frengky / fineract-client-php
Apache Fineract client library for PHP to interact with the Apache Fineract 1.x Platform APIs
- php: ^7.2.5
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.5.5|^7.0.1
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~1.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
Apache Fineract is a secure, multi-tenanted microfinance platform The goal of the Apache Fineract API is to empower developers to build apps on top of the Apache Fineract Platform
The reference app (username: mifos, password: password) works on the same demo tenant as the interactive links in this documentation - The API is organized around REST - Find out more about Apache Fineract here - You can Try The API From Your Browser - The Generic Options are available here - Find out more about Updating Dates and Numbers - For the Authentication and the Basic of HTTP and HTTPS refer here - Check about ERROR codes here Please refer to the old documentation for any documentation queries
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 7.2.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
composer require frengky/fineract-client-php
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure API key authorization: tenantid $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Frengky\Fineract\Api\AccountNumberFormatApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $body = new \Frengky\Fineract\Model\PostAccountNumberFormatsRequest(); // \Frengky\Fineract\Model\PostAccountNumberFormatsRequest | try { $result = $apiInstance->create($body); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountNumberFormatApi->create: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure API key authorization: tenantid $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Frengky\Fineract\Api\AccountNumberFormatApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $accountNumberFormatId = 789; // int | accountNumberFormatId try { $result = $apiInstance->delete($accountNumberFormatId); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountNumberFormatApi->delete: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure API key authorization: tenantid $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Frengky\Fineract\Api\AccountNumberFormatApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); try { $result = $apiInstance->retrieveAll3(); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountNumberFormatApi->retrieveAll3: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure API key authorization: tenantid $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Frengky\Fineract\Api\AccountNumberFormatApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $accountNumberFormatId = 789; // int | accountNumberFormatId try { $result = $apiInstance->retrieveOne($accountNumberFormatId); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountNumberFormatApi->retrieveOne: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure API key authorization: tenantid $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Frengky\Fineract\Api\AccountNumberFormatApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); try { $result = $apiInstance->retrieveTemplate2(); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountNumberFormatApi->retrieveTemplate2: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } // Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration() ->setUsername('YOUR_USERNAME') ->setPassword('YOUR_PASSWORD'); // Configure API key authorization: tenantid $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Frengky\Fineract\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('fineract-platform-tenantid', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Frengky\Fineract\Api\AccountNumberFormatApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $body = new \Frengky\Fineract\Model\PutAccountNumberFormatsRequest(); // \Frengky\Fineract\Model\PutAccountNumberFormatsRequest | $accountNumberFormatId = 789; // int | accountNumberFormatId try { $result = $apiInstance->update1($body, $accountNumberFormatId); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AccountNumberFormatApi->update1: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountNumberFormatApi | create | POST /accountnumberformats | Create an Account number format |
AccountNumberFormatApi | delete | DELETE /accountnumberformats/{accountNumberFormatId} | Delete an Account number format |
AccountNumberFormatApi | retrieveAll3 | GET /accountnumberformats | List Account number formats |
AccountNumberFormatApi | retrieveOne | GET /accountnumberformats/{accountNumberFormatId} | Retrieve an Account number format |
AccountNumberFormatApi | retrieveTemplate2 | GET /accountnumberformats/template | Retrieve Account number format Template |
AccountNumberFormatApi | update1 | PUT /accountnumberformats/{accountNumberFormatId} | Update an Account number format |
AccountTransfersApi | create3 | POST /accounttransfers | Create new Transfer |
AccountTransfersApi | retrieveAll17 | GET /accounttransfers | List account transfers |
AccountTransfersApi | retrieveOne8 | GET /accounttransfers/{transferId} | Retrieve account transfer |
AccountTransfersApi | template5 | GET /accounttransfers/template | Retrieve Account Transfer Template |
AccountTransfersApi | templateRefundByTransfer | GET /accounttransfers/templateRefundByTransfer | Retrieve Refund of an Active Loan by Transfer Template |
AccountTransfersApi | templateRefundByTransferPost | POST /accounttransfers/refundByTransfer | Refund of an Active Loan by Transfer |
AccountingClosureApi | createGLClosure | POST /glclosures | Create an Accounting Closure |
AccountingClosureApi | deleteGLClosure | DELETE /glclosures/{glClosureId} | Delete an accounting closure |
AccountingClosureApi | retreiveClosure | GET /glclosures/{glClosureId} | Retrieve an Accounting Closure |
AccountingClosureApi | retrieveAllClosures | GET /glclosures | List Accounting closures |
AccountingClosureApi | updateGLClosure | PUT /glclosures/{glClosureId} | Update an Accounting closure |
AccountingRulesApi | createAccountingRule | POST /accountingrules | Create/Define a Accounting rule |
AccountingRulesApi | deleteAccountingRule | DELETE /accountingrules/{accountingRuleId} | Delete a Accounting Rule |
AccountingRulesApi | retreiveAccountingRule | GET /accountingrules/{accountingRuleId} | Retrieve a Accounting rule |
AccountingRulesApi | retrieveAllAccountingRules | GET /accountingrules | Retrieve Accounting Rules |
AccountingRulesApi | retrieveTemplate1 | GET /accountingrules/template | Retrieve Accounting Rule Details Template |
AccountingRulesApi | updateAccountingRule | PUT /accountingrules/{accountingRuleId} | Update a Accounting Rule |
AdhocQueryApiApi | createAdHocQuery | POST /adhocquery | |
AdhocQueryApiApi | deleteAdHocQuery | DELETE /adhocquery/{adHocId} | |
AdhocQueryApiApi | retrieveAdHocQuery | GET /adhocquery/{adHocId} | |
AdhocQueryApiApi | retrieveAll2 | GET /adhocquery | |
AdhocQueryApiApi | template | GET /adhocquery/template | |
AdhocQueryApiApi | update | PUT /adhocquery/{adHocId} | |
AuditsApi | retrieveAuditEntries | GET /audits | List Audits |
AuditsApi | retrieveAuditEntry | GET /audits/{auditId} | Retrieve an Audit Entry |
AuditsApi | retrieveAuditSearchTemplate | GET /audits/searchtemplate | Audit Search Template |
AuthenticationHTTPBasicApi | authenticate | POST /authentication | Verify authentication |
BatchAPIApi | handleBatchRequests | POST /batches | Batch requests in a single transaction |
CacheApi | retrieveAll4 | GET /caches | Retrieve Cache Types |
CacheApi | switchCache | PUT /caches | Switch Cache |
CashierJournalsApi | getJournalData1 | GET /cashiersjournal | |
CashiersApi | getCashierData | GET /cashiers | |
CentersApi | activate2 | POST /centers/{centerId} | Activate a Center |
CentersApi | create6 | POST /centers | Create a Center |
CentersApi | delete10 | DELETE /centers/{centerId} | Delete a Center |
CentersApi | getCentersTemplate | GET /centers/downloadtemplate | |
CentersApi | postCentersTemplate | POST /centers/uploadtemplate | |
CentersApi | retrieveAll22 | GET /centers | List Centers |
CentersApi | retrieveGroupAccount | GET /centers/{centerId}/accounts | Retrieve Center accounts overview |
CentersApi | retrieveOne12 | GET /centers/{centerId} | Retrieve a Center |
CentersApi | retrieveTemplate6 | GET /centers/template | Retrieve a Center Template |
