Frictionless Solutions | Macros

1.5.1 2024-04-09 16:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 18:26:18 UTC


Ass some common macroses that Frictionless uses in their daily life.


composer require "frictionlessdigital/macros":"^1.0"

Note that root namespace for the package is Fls not Frictionlessdigital.


To publish configuration file, run

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=fls.macros-config

The package will publish fls.macros.php file:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;

return [

    | Laravel\Dusk\Browser Macros
    | To install
    | composer require laravel/dusk
    Browser::class => [
        // 'firstWindow' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Browser\FirstWindow::class,
        // 'lastWindow' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Browser\LastWindow::class,
        // 'switchToFirstWindow' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Browser\SwitchToFirstWindow::class,
        // 'switchToLastWindow' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Browser\SwitchToLastWindow::class,
        // 'windows' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Browser\Windows::class,

    | Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    | Enabled by default
    Builder::class => [
        'toSqlWithBindings' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Builder\ToSqlWithBindings::class,

    | Carbon\Carbon
    | startOfFiscalYear($at = null) will return the return of fiscal year
    Carbon::class => [
        'fiscalYearForHumans' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Carbon\FiscalYearForHumans::class,
        'startOfFiscalYear' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Carbon\StartOfFiscalYear::class,
        'endOfFiscalYear' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Carbon\EndOfFiscalYear::class,
        'isFiscalYear' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Carbon\IsFiscalYear::class,

    | Illuminate\Support\Collection
    | oxford() required Coduo\Humanize package
    | composer require coduo/php-humanizer
    Collection::class => [
        // 'ofxord' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Collection\Oxford::class,

    | Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory Macros
    | Enabled by default
    Factory::class => [
        'empty' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Factory\EmptyFactory::class,

    | Illuminate\Routing\Router Macros
    | livewireResource() is just a shortcut to have a resource with [index, create, show, edit] methods only
    | but if you want to install LiveWire
    | composer require livewire/livewire
    Router::class => [
        'livewireResource' => \Fls\Macros\Macros\Router\LiveResource::class,

Configuration structure is simple: root key is the name of the class you need to add the macro to and the array is the macros that are being added.

You will notice that some are commented out: the package does not insist you have those, and does tno silently pull them, to avoid surprises (with Dusk, for instance). As there is no need to pull extra packages when you dont need them - you should integrate them within your repo.

The list of packages is suggested in composer.json:


The package automatically registers with Laravel.

If you want to manually register it, add to your composer.json:

    "extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "dont-discover": [

and add to config\app.php:

    'providers' => [
         * Package Service Providers...


The package offers extension for Builder, Carbon, Router, Collection and Dusk Browser.

\Carbon\Carbon Macros

fiscalYearForHumans($formatter=null) will get readable representation for the fiscal year.

$x = Carbon::now()->fiscalYearForHumans()
// $x = 'Fiscal year ending March 31, 2022'; 

fiscalYearForHumans accepts closure formatter:

$x = Carbon::now()->fiscalYearForHumans(fn($at) => new HtmlString('<b>'.$at->year.'</b>'));
// $x = HtmlString('<b>2022</b>'); 

startOfFiscalYear will modify the date to the start of the fiscal year

// Carbon instance at April 1, 2021 0:0:0; 

endOfFiscalYear will modify the date to the end of the fiscal year

// Carbon instance at March 31, 2022 25:59:59; 

isFiscalYear Will check if the date is within the provided (int) fiscal year

// assuming now is 
Carbon::parse('March 31, 2022')->isFiscalYear(2021);
// true
Carbon::parse('April 1, 2022')->isFiscalYear(2021);
// false

Laravel\Dusk\Browser Macros

*Requires Laravel Dusk:

composer require laravel/dusk
  • firstWindow() - to get the first window
  • lastWindow() - to get the last window
  • switchToFirstWindow() - switch Browser to the first window
  • switchTolastWindow() - switch Browser to the last window
  • windows() - get all current Browser windows

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder Macros

  • toSqlWithBindings - get the SQL from the builder, hydrated with values

Illuminate\Support\Collection Macros

Optionally, many need Coduo Humanizer, tested with version 4

composer require coduo/php-humanizer
  • oxford - list values with Ofxord coma.

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory Macros

  • empty() - will return a Factory where every value in definition is null

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.