functions, except for synchronization with guaranteed minimal period of lock acquisition. Note: under minimal period, it is assumed that any acquired lock is immediately released after action with O(1) complexity and no delay caused by programmatic suspension/locking of executing task
Every step is executed sequentially. Success result of any step becomes input for the following step.
Each step can have own error handler. Error handler is called, if AsyncSteps.error() is called within step execution or any of its sub-steps. Typical behavior is to ignore error and continue or to make cleanup actions and complete job with error.
Each step can have own sequence of sub-steps. Sub-steps can be added only during that step execution. Sub-step sequence is executed after current step execution is finished.
If there are any sub-steps added then current step must not call AsyncSteps.success() or AsyncSteps.error(). Otherwise, InternalError is raised.
It is possible to create a special "parallel" sub-step and add independent sub-steps to it. Execution of each parallel sub-step is started all together. Parallel step completes with success when all sub-steps complete with success. If error is raised in any sub-step of parallel step then all other sub-steps are canceled.
Out-of-order cancel of execution can occur by timeout, execution control engine decision (e.g. Invoker disconnect) or failure of sibling parallel step. Each step can install custom on-cancel handler to free resources and/or cancel external jobs. After cancel, it must be safe to destroy AsyncSteps object.
AsyncSteps must be used in Executor request processing. The same [root] AsyncSteps object must be used for all asynchronous tasks within given request processing.
AsyncSteps may be used by Invoker implementation.
AsyncSteps must support derived classes in implementation-defined way. Typical use case: functionality extension (e.g. request processing API).
For performance reasons, it is not economical to initialize AsyncSteps with business logic every time. Every implementation must support platform-specific AsyncSteps cloning/duplicating.
1.1. Levels
When AsyncSteps (or derived) object is created all steps are added sequentially in Level 0 through add() and/or parallel(). Note: each parallel() is seen as a step.
After AsyncSteps execution is initiated, each step of Level 0 is executed. All sub-steps are added in Level n+1. Example:
add() -> Level 0 #1
add() -> Level 1 #1
add() -> Level 2 #1
parallel() -> Level 2 #2
add() -> Level 2 #3
parallel() -> Level 1 #2
add() -> Level 1 #3
parallel() -> Level 0 #2
add() -> Level 0 #3
Execution cannot continue to the next step of current Level until all steps of higher Level are executed.
The execution sequence would be:
Level 0 add #1
Level 1 add #1
Level 2 add #1
Level 2 parallel #2
Level 2 add #3
Level 1 parallel #2
Level 1 add #3
Level 0 parallel #2
Level 0 add #3
1.2. Error handling
Due to not linear programming, classic try/catch blocks are converted into execute/onerror. Each added step may have custom error handler. If error handler is not specified then control passed to lower Level error handler. If non is defined then execution is aborted.
add( -> Level 0
func( as ){
print( "Level 0 func" )
add( -> Level 1
func( as ){
print( "Level 1 func" )
as.error( "myerror" )
onerror( as, error ){
print( "Level 1 onerror: " + error )
as.error( "newerror" )
onerror( as, error ){
print( "Level 0 onerror: " + error )
as.success( "Prm" )
add( -> Level 0
func( as, param ){
print( "Level 0 func2: " + param )
Output would be:
Level 0 func
Level 1 func
Level 1 onerror: myerror
Level 0 onerror: newerror
Level 0 func2: Prm
In synchronous way, it would look like:
variable = null
print( "Level 0 func" )
print( "Level 1 func" )
throw "myerror"
catch ( error )
print( "Level 1 onerror: " + error )
throw "newerror"
catch( error )
print( "Level 0 onerror: " + error )
variable = "Prm"
print( "Level 0 func2: " + variable )
1.3. Wait for external resources
Very often, execution of step cannot continue without waiting for external event like input from network or disk. It is forbidden to block execution in event waiting. As a solution, there are special setTimeout() and setCancel() methods.
func( as ){
socket.read( function( data ){
as.success( data )
} )
as.setCancel( function(){
} )
as.setTimeout( 30_000 ) // 30 seconds
onerror( as, error ){
if ( error == timeout ) {
print( "Timeout" )
print( "Read Error" )
1.4. Parallel execution abort
Definition of parallel steps makes no sense to continue execution if any of steps fails. To avoid excessive time and resources spent on other steps, there is a concept of canceling execution similar to timeout above.
func( as ){
as.setCancel( function(){ ... } )
// do parallel job #1
as.state()->result1 = ...;
func( as ){
as.setCancel( function(){ ... } )
// do parallel job #1
as.state()->result2 = ...;
func( as ){
as.error( "Some Error" )
func( as ){
print( as.state()->result1 + as.state->result2 )
1.5. AsyncSteps cloning
In long living applications the same business logic may be re-used multiple times during execution.