CentersApi | update10 | PUT /centers/{centerId} | Update a Center |
ChargesApi | createCharge | POST /charges | Create/Define a Charge |
ChargesApi | deleteCharge | DELETE /charges/{chargeId} | Delete a Charge |
ChargesApi | retrieveAllCharges | GET /charges | Retrieve Charges |
ChargesApi | retrieveCharge | GET /charges/{chargeId} | Retrieve a Charge |
ChargesApi | retrieveNewChargeDetails | GET /charges/template | Retrieve Charge Template |
ChargesApi | updateCharge | PUT /charges/{chargeId} | Update a Charge |
ClientApi | activate1 | POST /clients/{clientId} | Activate a Client |
ClientApi | create5 | POST /clients | Create a Client |
ClientApi | delete9 | DELETE /clients/{clientId} | Delete a Client |
ClientApi | getClientTemplate | GET /clients/downloadtemplate | |
ClientApi | postClientTemplate | POST /clients/uploadtemplate | |
ClientApi | retrieveAll20 | GET /clients | List Clients |
ClientApi | retrieveAssociatedAccounts | GET /clients/{clientId}/accounts | Retrieve client accounts overview |
ClientApi | retrieveObligeeDetails | GET /clients/{clientId}/obligeedetails | |
ClientApi | retrieveOne10 | GET /clients/{clientId} | Retrieve a Client |
ClientApi | retrieveTemplate5 | GET /clients/template | Retrieve Client Details Template |
ClientApi | retrieveTransferTemplate | GET /clients/{clientId}/transferproposaldate | |
ClientApi | update9 | PUT /clients/{clientId} | Update a Client |
ClientChargesApi | applyClientCharge | POST /clients/{clientId}/charges | Add Client Charge |
ClientChargesApi | deleteClientCharge | DELETE /clients/{clientId}/charges/{chargeId} | Delete a Client Charge |
ClientChargesApi | payOrWaiveClientCharge | POST /clients/{clientId}/charges/{chargeId} | Pay a Client Charge |
ClientChargesApi | retrieveAllClientCharges | GET /clients/{clientId}/charges | List Client Charges |
ClientChargesApi | retrieveClientCharge | GET /clients/{clientId}/charges/{chargeId} | Retrieve a Client Charge |
ClientChargesApi | retrieveTemplate4 | GET /clients/{clientId}/charges/template | |
ClientIdentifierApi | createClientIdentifier | POST /clients/{clientId}/identifiers | Create an Identifier for a Client |
ClientIdentifierApi | deleteClientIdentifier | DELETE /clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} | Delete a Client Identifier |
ClientIdentifierApi | newClientIdentifierDetails | GET /clients/{clientId}/identifiers/template | Retrieve Client Identifier Details Template |
ClientIdentifierApi | retrieveAllClientIdentifiers | GET /clients/{clientId}/identifiers | List all Identifiers for a Client |
ClientIdentifierApi | retrieveClientIdentifiers | GET /clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} | Retrieve a Client Identifier |
ClientIdentifierApi | updateClientIdentifer | PUT /clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} | Update a Client Identifier |
ClientTransactionApi | retrieveAllClientTransactions | GET /clients/{clientId}/transactions | List Client Transactions |
ClientTransactionApi | retrieveClientTransaction | GET /clients/{clientId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve a Client Transaction |
ClientTransactionApi | undoClientTransaction | POST /clients/{clientId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Undo a Client Transaction |
ClientsAddressApi | addClientAddress | POST /client/{clientid}/addresses | Create an address for a Client |
ClientsAddressApi | getAddresses1 | GET /client/{clientid}/addresses | List all addresses for a Client |
ClientsAddressApi | getAddressesTemplate | GET /client/addresses/template | |
ClientsAddressApi | updateClientAddress | PUT /client/{clientid}/addresses | Update an address for a Client |
CodeValuesApi | createCodeValue | POST /codes/{codeId}/codevalues | Create a Code description |
CodeValuesApi | deleteCodeValue | DELETE /codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codeValueId} | Delete a Code description |
CodeValuesApi | retrieveAllCodeValues | GET /codes/{codeId}/codevalues | List Code Values |
CodeValuesApi | retrieveCodeValue | GET /codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codeValueId} | Retrieve a Code description |
CodeValuesApi | updateCodeValue | PUT /codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codeValueId} | Update a Code description |
CodesApi | createCode | POST /codes | Create a Code |
CodesApi | deleteCode | DELETE /codes/{codeId} | Delete a Code |
CodesApi | retrieveCode | GET /codes/{codeId} | Retrieve a Code |
CodesApi | retrieveCodes | GET /codes | Retrieve Codes |
CodesApi | updateCode | PUT /codes/{codeId} | Update a Code |
CurrencyApi | retrieveCurrencies | GET /currencies | Retrieve Currency Configuration |
CurrencyApi | updateCurrencies | PUT /currencies | Update Currency Configuration |
DataTablesApi | createDatatable | POST /datatables | Create Data Table |
DataTablesApi | createDatatableEntry | POST /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} | Create Entry in Data Table |
DataTablesApi | deleteDatatable | DELETE /datatables/{datatableName} | Delete Data Table |
DataTablesApi | deleteDatatableEntries | DELETE /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} | Delete Entry in Datatable (One to Many) |
DataTablesApi | deleteDatatableEntries1 | DELETE /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} | Delete Entry(s) in Data Table |
DataTablesApi | deregisterDatatable | POST /datatables/deregister/{datatable} | Deregister Data Table |
DataTablesApi | getDatatable | GET /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} | Retrieve Entry(s) from Data Table |
DataTablesApi | getDatatable1 | GET /datatables/{datatable} | Retrieve Data Table Details |
DataTablesApi | getDatatableManyEntry | GET /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} | |
DataTablesApi | getDatatables | GET /datatables | List Data Tables |
DataTablesApi | registerDatatable | POST /datatables/register/{datatable}/{apptable} | Register Data Table |
DataTablesApi | updateDatatable | PUT /datatables/{datatableName} | Update Data Table |
DataTablesApi | updateDatatableEntryOneToMany | PUT /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} | Update Entry in Data Table (One to Many) |
DataTablesApi | updateDatatableEntryOnetoOne | PUT /datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} | Update Entry in Data Table (One to One) |
DefaultApi | accountsTemplate | GET /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/accounts/template | |
DefaultApi | activate | POST /email/campaign/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | addAndDeleteDisbursementDetail | PUT /loans/{loanId}/disbursements/editDisbursements | |
DefaultApi | addClientFamilyMembers | POST /clients/{clientId}/familymembers | |
DefaultApi | addNewClientImage1 | POST /{entity}/{entityId}/images | |
DefaultApi | addOrganisationCreditBureau | POST /CreditBureauConfiguration/organisationCreditBureau/{organisationCreditBureauId} | |
DefaultApi | adjustTransaction | POST /fixeddepositaccounts/{fixedDepositAccountId}/transactions/{transactionId} | |
DefaultApi | adjustTransaction1 | POST /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}/transactions/{transactionId} | |
DefaultApi | create1 | POST /email | |
DefaultApi | create2 | POST /sms | |
DefaultApi | createCalendar | POST /{entityType}/{entityId}/calendars | |
DefaultApi | createCampaign | POST /email/campaign | |
DefaultApi | createCampaign1 | POST /smscampaigns | Create a SMS Campaign |
DefaultApi | createCreditBureauLoanProductMapping | POST /CreditBureauConfiguration/mappings/{CreditBureauId} | |
DefaultApi | createDatatableEntry1 | POST /survey/{surveyName}/{apptableId} | Create an entry in the survey table |
DefaultApi | createFund | POST /funds | Create a Fund |
DefaultApi | createGuarantor | POST /loans/{loanId}/guarantors | |
DefaultApi | createLoanRescheduleRequest | POST /rescheduleloans | |
DefaultApi | createMap | POST /entitytoentitymapping/{relId} | |
DefaultApi | createMeeting | POST /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings | |
DefaultApi | createProduct | POST /products/{type} | Create a Share Product |
DefaultApi | createProductMix | POST /loanproducts/{productId}/productmix | |
DefaultApi | createQuote | POST /interoperation/quotes | Calculate Interoperation Quote |
DefaultApi | createRate | POST /rates | |
DefaultApi | createTransactionRequest | POST /interoperation/requests | Allow Interoperation Transaction Request |
DefaultApi | delete1 | DELETE /email/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | delete2 | DELETE /email/campaign/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | delete3 | DELETE /smscampaigns/{campaignId} | Delete a SMS Campaign |
DefaultApi | delete4 | DELETE /entitytoentitymapping/{mapId} | |
DefaultApi | delete5 | DELETE /self/device/registration/{id} | |
DefaultApi | delete6 | DELETE /sms/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | delete8 | DELETE /officetransactions/{transactionId} | |
DefaultApi | deleteAccountIdentifier | DELETE /interoperation/parties/{idType}/{idValue} | Allow Interoperation Identifier registration |
DefaultApi | deleteAccountIdentifier1 | DELETE /interoperation/parties/{idType}/{idValue}/{subIdOrType} | Allow Interoperation Identifier registration |
DefaultApi | deleteCalendar | DELETE /{entityType}/{entityId}/calendars/{calendarId} | |
DefaultApi | deleteClientFamilyMembers | DELETE /clients/{clientId}/familymembers/{familyMemberId} | |
DefaultApi | deleteClientImage | DELETE /{entity}/{entityId}/images | |
DefaultApi | deleteDatatableEntries2 | DELETE /survey/{surveyName}/{clientId}/{fulfilledId} | |
DefaultApi | deleteGuarantor | DELETE /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} | |
DefaultApi | deleteMeeting | DELETE /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings/{meetingId} | |
DefaultApi | deleteProductMix | DELETE /loanproducts/{productId}/productmix | |
DefaultApi | fetchLoanProducts | GET /CreditBureauConfiguration/loanProduct | |
DefaultApi | generateCollectionSheet | POST /collectionsheet | Generate Individual Collection Sheet |
DefaultApi | get | GET /echo | |
DefaultApi | getAccountByIdentifier | GET /interoperation/parties/{idType}/{idValue} | Query Interoperation Account by secondary identifier |
DefaultApi | getAccountByIdentifier1 | GET /interoperation/parties/{idType}/{idValue}/{subIdOrType} | Query Interoperation Account by secondary identifier |
DefaultApi | getAccountDetails | GET /interoperation/accounts/{accountId} | Query Interoperation Account details |
DefaultApi | getAccountIdentifiers | GET /interoperation/accounts/{accountId}/identifiers | Query Interoperation secondary identifiers by Account Id |
DefaultApi | getAccountTransactions | GET /interoperation/accounts/{accountId}/transactions | Query transactions by Account Id |
DefaultApi | getAllRates | GET /rates | |
DefaultApi | getClientSurveyOverview | GET /survey/{surveyName}/{clientId} | |
DefaultApi | getConfiguration | GET /CreditBureauConfiguration/config/{organisationCreditBureauId} | |
DefaultApi | getCreditBureau | GET /CreditBureauConfiguration | |
DefaultApi | getCreditBureauLoanProductMapping | GET /CreditBureauConfiguration/mappings | |
DefaultApi | getEntityToEntityMappings | GET /entitytoentitymapping/{mapId}/{fromId}/{toId} | |
DefaultApi | getFamilyMember | GET /clients/{clientId}/familymembers/{familyMemberId} | |
DefaultApi | getFamilyMembers | GET /clients/{clientId}/familymembers | |
DefaultApi | getGuarantorTemplate | GET /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/downloadtemplate | |
DefaultApi | getOTPDeliveryMethods | GET /twofactor | |
DefaultApi | getOrganisationCreditBureau | GET /CreditBureauConfiguration/organisationCreditBureau | |
DefaultApi | getOutputTemplate | GET /imports/downloadOutputTemplate | |
DefaultApi | getQuote | GET /interoperation/transactions/{transactionCode}/quotes/{quoteCode} | Query Interoperation Quote |
DefaultApi | getSurveyEntry | GET /survey/{surveyName}/{clientId}/{entryId} | |
DefaultApi | getTemplate1 | GET /clients/{clientId}/familymembers/template | |
DefaultApi | getTransactionRequest | GET /interoperation/transactions/{transactionCode}/requests/{requestCode} | Query Interoperation Transaction Request |
DefaultApi | getTransfer | GET /interoperation/transactions/{transactionCode}/transfers/{transferCode} | Query Interoperation Transfer |
DefaultApi | handleCommands | POST /smscampaigns/{campaignId} | SMS Campaign |
DefaultApi | handleCommands3 | POST /products/{type}/{productId} | |
DefaultApi | health | GET /interoperation/health | Query Interoperation Health Request |
DefaultApi | loanReassignment | POST /loans/loanreassignment | |
DefaultApi | loanReassignmentTemplate | GET /loans/loanreassignment/template | |
DefaultApi | newGuarantorTemplate | GET /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/template | |
DefaultApi | newOfficeTransactionDetails | GET /officetransactions/template | |
DefaultApi | performMeetingCommands | POST /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings/{meetingId} | |
DefaultApi | performTransfer | POST /interoperation/transfers | Prepare Interoperation Transfer |
DefaultApi | postGuarantorTemplate | POST /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/uploadtemplate | |
DefaultApi | preview | POST /email/campaign/preview | |
DefaultApi | preview1 | POST /smscampaigns/preview | |
DefaultApi | readLoanRescheduleRequest | GET /rescheduleloans/{scheduleId} | |
DefaultApi | register | PUT /survey/register/{surveyName}/{apptable} | |
DefaultApi | registerAccountIdentifier | POST /interoperation/parties/{idType}/{idValue} | Interoperation Identifier registration |
DefaultApi | registerAccountIdentifier1 | POST /interoperation/parties/{idType}/{idValue}/{subIdOrType} | Interoperation Identifier registration |
DefaultApi | registerDevice | POST /self/device/registration | |
DefaultApi | requestToken | POST /twofactor | |
DefaultApi | retreiveFund | GET /funds/{fundId} | Retrieve a Fund |
DefaultApi | retrieve | GET /likelihood/{ppiName}/{likelihoodId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll10 | GET /sms | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll11 | GET /likelihood/{ppiName} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll12 | GET /povertyLine/{ppiName} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll13 | GET /povertyLine/{ppiName}/{likelihoodId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll27 | GET /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}/onholdtransactions | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll37 | GET /self/savingsproducts | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll5 | GET /email/configuration | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll7 | GET /entitytoentitymapping | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAll9 | GET /twofactor/configure | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllCampaign | GET /email/campaign | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllDeviceRegistrations | GET /self/device/registration | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllEmailByStatus | GET /email/messageByStatus | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllEmails | GET /email | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllEmails1 | GET /smscampaigns | List SMS Campaigns |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllGroups | GET /grouplevels | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllProducts | GET /products/{type} | List Share Products |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllProducts1 | GET /self/products/share | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllRescheduleRequest | GET /rescheduleloans | |
DefaultApi | retrieveAllSmsByStatus | GET /sms/{campaignId}/messageByStatus | |
DefaultApi | retrieveCalendar | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/calendars/{calendarId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveCalendarsByEntity | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/calendars | |
DefaultApi | retrieveCampaign | GET /smscampaigns/{resourceId} | Retrieve a SMS Campaign |
DefaultApi | retrieveDeviceRegiistration | GET /self/device/registration/{id} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveDeviceRegistrationByClientId | GET /self/device/registration/client/{clientId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveFailedEmail | GET /email/failedEmail | |
DefaultApi | retrieveFunds | GET /funds | Retrieve Funds |
DefaultApi | retrieveGuarantorDetails | GET /loans/{loanId}/guarantors | |
DefaultApi | retrieveGuarantorDetails1 | GET /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveImage | GET /{entity}/{entityId}/images | |
DefaultApi | retrieveImportDocuments | GET /imports | |