In a REST API server example, complex business logic can be defined only once and stored in a kind of AsyncSteps object repository. On each request, a reference object from the repository would be copied for actual processing with minimal overhead.
However, there would be no performance difference in sub-step definition unless its callback function is also created at initialization time, but not at parent step execution time (the default concept). So, it should be possible to predefine those as well and copy/inherit during step execution. Copying steps must also involve copying of state variables.
AsyncSteps req_repo_common;
req_repo_common.add(func( as ){
as.add( func( as ){ ... } );
as.copyFrom( as.state().business_logic );
as.add( func( as ){ ... } );
AsyncSteps req_repo_buslog1;
.add(func( as ){ ... })
.add(func( as ){ ... });
AsyncSteps actual_exec = copy req_repo_common;
actual_exec.state().business_logic = req_repo_buslog1;
However, this approach only make sense for deep performance optimizations.
1.6. Implicit as.success()
If there are no sub-steps added, no timeout set and no cancel handler set then implicit as.success() call is assumed to simplify code and increase efficiency.
as.add(func( as ){
doSomeStuff( as );
1.7. Error Info and Last Exception
Pre-defined state variables:
- error_info - value of the second parameter passed to the last as.error() call
- last_exception - the last exception caught, if feasible
Error code is not always descriptive enough, especially, if it can be generated in multiple ways. As a convention special "error_info" state field should hold descriptive information of the last error. Therefore, as.error() is extended with optional parameter error_info.
"last_exception" state variables may hold the last exception object caught, if feasible to implement. It should be populated with FutoIn errors as well.
1.8. Async Loops
Almost always, async program flow is not linear. Sometimes, loops are required.
Basic principals of async loops:
as.loop( func( as ){
call_some_library( as );
as.add( func( as, result ){
if ( !result )
// exit loop
} );
} )
Inner loops and identifiers:
// start loop
func( as ){
as.loop( func( as ){
call_some_library( as );
as.add( func( as, result ){
if ( !result )
// exit loop
as.continue( "OUTER" );
as.success( result );
} );
} );
as.add( func( as, result ){
// use it somehow
} );
Loop n times.
as.repeat( 3, func( as, i ){
print( 'Iteration: ' + i )
} )
Traverse through list or map:
[ 'apple', 'banana' ],
func( as, k, v ){
print( k + " = " + v )
1.8.1. Termination
Normal loop termination is performed either by loop condition (e.g. as.forEach(), as.repeat()) or by as.break() call. Normal termination is seen as as.success() call.
Abnormal termination is possible through as.error(), including timeout, or external as.cancel(). Abnormal termination is seen as as.error() call.
1.9. The Safety Rules of libraries with AsyncSteps interface
- as.success() should be called only in top-most function of the step (the one passed to as.add() directly)
- setCancel() and/or setTimeout() must be called only in top most function as repeated call overrides in scope of step
1.10. Reserved keyword name clash
If any of API identifiers clashes with reserved word or has illegal symbols then implementation-defined name mangling is allowed, but with the following guidelines in priority.