DefaultApi | retrieveMeeting | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings/{meetingId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveMeetings | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings | |
DefaultApi | retrieveNewCalendarDetails | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/calendars/template | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOfficeTransactions | GET /officetransactions | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOne1 | GET /email/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOne16 | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/{fixedDepositAccountId}/transactions/{transactionId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOne22 | GET /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}/transactions/{transactionId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOne26 | GET /self/savingsproducts/{productId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOne4 | GET /entitytoentitymapping/{mapId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOne6 | GET /sms/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOneCampaign | GET /email/campaign/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveOneTemplate | GET /email/campaign/template/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | retrievePendingEmail | GET /email/pendingEmail | |
DefaultApi | retrieveProduct | GET /products/{type}/{productId} | Retrieve a Share Product |
DefaultApi | retrieveProduct1 | GET /self/products/share/{productId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveRate | GET /rates/{rateId} | |
DefaultApi | retrieveSentEmail | GET /email/sentEmail | |
DefaultApi | retrieveSurvey | GET /survey/{surveyName} | Retrieve survey |
DefaultApi | retrieveSurveys | GET /survey | Retrieve surveys |
DefaultApi | retrieveTemplate11 | GET /loanproducts/{productId}/productmix | |
DefaultApi | retrieveTemplate12 | GET /products/{type}/template | |
DefaultApi | retrieveTemplate13 | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/{fixedDepositAccountId}/transactions/template | |
DefaultApi | retrieveTemplate18 | GET /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}/transactions/template | |
DefaultApi | retrieveTemplate9 | GET /rescheduleloans/template | |
DefaultApi | retriveDetail | GET /loans/{loanId}/disbursements/{disbursementId} | |
DefaultApi | retriveOutputTemplateLocation | GET /imports/getOutputTemplateLocation | |
DefaultApi | template1 | GET /email/campaign/template | |
DefaultApi | template11 | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings/template | |
DefaultApi | template2 | GET /smscampaigns/template | Retrieve a SMS Campaign |
DefaultApi | transaction | POST /fixeddepositaccounts/{fixedDepositAccountId}/transactions | |
DefaultApi | transaction2 | POST /savingsaccounts/{savingsId}/transactions | |
DefaultApi | transferMoneyFrom | POST /officetransactions | |
DefaultApi | update2 | PUT /email/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | update3 | PUT /sms/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | update4 | PUT /likelihood/{ppiName}/{likelihoodId} | |
DefaultApi | updateCalendar | PUT /{entityType}/{entityId}/calendars/{calendarId} | |
DefaultApi | updateCampaign | PUT /email/campaign/{resourceId} | |
DefaultApi | updateCampaign1 | PUT /smscampaigns/{campaignId} | Update a Campaign |
DefaultApi | updateClientFamilyMembers | PUT /clients/{clientId}/familymembers/{familyMemberId} | |
DefaultApi | updateClientImage1 | PUT /{entity}/{entityId}/images | |
DefaultApi | updateConfiguration | PUT /email/configuration | |
DefaultApi | updateConfiguration2 | POST /twofactor/invalidate | |
DefaultApi | updateConfiguration3 | PUT /twofactor/configure | |
DefaultApi | updateCreditBureau | PUT /CreditBureauConfiguration/organisationCreditBureau | |
DefaultApi | updateCreditBureauLoanProductMapping | PUT /CreditBureauConfiguration/mappings | |
DefaultApi | updateDeviceRegistration | PUT /self/device/registration/{id} | |
DefaultApi | updateDisbursementDate | PUT /loans/{loanId}/disbursements/{disbursementId} | |
DefaultApi | updateFund | PUT /funds/{fundId} | Update a Fund |
DefaultApi | updateGuarantor | PUT /loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} | |
DefaultApi | updateLoanRescheduleRequest | POST /rescheduleloans/{scheduleId} | |
DefaultApi | updateMap | PUT /entitytoentitymapping/{mapId} | |
DefaultApi | updateMeeting | PUT /{entityType}/{entityId}/meetings/{meetingId} | |
DefaultApi | updateProduct | PUT /products/{type}/{productId} | Update a Share Product |
DefaultApi | updateProductMix | PUT /loanproducts/{productId}/productmix | |
DefaultApi | updateRate | PUT /rates/{rateId} | |
DefaultApi | validate | POST /twofactor/validate | |
DocumentsApi | createDocument | POST /{entityType}/{entityId}/documents | Create a Document |
DocumentsApi | deleteDocument | DELETE /{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} | Remove a Document |
DocumentsApi | downloadFile | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId}/attachment | Retrieve Binary File associated with Document |
DocumentsApi | getDocument | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} | Retrieve a Document |
DocumentsApi | retreiveAllDocuments | GET /{entityType}/{entityId}/documents | List documents |
DocumentsApi | updateDocument | PUT /{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} | Update a Document |
EntityDataTableApi | createEntityDatatableCheck | POST /entityDatatableChecks | Create Entity-Datatable Checks |
EntityDataTableApi | deleteDatatable1 | DELETE /entityDatatableChecks/{entityDatatableCheckId} | Delete Entity-Datatable Checks |
EntityDataTableApi | getTemplate | GET /entityDatatableChecks/template | Retrieve Entity-Datatable Checks Template |
EntityDataTableApi | retrieveAll6 | GET /entityDatatableChecks | List Entity-Datatable Checks |
EntityFieldConfigurationApi | getAddresses | GET /fieldconfiguration/{entity} | Retrieves the Entity Field Configuration |
ExternalServicesApi | retrieveOne2 | GET /externalservice/{servicename} | Retrieve External Services Configuration |
ExternalServicesApi | updateExternalServiceProperties | PUT /externalservice/{servicename} | Update External Service |
FetchAuthenticatedUserDetailsApi | fetchAuthenticatedUserData | GET /userdetails | Fetch authenticated user details |
FixedDepositAccountApi | accountClosureTemplate | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}/template | |
FixedDepositAccountApi | delete14 | DELETE /fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} | Delete a fixed deposit application |
FixedDepositAccountApi | getFixedDepositTemplate | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/downloadtemplate | |
FixedDepositAccountApi | getFixedDepositTransactionTemplate | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/transaction/downloadtemplate | |
FixedDepositAccountApi | handleCommands4 | POST /fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} | Approve fixed deposit application |
FixedDepositAccountApi | postFixedDepositTemplate | POST /fixeddepositaccounts/uploadtemplate | |
FixedDepositAccountApi | postFixedDepositTransactionTemplate | POST /fixeddepositaccounts/transaction/uploadtemplate | |
FixedDepositAccountApi | retrieveAll28 | GET /fixeddepositaccounts | List Fixed deposit applications/accounts |
FixedDepositAccountApi | retrieveOne17 | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} | Retrieve a fixed deposit application/account |
FixedDepositAccountApi | submitApplication | POST /fixeddepositaccounts | Submit new fixed deposit application |
FixedDepositAccountApi | template12 | GET /fixeddepositaccounts/template | Retrieve Fixed Deposit Account Template |
FixedDepositAccountApi | update14 | PUT /fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} | Modify a fixed deposit application |
FixedDepositProductApi | create10 | POST /fixeddepositproducts | Create a Fixed Deposit Product |
FixedDepositProductApi | delete15 | DELETE /fixeddepositproducts/{productId} | Delete a Fixed Deposit Product |
FixedDepositProductApi | retrieveAll29 | GET /fixeddepositproducts | List Fixed Deposit Products |
FixedDepositProductApi | retrieveOne18 | GET /fixeddepositproducts/{productId} | Retrieve a Fixed Deposit Product |
FixedDepositProductApi | retrieveTemplate14 | GET /fixeddepositproducts/template | |
FixedDepositProductApi | update15 | PUT /fixeddepositproducts/{productId} | Update a Fixed Deposit Product |
FloatingRatesApi | createFloatingRate | POST /floatingrates | Create a new Floating Rate |
FloatingRatesApi | retrieveAll21 | GET /floatingrates | List Floating Rates |
FloatingRatesApi | retrieveOne11 | GET /floatingrates/{floatingRateId} | Retrieve Floating Rate |
FloatingRatesApi | updateFloatingRate | PUT /floatingrates/{floatingRateId} | Update Floating Rate |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | createGLAccount1 | POST /glaccounts | Create a General Ledger Account |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | deleteGLAccount1 | DELETE /glaccounts/{glAccountId} | Delete an accounting closure |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | getGlAccountsTemplate | GET /glaccounts/downloadtemplate | |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | postGlAccountsTemplate | POST /glaccounts/uploadtemplate | |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | retreiveAccount | GET /glaccounts/{glAccountId} | Retrieve a General Ledger Account |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | retrieveAllAccounts | GET /glaccounts | List General Ledger Accounts |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | retrieveNewAccountDetails | GET /glaccounts/template | Retrieve GL Accounts Template |
GeneralLedgerAccountApi | updateGLAccount1 | PUT /glaccounts/{glAccountId} | Update an Accounting closure |
GlobalConfigurationApi | retrieveConfiguration | GET /configurations | Retrieve Global Configuration |
GlobalConfigurationApi | retrieveOne3 | GET /configurations/{configId} | Retrieve Global Configuration |
GlobalConfigurationApi | updateConfiguration1 | PUT /configurations/{configId} | Update Global Configuration |
GroupsApi | activateOrGenerateCollectionSheet | POST /groups/{groupId} | Activate a Group |
GroupsApi | create7 | POST /groups | Create a Group |
GroupsApi | delete11 | DELETE /groups/{groupId} | Delete a Group |
GroupsApi | getGroupsTemplate | GET /groups/downloadtemplate | |
GroupsApi | postGroupTemplate | POST /groups/uploadtemplate | |
GroupsApi | retrieveAccounts | GET /groups/{groupId}/accounts | Retrieve Group accounts overview |
GroupsApi | retrieveAll23 | GET /groups | List Groups |
GroupsApi | retrieveGsimAccounts | GET /groups/{groupId}/gsimaccounts | |
GroupsApi | retrieveOne13 | GET /groups/{groupId} | Retrieve a Group |
GroupsApi | retrieveTemplate7 | GET /groups/template | Retrieve Group Template |
GroupsApi | retrieveglimAccounts | GET /groups/{groupId}/glimaccounts | |
GroupsApi | unassignLoanOfficer | POST /groups/{groupId}/command/unassign_staff | Unassign a Staff |
GroupsApi | update11 | PUT /groups/{groupId} | Update a Group |
HolidaysApi | createNewHoliday | POST /holidays | Create a Holiday |
HolidaysApi | delete7 | DELETE /holidays/{holidayId} | Delete a Holiday |
HolidaysApi | handleCommands1 | POST /holidays/{holidayId} | Activate a Holiday |
HolidaysApi | retrieveAllHolidays | GET /holidays | List Holidays |
HolidaysApi | retrieveOne7 | GET /holidays/{holidayId} | Retrieve a Holiday |
HolidaysApi | retrieveRepaymentScheduleUpdationTyeOptions | GET /holidays/template | |
HolidaysApi | update6 | PUT /holidays/{holidayId} | Update a Holiday |
HooksApi | createHook | POST /hooks | Create a Hook |
HooksApi | deleteHook | DELETE /hooks/{hookId} | Delete a Hook |
HooksApi | retrieveHook | GET /hooks/{hookId} | Retrieve a Hook |
HooksApi | retrieveHooks | GET /hooks | Retrieve Hooks |
HooksApi | template3 | GET /hooks/template | Retrieve Hooks Template |
HooksApi | updateHook | PUT /hooks/{hookId} | Update a Hook |
InterestRateChartApi | create9 | POST /interestratecharts | Create a Chart |
InterestRateChartApi | delete13 | DELETE /interestratecharts/{chartId} | Delete a Chart |
InterestRateChartApi | retrieveAll25 | GET /interestratecharts | Retrieve all Charts |
InterestRateChartApi | retrieveOne15 | GET /interestratecharts/{chartId} | Retrieve a Chart |
InterestRateChartApi | template9 | GET /interestratecharts/template | Retrieve Chart Details Template |
InterestRateChartApi | update13 | PUT /interestratecharts/{chartId} | Update a Chart |
InterestRateSlabAKAInterestBandsApi | create8 | POST /interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs | Create a Slab |
InterestRateSlabAKAInterestBandsApi | delete12 | DELETE /interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/{chartSlabId} | Delete a Slab |
InterestRateSlabAKAInterestBandsApi | retrieveAll24 | GET /interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs | Retrieve all Slabs |
InterestRateSlabAKAInterestBandsApi | retrieveOne14 | GET /interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/{chartSlabId} | Retrieve a Slab |
InterestRateSlabAKAInterestBandsApi | template8 | GET /interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/template | |
InterestRateSlabAKAInterestBandsApi | update12 | PUT /interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/{chartSlabId} | Update a Slab |
JournalEntriesApi | createGLJournalEntry | POST /journalentries | Create "Balanced" Journal Entries |
JournalEntriesApi | createReversalJournalEntry | POST /journalentries/{transactionId} | Update Running balances for Journal Entries |
JournalEntriesApi | getJournalEntriesTemplate | GET /journalentries/downloadtemplate | |
JournalEntriesApi | postJournalEntriesTemplate | POST /journalentries/uploadtemplate | |
JournalEntriesApi | retreiveJournalEntryById | GET /journalentries/{journalEntryId} | Retrieve a single Entry |
JournalEntriesApi | retrieveAll1 | GET /journalentries | List Journal Entries |
JournalEntriesApi | retrieveJournalEntries | GET /journalentries/provisioning | |
JournalEntriesApi | retrieveOpeningBalance | GET /journalentries/openingbalance | |
ListReportMailingJobHistoryApi | retrieveAllByReportMailingJobId | GET /reportmailingjobrunhistory | List Report Mailing Job History |
LoanChargesApi | deleteLoanCharge | DELETE /loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} | Delete a Loan Charge |
LoanChargesApi | executeLoanCharge | POST /loans/{loanId}/charges | Create a Loan Charge |
LoanChargesApi | executeLoanCharge1 | POST /loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} | Pay Loan Charge |
LoanChargesApi | retrieveAllLoanCharges | GET /loans/{loanId}/charges | List Loan Charges |
LoanChargesApi | retrieveLoanCharge | GET /loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} | Retrieve a Loan Charge |
LoanChargesApi | retrieveTemplate8 | GET /loans/{loanId}/charges/template | Retrieve Loan Charges Template |
LoanChargesApi | updateLoanCharge | PUT /loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} | Update a Loan Charge |
LoanCollateralApi | createCollateral | POST /loans/{loanId}/collaterals | Create a Collateral |
LoanCollateralApi | deleteCollateral | DELETE /loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} | Remove a Collateral |
LoanCollateralApi | newCollateralTemplate | GET /loans/{loanId}/collaterals/template | Retrieve Collateral Details Template |
LoanCollateralApi | retrieveCollateralDetails | GET /loans/{loanId}/collaterals | List Loan Collaterals |
LoanCollateralApi | retrieveCollateralDetails1 | GET /loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} | Retrieve a Collateral |
LoanCollateralApi | updateCollateral | PUT /loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} | Update a Collateral |
LoanProductsApi | createLoanProduct | POST /loanproducts | Create a Loan Product |
LoanProductsApi | retrieveAllLoanProducts | GET /loanproducts | List Loan Products |
LoanProductsApi | retrieveLoanProductDetails | GET /loanproducts/{productId} | Retrieve a Loan Product |
LoanProductsApi | retrieveTemplate10 | GET /loanproducts/template | Retrieve Loan Product Details Template |
LoanProductsApi | updateLoanProduct | PUT /loanproducts/{productId} | Update a Loan Product |
LoanReschedulingApi | calculateLoanScheduleOrSubmitVariableSchedule | POST /loans/{loanId}/schedule | Calculate loan repayment schedule based on Loan term variations |
LoanTransactionsApi | adjustLoanTransaction | POST /loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Adjust a Transaction |
LoanTransactionsApi | executeLoanTransaction | POST /loans/{loanId}/transactions | Make a Repayment |
LoanTransactionsApi | retrieveTransaction | GET /loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve a Transaction Details |