Pre-defined alternative method names, if the default matches language-specific reserved keywords:
- loop -> makeLoop
- forEach -> loopForEach
- repeat -> repeatLoop
- break -> breakLoop
- continue -> continueLoop
- Otherwise, - try adding underscore to the end of the identifier (e.g. do -> do_)
Simple steps
use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps; use \FutoIn\RI\ScopedSteps; $root_as = new ScopedSteps(); $root_as->add( function( $as ){ $as->success( "MyValue" ); } )->add( function( $as, $arg ){ if ( $arg === 'MyValue' ) { $as->add( function( $as ){ $as->error( 'MyError', 'Something bad has happened' ); }); } $as->successStep(); }, function( $as, $err ) { if ( $err === 'MyError' ) { $as->success( 'NotSoBad' ); } } ); $root_as->add( function( $as, $arg ) { if ( $arg === 'NotSoBad' ) { echo 'MyError was ignored: ' . $as->state()->error_info . PHP_EOL; } $as->state()->p1arg = 'abc'; $as->state()->p2arg = 'xyz'; $p = $as->parallel(); $p->add( function( $as ){ echo 'Parallel Step 1' . PHP_EOL; $as->add( function( $as ){ echo 'Parallel Step 1->1' . PHP_EOL; $as->p1 = $as->p1arg . '1'; $as->success(); } ); } ) ->add( function( $as ){ echo 'Parallel Step 2' . PHP_EOL; $as->add( function( $as ){ echo 'Parallel Step 2->1' . PHP_EOL; $as->p2 = $as->p2arg . '2'; $as->success(); } ); } ); } )->add( function( $as ){ echo 'Parallel 1 result: ' . $as->state()->p1 . PHP_EOL; echo 'Parallel 2 result: ' . $as->p2 . PHP_EOL; } ); // Note: we use ScopedSteps instead of AsyncSteps in this example //$root_as->execute(); $root_as->run();
MyError was ignored: Something bad has happened
Parallel Step 1
Parallel Step 2
Parallel Step 1->1
Parallel Step 2->1
Parallel 1 result: abc1
Parallel 2 result: xyz2
External event wait
use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps; use \FutoIn\RI\ScopedSteps; use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncTool; function dummy_service_read( $success, $error ){ // We expect it calles success when data is available // and error, if error occurs // Returns some request handle return null; } function dummy_service_cancel( $reqhandle ){ // We assume it cancels previously scheduled reqhandle } $root_as = new ScopedSteps(); $root_as->add( function( $as ){ AsyncTool::callLater( function() use ( $as ) { $as->success( 'async success()' ); } ); $as->setTimeout( 10 ); // ms } )->add( function( $as, $arg ){ echo $arg . PHP_EOL; $reqhandle = dummy_service_read( function( $data ) use ( $as ) { $as->success( $data ); }, function( $err ) use ( $as ) { if ( $err !== 'SomeSpecificCancelCode' ) { $as->error( $err ); } } ); $as->setCancel(function($as) use ( $reqhandle ) { dummy_service_cancel( $reqhandle ); }); // OPTIONAL. Set timeout of 1s $as->setTimeout( 1000 ); }, function( $as, $err ) { echo $err . ": " . $as->error_info . PHP_EOL; } ); // Note: we use ScopedSteps instead of AsyncSteps in this example //$root_as->execute(); $root_as->run();
async success()
Model steps (avoid closure creation overhead on repetitive execution)
use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps; use \FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest; // Note, we have no default event engine in PHP AsyncToolTest::init(); $model_as = new AsyncSteps(); $model_as->state()->variable = 'Vanilla'; $model_as->add( function($as){ echo '-----' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Hi! I am from model_as' . PHP_EOL; echo 'State.var: ' . $as->variable . PHP_EOL; $as->variable = 'Dirty'; $as->success(); }); for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i ) { $root_as = new AsyncSteps(); $root_as->copyFrom( $model_as ); $root_as->add( function( $as ) use ( $model_as ) { $as->add( function( $as ){ echo '>> The first inner step' . PHP_EOL; $as->success(); }); $as->copyFrom( $model_as ); $as->successStep(); }); $root_as->execute(); } // Process all pending events AsyncToolTest::run();
Result. Please note the order as only the first step is executed in the loop. The rest is executed quasi-parallel by nature of async programming. The model_as closure gets executed 6 times, but created only once.