LoanTransactionsApi | retrieveTransactionTemplate | GET /loans/{loanId}/transactions/template | Retrieve Loan Transaction Template |
LoansApi | calculateLoanScheduleOrSubmitLoanApplication | POST /loans | Calculate loan repayment schedule |
LoansApi | deleteLoanApplication | DELETE /loans/{loanId} | Delete a Loan Application |
LoansApi | getGlimRepaymentTemplate | GET /loans/glimAccount/{glimId} | |
LoansApi | getLoanRepaymentTemplate | GET /loans/repayments/downloadtemplate | |
LoansApi | getLoansTemplate | GET /loans/downloadtemplate | |
LoansApi | glimStateTransitions | POST /loans/glimAccount/{glimId} | Approve GLIM Application |
LoansApi | modifyLoanApplication | PUT /loans/{loanId} | Modify a loan application |
LoansApi | postLoanRepaymentTemplate | POST /loans/repayments/uploadtemplate | |
LoansApi | postLoanTemplate | POST /loans/uploadtemplate | |
LoansApi | retrieveAll26 | GET /loans | List Loans |
LoansApi | retrieveApprovalTemplate | GET /loans/{loanId}/template | |
LoansApi | retrieveLoan | GET /loans/{loanId} | Retrieve a Loan |
LoansApi | stateTransitions | POST /loans/{loanId} | Approve Loan Application |
LoansApi | template10 | GET /loans/template | Retrieve Loan Details Template |
MIFOSXBATCHJOBSApi | executeJob | POST /jobs/{jobId} | Run a Job |
MIFOSXBATCHJOBSApi | retrieveAll8 | GET /jobs | Retrieve Scheduler Jobs |
MIFOSXBATCHJOBSApi | retrieveHistory | GET /jobs/{jobId}/runhistory | Retrieve Job Run History |
MIFOSXBATCHJOBSApi | retrieveOne5 | GET /jobs/{jobId} | Retrieve a Job |
MIFOSXBATCHJOBSApi | updateJobDetail | PUT /jobs/{jobId} | Update a Job |
MakerCheckerOr4EyeFunctionalityApi | approveMakerCheckerEntry | POST /makercheckers/{auditId} | Approve Maker Checker Entry |
MakerCheckerOr4EyeFunctionalityApi | deleteMakerCheckerEntry | DELETE /makercheckers/{auditId} | Delete Maker Checker Entry |
MakerCheckerOr4EyeFunctionalityApi | retrieveAuditSearchTemplate1 | GET /makercheckers/searchtemplate | Maker Checker Search Template |
MakerCheckerOr4EyeFunctionalityApi | retrieveCommands | GET /makercheckers | List Maker Checker Entries |
MappingFinancialActivitiesToAccountsApi | createGLAccount | POST /financialactivityaccounts | Create a new Financial Activity to Accounts Mapping |
MappingFinancialActivitiesToAccountsApi | deleteGLAccount | DELETE /financialactivityaccounts/{mappingId} | Delete a Financial Activity to Account Mapping |
MappingFinancialActivitiesToAccountsApi | retreive | GET /financialactivityaccounts/{mappingId} | Retrieve a Financial Activity to Account Mapping |
MappingFinancialActivitiesToAccountsApi | retrieveAll | GET /financialactivityaccounts | List Financial Activities to Accounts Mappings |
MappingFinancialActivitiesToAccountsApi | retrieveTemplate | GET /financialactivityaccounts/template | |
MappingFinancialActivitiesToAccountsApi | updateGLAccount | PUT /financialactivityaccounts/{mappingId} | Update a Financial Activity to Account Mapping |
MixMappingApi | retrieveTaxonomyMapping | GET /mixmapping | |
MixMappingApi | updateTaxonomyMapping | PUT /mixmapping | |
MixReportApi | retrieveXBRLReport | GET /mixreport | |
MixTaxonomyApi | retrieveAll14 | GET /mixtaxonomy | |
NotesApi | addNewNote | POST /{resourceType}/{resourceId}/notes | Add a Resource Note |
NotesApi | deleteNote | DELETE /{resourceType}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a Resource Note |
NotesApi | retrieveNote | GET /{resourceType}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} | Retrieve a Resource Note |
NotesApi | retrieveNotesByResource | GET /{resourceType}/{resourceId}/notes | Retrieve a Resource's description |
NotesApi | updateNote | PUT /{resourceType}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a Resource Note |
NotificationApi | getAllNotifications | GET /notifications | |
NotificationApi | update5 | PUT /notifications | |
OfficesApi | createOffice | POST /offices | Create an Office |
OfficesApi | getOfficeTemplate | GET /offices/downloadtemplate | |
OfficesApi | postOfficeTemplate | POST /offices/uploadtemplate | |
OfficesApi | retreiveOffice | GET /offices/{officeId} | Retrieve an Office |
OfficesApi | retrieveOfficeTemplate1 | GET /offices/template | Retrieve Office Details Template |
OfficesApi | retrieveOffices | GET /offices | List Offices |
OfficesApi | updateOffice | PUT /offices/{officeId} | Update Office |
PasswordPreferencesApi | retrieve1 | GET /passwordpreferences | |
PasswordPreferencesApi | template21 | GET /passwordpreferences/template | List Application Password validation policies |
PasswordPreferencesApi | update22 | PUT /passwordpreferences | Update password preferences |
PaymentTypeApi | createPaymentType | POST /paymenttypes | Create a Payment Type |
PaymentTypeApi | deleteCode1 | DELETE /paymenttypes/{paymentTypeId} | Delete a Payment Type |
PaymentTypeApi | getAllPaymentTypes | GET /paymenttypes | Retrieve all Payment Types |
PaymentTypeApi | retrieveOnePaymentType | GET /paymenttypes/{paymentTypeId} | Retrieve a Payment Type |
PaymentTypeApi | updatePaymentType | PUT /paymenttypes/{paymentTypeId} | Update a Payment Type |
PeriodicAccrualAccountingApi | executePeriodicAccrualAccounting | POST /runaccruals | Executes Periodic Accrual Accounting |
PermissionsApi | retrieveAllPermissions | GET /permissions | List Application Permissions |
PermissionsApi | updatePermissionsDetails | PUT /permissions | Enable/Disable Permissions for Maker Checker |
PocketApi | handleCommands7 | POST /self/pockets | Link/delink accounts to/from pocket |
PocketApi | retrieveAll36 | GET /self/pockets | Retrieve accounts linked to pocket |
ProvisioningCategoryApi | createProvisioningCategory | POST /provisioningcategory | |
ProvisioningCategoryApi | deleteProvisioningCategory | DELETE /provisioningcategory/{categoryId} | |
ProvisioningCategoryApi | retrieveAll15 | GET /provisioningcategory | |
ProvisioningCategoryApi | updateProvisioningCategory | PUT /provisioningcategory/{categoryId} | |
ProvisioningCriteriaApi | createProvisioningCriteria | POST /provisioningcriteria | Create a new Provisioning Criteria |
ProvisioningCriteriaApi | deleteProvisioningCriteria | DELETE /provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} | Deletes Provisioning Criteria |
ProvisioningCriteriaApi | retrieveAllProvisioningCriterias | GET /provisioningcriteria | Retrieves all created Provisioning Criterias |
ProvisioningCriteriaApi | retrieveProvisioningCriteria | GET /provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} | Retrieves a Provisioning Criteria |
ProvisioningCriteriaApi | retrieveTemplate3 | GET /provisioningcriteria/template | |
ProvisioningCriteriaApi | updateProvisioningCriteria | PUT /provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} | Updates a new Provisioning Criteria |
ProvisioningEntriesApi | createProvisioningEntries | POST /provisioningentries | Create new Provisioning Entries |
ProvisioningEntriesApi | modifyProvisioningEntry | POST /provisioningentries/{entryId} | Recreates Provisioning Entry |
ProvisioningEntriesApi | retrieveAllProvisioningEntries | GET /provisioningentries | List all Provisioning Entries |
ProvisioningEntriesApi | retrieveProviioningEntries | GET /provisioningentries/entries | |
ProvisioningEntriesApi | retrieveProvisioningEntry | GET /provisioningentries/{entryId} | Retrieves a Provisioning Entry |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | accountClosureTemplate1 | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/template | |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | delete16 | DELETE /recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} | Delete a recurring deposit application |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | getRecurringDepositTemplate | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/downloadtemplate | |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | getRecurringDepositTransactionTemplate | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/transactions/downloadtemplate | |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | handleCommands5 | POST /recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} | Approve recurring deposit application |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | postRecurringDepositTemplate | POST /recurringdepositaccounts/uploadtemplate | |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | postRecurringDepositTransactionsTemplate | POST /recurringdepositaccounts/transactions/uploadtemplate | |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | retrieveAll30 | GET /recurringdepositaccounts | List Recurring deposit applications/accounts |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | retrieveOne20 | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} | Retrieve a recurring deposit application/account |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | submitApplication1 | POST /recurringdepositaccounts | Submit new recurring deposit application |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | template13 | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/template | Retrieve recurring Deposit Account Template |