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Vanilla
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Vanilla
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Vanilla
>> The first inner step
>> The first inner step
>> The first inner step
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Dirty
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Dirty
Hi! I am from model_as
State.var: Dirty
API documentation
API Index
- FutoIn
- FutoIn\RI
- FutoIn\RI\Details
- AsyncSteps
- ScopedSteps
- AsyncTool
- AsyncToolTest
- FutoIn\RI
AsyncSteps reference implementation as per "FTN12: FutoIn Async API"
- Class name: AsyncSteps
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI
- This class implements: FutoIn\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__construct(object $state)
- Visibility: public
- $state object - <p>for INTERNAL use only</p>
\FutoIn\AsyncSteps FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::add(callable $func, callable $onerror)
Add $func step executor to end of current AsyncSteps level queue
- Visibility: public
- $func callable - <p>void execute_callback( AsyncSteps as[, previous_success_args] )</p>
- $onerror callable - <p>OPTIONAL: void error_callback( AsyncSteps as, error )</p>
\FutoIn\AsyncSteps FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::copyFrom(\FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps $other)
Copy steps from other AsyncSteps, useful for sub-step cloning
- Visibility: public
- $other FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps - <p>model AsyncSteps object for re-use</p>
\FutoIn\AsyncSteps FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::parallel(callable $onerror)
Create special object to queue steps for execution in parallel
- Visibility: public
- $onerror callable - <p>OPTIONAL: void error_callback( AsyncSteps as, error )</p>
\StdClass FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::state()
Access AsyncSteps state object
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::success()
Set "success" state of current step execution
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::successStep()
Call success() or add efficient dummy step equal to as.success() in behavior (depending on presence of other sub-steps)
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::error(string $name, string $error_info)
Set "error" state of current step execution
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>Type of error</p>
- $error_info string - <p>Error description to be put into "error_info" state field</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::setTimeout(integer $timeout_ms)
Delay further execution until as.success() or as.error() is called
- Visibility: public
- $timeout_ms integer - <p>Timeout in milliseconds</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__invoke()
PHP-specific alias for success()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::setCancel($oncancel)
Set cancellation callback
- Visibility: public
- $oncancel mixed - <p>void cancel_callback( AsyncSteps as ) \note Please see the specification</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::execute()
Start execution of AsyncSteps
It can be called only on root instance of AsyncSteps
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::cancel()
Cancel execution of AsyncSteps
It can be called only on root instance of AsyncSteps
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::loop(callable $func, string $label)
Execute loop until as.break() is called
- Visibility: public
- $func callable - <p>loop body callable( as )</p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::loopForEach(array $maplist, callable $func, string $label)
For each map or list element call func( as, key, value )
- Visibility: public
- $maplist array
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::repeat(integer $count, callable $func, string $label)
Call func(as, i) for count times
- Visibility: public
- $count integer - <p>how many times to call the <em>func</em></p>
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::breakLoop(string $label)
Break execution of current loop, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- $label string - <p>unwind loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is exited</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::continueLoop(string $label)
Ccontinue loop execution from the next iteration, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- $label string - <p>break loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is found</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__set(string $name, mixed $value)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / set value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
- $value mixed - <p>state variable value</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__get(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / get value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
boolean FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__isset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / check value exists
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__unset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / delete value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
Wrapper interface for singleton AsyncTools implementation
- Class name: AsyncTool
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncTool::init(\FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl $impl)
Install Async Tool implementation
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- $impl FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl - <p>AsyncTools implementation</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncTool::callLater(callable $cb, integer $delay_ms)
Schedule $cb for later execution after $delays_ms milliseconds
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- $cb callable - <p>Callable to execute</p>
- $delay_ms integer - <p>Required delay in milliseconds</p>
boolean FutoIn\RI\AsyncTool::cancelCall(mixed $ref)
Cancel previously scheduled $ref item
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- $ref mixed - <p>Any value returned from callLater()</p>
Async Tool implementation for testing purposes
Install like \FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest::init().
The primary feature is predictive event firing for debugging and Unit Testing through nextEvent()
- Class name: AsyncToolTest
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI
- Parent class: FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest::nextEvent()
Wait and execute the next item in queue, if any
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
boolean FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest::hasEvents()
Check if any item is scheduled (for unit testing)
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest::resetEvents()
Reset event queue (for unit testing)
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
array FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest::getEvents()
Get internal item queue (for unit testing)
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncToolTest::run()
Run event loop until last event pending
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::__construct()
Any derived class should call this c-tor for future-compatibility
- Visibility: protected
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::init()
Install Async Tool implementation, call using derived class
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::callLater(callable $cb, integer $delay_ms)
Schedule $cb for later execution after $delays_ms milliseconds
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl
- $cb callable - <p>Callable to execute</p>
- $delay_ms integer - <p>Required delay in milliseconds</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::cancelCall(mixed $ref)
Cancel previously scheduled $ref item
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl
- $ref mixed - <p>Any value returned from callLater()</p>
Internal class to organize AsyncSteps levels during execution
- Class name: AsyncStepsProtection
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI\Details
- This class implements: FutoIn\AsyncSteps
private mixed $root
- Visibility: private
private mixed $adapter_stack
- Visibility: private
public mixed $_onerror
- Visibility: public
public mixed $_oncancel
- Visibility: public
public mixed $_queue = null
- Visibility: public
public mixed $_limit_event = null
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__construct($root, $adapter_stack)
- Visibility: public
- $root mixed
- $adapter_stack mixed
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::_cleanup()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::_sanityCheck()
- Visibility: private
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::add(callable $func, callable $onerror)
- Visibility: public
- $func callable
- $onerror callable
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::parallel(callable $onerror)
- Visibility: public
- $onerror callable
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::state()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::success()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::successStep()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::error($name, $error_info)
- Visibility: public
- $name mixed
- $error_info mixed
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::setTimeout($timeout_ms)
- Visibility: public
- $timeout_ms mixed
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__invoke()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::setCancel(callable $oncancel)
- Visibility: public
- $oncancel callable
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::execute()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::cancel()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::copyFrom(\FutoIn\AsyncSteps $other)
- Visibility: public
- $other FutoIn\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__clone()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::loop(callable $func, string $label)
Execute loop until as.break() is called
- Visibility: public
- $func callable - <p>loop body callable( as )</p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::loopForEach(array $maplist, callable $func, string $label)
For each map or list element call func( as, key, value )
- Visibility: public
- $maplist array
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::repeat(integer $count, callable $func, string $label)
Call func(as, i) for count times
- Visibility: public
- $count integer - <p>how many times to call the <em>func</em></p>
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::breakLoop(string $label)
Break execution of current loop, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- $label string - <p>unwind loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is exited</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::continueLoop(string $label)
Ccontinue loop execution from the next iteration, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- $label string - <p>break loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is found</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__set(string $name, mixed $value)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / set value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
- $value mixed - <p>state variable value</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__get(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / get value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
boolean FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__isset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / check value exists
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncStepsProtection::__unset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / delete value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
Abstract base for AsyncTool implementation
- Class name: AsyncToolImpl
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI\Details
- This is an abstract class
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::__construct()
Any derived class should call this c-tor for future-compatibility
- Visibility: protected
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::init()
Install Async Tool implementation, call using derived class
- Visibility: public
- This method is static.
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::callLater(callable $cb, integer $delay_ms)
Schedule $cb for later execution after $delays_ms milliseconds
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- $cb callable - <p>Callable to execute</p>
- $delay_ms integer - <p>Required delay in milliseconds</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\AsyncToolImpl::cancelCall(mixed $ref)
Cancel previously scheduled $ref item
- Visibility: public
- This method is abstract.
- $ref mixed - <p>Any value returned from callLater()</p>
Internal class to organize Parallel step execution
- Class name: ParallelStep
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI\Details
- This class implements: FutoIn\AsyncSteps
private mixed $root
- Visibility: private
private mixed $as
- Visibility: private
private mixed $parallel_steps
- Visibility: private
private mixed $complete_count
- Visibility: private
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__construct($root, $async_iface)
- Visibility: public
- $root mixed
- $async_iface mixed
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::_cleanup()
- Visibility: private
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::add(callable $func, callable $onerror)
- Visibility: public
- $func callable
- $onerror callable
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::parallel(callable $onerror)
- Visibility: public
- $onerror callable
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::state()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::success()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::successStep()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::error($name, $errorinfo)
- Visibility: public
- $name mixed
- $errorinfo mixed
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__invoke()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::setTimeout($timeout_ms)
- Visibility: public
- $timeout_ms mixed
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::setCancel(callable $oncancel)
- Visibility: public
- $oncancel callable
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::execute()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::copyFrom(\FutoIn\AsyncSteps $other)
- Visibility: public
- $other FutoIn\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__clone()
- Visibility: public
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::loop(callable $func, string $label)
Execute loop until as.break() is called
- Visibility: public
- $func callable - <p>loop body callable( as )</p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::loopForEach(array $maplist, callable $func, string $label)
For each map or list element call func( as, key, value )
- Visibility: public
- $maplist array
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::repeat(integer $count, callable $func, string $label)
Call func(as, i) for count times
- Visibility: public
- $count integer - <p>how many times to call the <em>func</em></p>
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::breakLoop(string $label)
Break execution of current loop, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- $label string - <p>unwind loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is exited</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::continueLoop(string $label)
Ccontinue loop execution from the next iteration, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- $label string - <p>break loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is found</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__set(string $name, mixed $value)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / set value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
- $value mixed - <p>state variable value</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__get(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / get value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
boolean FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__isset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / check value exists
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\Details\ParallelStep::__unset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / delete value
- Visibility: public
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
Internal class to organize state object.