RecurringDepositAccountApi | update16 | PUT /recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} | Modify a recurring deposit application |
RecurringDepositAccountTransactionsApi | handleTransactionCommands | POST /recurringdepositaccounts/{recurringDepositAccountId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Adjust Transaction |
RecurringDepositAccountTransactionsApi | retrieveOne19 | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/{recurringDepositAccountId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve Recurring Deposit Account Transaction |
RecurringDepositAccountTransactionsApi | retrieveTemplate15 | GET /recurringdepositaccounts/{recurringDepositAccountId}/transactions/template | Retrieve Recurring Deposit Account Transaction Template |
RecurringDepositAccountTransactionsApi | transaction1 | POST /recurringdepositaccounts/{recurringDepositAccountId}/transactions | Deposit Transaction |
RecurringDepositProductApi | create11 | POST /recurringdepositproducts | Create a Recurring Deposit Product |
RecurringDepositProductApi | delete17 | DELETE /recurringdepositproducts/{productId} | Delete a Recurring Deposit Product |
RecurringDepositProductApi | retrieveAll31 | GET /recurringdepositproducts | List Recuring Deposit Products |
RecurringDepositProductApi | retrieveOne21 | GET /recurringdepositproducts/{productId} | Retrieve a Recurring Deposit Product |
RecurringDepositProductApi | retrieveTemplate16 | GET /recurringdepositproducts/template | |
RecurringDepositProductApi | update17 | PUT /recurringdepositproducts/{productId} | Update a Recurring Deposit Product |
ReportMailingJobsApi | createReportMailingJob | POST /reportmailingjobs | Create a Report Mailing Job |
ReportMailingJobsApi | deleteReportMailingJob | DELETE /reportmailingjobs/{entityId} | Delete a Report Mailing Job |
ReportMailingJobsApi | retrieveAllReportMailingJobs | GET /reportmailingjobs | List Report Mailing Jobs |
ReportMailingJobsApi | retrieveReportMailingJob | GET /reportmailingjobs/{entityId} | Retrieve a Report Mailing Job |
ReportMailingJobsApi | retrieveReportMailingJobTemplate | GET /reportmailingjobs/template | Retrieve Report Mailing Job Details Template |
ReportMailingJobsApi | updateReportMailingJob | PUT /reportmailingjobs/{entityId} | Update a Report Mailing Job |
ReportsApi | createReport | POST /reports | Create a Report |
ReportsApi | deleteReport | DELETE /reports/{id} | Delete a Report |
ReportsApi | retrieveOfficeTemplate | GET /reports/template | Retrieve Report Template |
ReportsApi | retrieveReport | GET /reports/{id} | Retrieve a Report |
ReportsApi | retrieveReportList | GET /reports | List Reports |
ReportsApi | updateReport | PUT /reports/{id} | Update a Report |
RolesApi | actionsOnRoles | POST /roles/{roleId} | Enable Role |
RolesApi | createRole | POST /roles | Create a New Role |
RolesApi | deleteRole | DELETE /roles/{roleId} | Delete a Role |
RolesApi | retrieveAllRoles | GET /roles | List Roles |
RolesApi | retrieveRole | GET /roles/{roleId} | Retrieve a Role |
RolesApi | retrieveRolePermissions | GET /roles/{roleId}/permissions | Retrieve a Role's Permissions |
RolesApi | updateRole | PUT /roles/{roleId} | Update a Role |
RolesApi | updateRolePermissions | PUT /roles/{roleId}/permissions | Update a Role's Permissions |
RunReportsApi | runReport | GET /runreports/{reportName} | Running a Report |
SPMAPILookUpTableApi | createLookupTable | POST /surveys/{surveyId}/lookuptables | Create a Lookup Table entry |
SPMAPILookUpTableApi | fetchLookupTables | GET /surveys/{surveyId}/lookuptables | List all Lookup Table entries |
SPMAPILookUpTableApi | findLookupTable | GET /surveys/{surveyId}/lookuptables/{key} | Retrieve a Lookup Table entry |
SavingsAccountApi | delete18 | DELETE /savingsaccounts/{accountId} | Delete a savings application |
SavingsAccountApi | getSavingsTemplate | GET /savingsaccounts/downloadtemplate | |
SavingsAccountApi | getSavingsTransactionTemplate | GET /savingsaccounts/transactions/downloadtemplate | |
SavingsAccountApi | handleCommands6 | POST /savingsaccounts/{accountId} | Approve savings application |
SavingsAccountApi | handleGSIMCommands | POST /savingsaccounts/gsimcommands/{parentAccountId} | |
SavingsAccountApi | postSavingsTemplate | POST /savingsaccounts/uploadtemplate | |
SavingsAccountApi | postSavingsTransactionTemplate | POST /savingsaccounts/transactions/uploadtemplate | |
SavingsAccountApi | retrieveAll32 | GET /savingsaccounts | List savings applications/accounts |
SavingsAccountApi | retrieveOne23 | GET /savingsaccounts/{accountId} | Retrieve a savings application/account |
SavingsAccountApi | submitApplication2 | POST /savingsaccounts | Submit new savings application |
SavingsAccountApi | submitGSIMApplication | POST /savingsaccounts/gsim | |
SavingsAccountApi | template14 | GET /savingsaccounts/template | Retrieve Savings Account Template |
SavingsAccountApi | update18 | PUT /savingsaccounts/{accountId} | Modify a savings application |
SavingsAccountApi | updateGsim | PUT /savingsaccounts/gsim/{parentAccountId} | |
SavingsChargesApi | addSavingsAccountCharge | POST /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges | Create a Savings account Charge |
SavingsChargesApi | deleteSavingsAccountCharge | DELETE /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} | Delete a Savings account Charge |
SavingsChargesApi | payOrWaiveSavingsAccountCharge | POST /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} | Pay a Savings account Charge |
SavingsChargesApi | retrieveAllSavingsAccountCharges | GET /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges | List Savings Charges |
SavingsChargesApi | retrieveSavingsAccountCharge | GET /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} | Retrieve a Savings account Charge |
SavingsChargesApi | retrieveTemplate17 | GET /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges/template | Retrieve Savings Charges Template |
SavingsChargesApi | updateSavingsAccountCharge | PUT /savingsaccounts/{savingsAccountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} | Update a Savings account Charge |
SavingsProductApi | create12 | POST /savingsproducts | Create a Savings Product |
SavingsProductApi | delete19 | DELETE /savingsproducts/{productId} | Delete a Savings Product |
SavingsProductApi | retrieveAll33 | GET /savingsproducts | List Savings Products |
SavingsProductApi | retrieveOne24 | GET /savingsproducts/{productId} | Retrieve a Savings Product |
SavingsProductApi | retrieveTemplate19 | GET /savingsproducts/template | Retrieve Savings Product Template |
SavingsProductApi | update19 | PUT /savingsproducts/{productId} | Update a Savings Product |
SchedulerApi | changeSchedulerStatus | POST /scheduler | Activate Scheduler Jobs |
SchedulerApi | retrieveStatus | GET /scheduler | Retrieve Scheduler Status |
ScoreCardApi | createScorecard1 | POST /surveys/scorecards/{surveyId} | Create a Scorecard entry |
ScoreCardApi | findByClient1 | GET /surveys/scorecards/clients/{clientId} | |
ScoreCardApi | findBySurvey | GET /surveys/scorecards/{surveyId} | List all Scorecard entries |
ScoreCardApi | findBySurveyAndClient | GET /surveys/scorecards/{surveyId}/clients/{clientId} | |
SearchAPIApi | advancedSearch | POST /search/advance | Adhoc query search |
SearchAPIApi | retrieveAdHocSearchQueryTemplate | GET /search/template | Retrive Adhoc Search query template |
SearchAPIApi | searchData | GET /search | Search Resources |
SelfAccountTransferApi | create13 | POST /self/accounttransfers | Create new Transfer |
SelfAccountTransferApi | template15 | GET /self/accounttransfers/template | Retrieve Account Transfer Template |