- Class name: StateObject
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI\Details
public mixed $error_info = null
- Visibility: public
public mixed $last_exception = null
- Visibility: public
public mixed $_loop_term_label = null
- Visibility: public
Not standard API. Use for synchronous invocation of AsyncSteps, IF there is no true event loop.
Example: $s = new ScopedSteps; $s->add( ... )->add( ... ); $s->run();
\note AsyncTool must be initialized with AsyncToolTest or not initalized at all
- Class name: ScopedSteps
- Namespace: FutoIn\RI
- Parent class: FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__construct(object $state)
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $state object - <p>for INTERNAL use only</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\ScopedSteps::run()
Execute all steps until nothing is left
- Visibility: public
\FutoIn\AsyncSteps FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::add(callable $func, callable $onerror)
Add $func step executor to end of current AsyncSteps level queue
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $func callable - <p>void execute_callback( AsyncSteps as[, previous_success_args] )</p>
- $onerror callable - <p>OPTIONAL: void error_callback( AsyncSteps as, error )</p>
\FutoIn\AsyncSteps FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::copyFrom(\FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps $other)
Copy steps from other AsyncSteps, useful for sub-step cloning
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $other FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps - <p>model AsyncSteps object for re-use</p>
\FutoIn\AsyncSteps FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::parallel(callable $onerror)
Create special object to queue steps for execution in parallel
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $onerror callable - <p>OPTIONAL: void error_callback( AsyncSteps as, error )</p>
\StdClass FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::state()
Access AsyncSteps state object
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::success()
Set "success" state of current step execution
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::successStep()
Call success() or add efficient dummy step equal to as.success() in behavior (depending on presence of other sub-steps)
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::error(string $name, string $error_info)
Set "error" state of current step execution
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $name string - <p>Type of error</p>
- $error_info string - <p>Error description to be put into "error_info" state field</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::setTimeout(integer $timeout_ms)
Delay further execution until as.success() or as.error() is called
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $timeout_ms integer - <p>Timeout in milliseconds</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__invoke()
PHP-specific alias for success()
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::setCancel($oncancel)
Set cancellation callback
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $oncancel mixed - <p>void cancel_callback( AsyncSteps as ) \note Please see the specification</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::execute()
Start execution of AsyncSteps
It can be called only on root instance of AsyncSteps
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::cancel()
Cancel execution of AsyncSteps
It can be called only on root instance of AsyncSteps
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::loop(callable $func, string $label)
Execute loop until as.break() is called
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $func callable - <p>loop body callable( as )</p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::loopForEach(array $maplist, callable $func, string $label)
For each map or list element call func( as, key, value )
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $maplist array
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::repeat(integer $count, callable $func, string $label)
Call func(as, i) for count times
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $count integer - <p>how many times to call the <em>func</em></p>
- $func callable - <p>loop body <em>func( as, key, value )</em></p>
- $label string - <p>optional label to use for <em>as.break()</em> and <em>as.continue()</em> in inner loops</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::breakLoop(string $label)
Break execution of current loop, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $label string - <p>unwind loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is exited</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::continueLoop(string $label)
Ccontinue loop execution from the next iteration, throws exception
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $label string - <p>break loops, until <em>label</em> named loop is found</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__set(string $name, mixed $value)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / set value
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
- $value mixed - <p>state variable value</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__get(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / get value
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
boolean FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__isset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / check value exists
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>
mixed FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps::__unset(string $name)
state() access through AsyncSteps interface / delete value
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by FutoIn\RI\AsyncSteps
- $name string - <p>state variable name</p>