SelfAuthenticationApi | authenticate1 | POST /self/authentication | Verify authentication |
SelfClientApi | addNewClientImage2 | POST /self/clients/{clientId}/images | |
SelfClientApi | deleteClientImage1 | DELETE /self/clients/{clientId}/images | |
SelfClientApi | retrieveAll35 | GET /self/clients | List Clients associated to the user |
SelfClientApi | retrieveAllClientCharges1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/charges | List Client Charges |
SelfClientApi | retrieveAllClientTransactions1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/transactions | List Client Transactions |
SelfClientApi | retrieveAssociatedAccounts1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/accounts | Retrieve client accounts overview |
SelfClientApi | retrieveClientCharge1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/charges/{chargeId} | Retrieve a Client Charge |
SelfClientApi | retrieveClientTransaction1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve a Client Transaction |
SelfClientApi | retrieveImage1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/images | Retrieve Client Image |
SelfClientApi | retrieveObligeeDetails1 | GET /self/clients/{clientId}/obligeedetails | |
SelfClientApi | retrieveOne25 | GET /self/clients/{clientId} | Retrieve a Client |
SelfDividendApi | createDividendDetail | POST /shareproduct/{productId}/dividend | |
SelfDividendApi | deleteDividendDetail | DELETE /shareproduct/{productId}/dividend/{dividendId} | |
SelfDividendApi | retrieveAll38 | GET /shareproduct/{productId}/dividend | |
SelfDividendApi | retrieveDividendDetails | GET /shareproduct/{productId}/dividend/{dividendId} | |
SelfDividendApi | updateDividendDetail | PUT /shareproduct/{productId}/dividend/{dividendId} | |
SelfLoanProductsApi | retrieveAllLoanProducts1 | GET /self/loanproducts | |
SelfLoanProductsApi | retrieveLoanProductDetails1 | GET /self/loanproducts/{productId} | |
SelfLoansApi | calculateLoanScheduleOrSubmitLoanApplication1 | POST /self/loans | Calculate Loan Repayment Schedule |
SelfLoansApi | modifyLoanApplication1 | PUT /self/loans/{loanId} | Update a Loan Application |
SelfLoansApi | retrieveAllLoanCharges1 | GET /self/loans/{loanId}/charges | List Loan Charges |
SelfLoansApi | retrieveGuarantorDetails2 | GET /self/loans/{loanId}/guarantors | |
SelfLoansApi | retrieveLoan1 | GET /self/loans/{loanId} | Retrieve a Loan |
SelfLoansApi | retrieveLoanCharge1 | GET /self/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} | Retrieve a Loan Charge |
SelfLoansApi | retrieveTransaction1 | GET /self/loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve a Loan Transaction Details |
SelfLoansApi | stateTransitions1 | POST /self/loans/{loanId} | Applicant Withdraws from Loan Application |
SelfLoansApi | template17 | GET /self/loans/template | Retrieve Loan Details Template |
SelfRunReportApi | runReport1 | GET /self/runreports/{reportName} | Running A Report |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | modifySavingsAccountApplication | PUT /self/savingsaccounts/{accountId} | |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | retrieveAllSavingsAccountCharges1 | GET /self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges | List Savings Charges |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | retrieveSavings | GET /self/savingsaccounts/{accountId} | Retrieve a savings account |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | retrieveSavingsAccountCharge1 | GET /self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} | Retrieve a Savings account Charge |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | retrieveSavingsTransaction | GET /self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} | Retrieve Savings Account Transaction |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | submitSavingsAccountApplication | POST /self/savingsaccounts | |
SelfSavingsAccountApi | template18 | GET /self/savingsaccounts/template | |
SelfScoreCardApi | createScorecard | POST /self/surveys/scorecards/{surveyId} | |
SelfScoreCardApi | findByClient | GET /self/surveys/scorecards/clients/{clientId} | |
SelfServiceRegistrationApi | createSelfServiceRegistrationRequest | POST /self/registration | |
SelfServiceRegistrationApi | createSelfServiceUser | POST /self/registration/user | |
SelfShareAccountsApi | createAccount1 | POST /self/shareaccounts | Submit new share application |
SelfShareAccountsApi | retrieveShareAccount | GET /self/shareaccounts/{accountId} | Retrieve a share application/account |
SelfShareAccountsApi | template19 | GET /self/shareaccounts/template | Retrieve Share Account Template |
SelfSpmApi | fetchAllSurveys | GET /self/surveys | |
SelfThirdPartyTransferApi | add | POST /self/beneficiaries/tpt | Add TPT Beneficiary |
SelfThirdPartyTransferApi | delete20 | DELETE /self/beneficiaries/tpt/{beneficiaryId} | Delete TPT Beneficiary |
SelfThirdPartyTransferApi | retrieveAll34 | GET /self/beneficiaries/tpt | Get All TPT Beneficiary |
SelfThirdPartyTransferApi | template16 | GET /self/beneficiaries/tpt/template | Beneficiary Third Party Transfer Template |
SelfThirdPartyTransferApi | update20 | PUT /self/beneficiaries/tpt/{beneficiaryId} | Update TPT Beneficiary |
SelfUserApi | update21 | PUT /self/user | Update User |
SelfUserDetailsApi | fetchAuthenticatedUserData1 | GET /self/userdetails | Fetch authenticated user details |
ShareAccountApi | createAccount | POST /accounts/{type} | Submit new share application |
ShareAccountApi | getSharedAccountsTemplate | GET /accounts/{type}/downloadtemplate | |
ShareAccountApi | handleCommands2 | POST /accounts/{type}/{accountId} | Approve share application |
ShareAccountApi | postSharedAccountsTemplate | POST /accounts/{type}/uploadtemplate | |
ShareAccountApi | retrieveAccount | GET /accounts/{type}/{accountId} | Retrieve a share application/account |
ShareAccountApi | retrieveAllAccounts1 | GET /accounts/{type} | List share applications/accounts |
ShareAccountApi | template7 | GET /accounts/{type}/template | Retrieve Share Account Template |
ShareAccountApi | updateAccount | PUT /accounts/{type}/{accountId} | Modify a share application |
SpmSurveysApi | activateOrDeactivateSurvey | POST /surveys/{id} | Deactivate Survey |
SpmSurveysApi | createSurvey | POST /surveys | Create a Survey |
SpmSurveysApi | editSurvey | PUT /surveys/{id} | |
SpmSurveysApi | fetchAllSurveys1 | GET /surveys | List all Surveys |
SpmSurveysApi | findSurvey | GET /surveys/{id} | Retrieve a Survey |
StaffApi | createStaff | POST /staff | Create a staff member |
StaffApi | getStaffTemplate | GET /staff/downloadtemplate | |
StaffApi | postStaffTemplate | POST /staff/uploadtemplate | |
StaffApi | retreiveStaff | GET /staff/{staffId} | Retrieve a Staff Member |
StaffApi | retrieveStaff | GET /staff | Retrieve Staff |
StaffApi | updateStaff | PUT /staff/{staffId} | Update a Staff Member |
StandingInstructionsApi | create4 | POST /standinginstructions | Create new Standing Instruction |
StandingInstructionsApi | retrieveAll18 | GET /standinginstructions | List Standing Instructions |
StandingInstructionsApi | retrieveOne9 | GET /standinginstructions/{standingInstructionId} | Retrieve Standing Instruction |
StandingInstructionsApi | template6 | GET /standinginstructions/template | Retrieve Standing Instruction Template |
StandingInstructionsApi | update8 | PUT /standinginstructions/{standingInstructionId} | Update Standing Instruction |
StandingInstructionsHistoryApi | retrieveAll19 | GET /standinginstructionrunhistory | Standing Instructions Logged History |
TaxComponentsApi | createTaxCompoent | POST /taxes/component | Create a new Tax Component |
TaxComponentsApi | retrieveAllTaxComponents | GET /taxes/component | List Tax Components |
TaxComponentsApi | retrieveTaxComponent | GET /taxes/component/{taxComponentId} | Retrieve Tax Component |
TaxComponentsApi | retrieveTemplate20 | GET /taxes/component/template | |
TaxComponentsApi | updateTaxCompoent | PUT /taxes/component/{taxComponentId} | Update Tax Component |
TaxGroupApi | createTaxGroup | POST /taxes/group | Create a new Tax Group |
TaxGroupApi | retrieveAllTaxGroups | GET /taxes/group | List Tax Group |
TaxGroupApi | retrieveTaxGroup | GET /taxes/group/{taxGroupId} | Retrieve Tax Group |
TaxGroupApi | retrieveTemplate21 | GET /taxes/group/template | |
TaxGroupApi | updateTaxGroup | PUT /taxes/group/{taxGroupId} | Update Tax Group |
TellerCashManagementApi | allocateCashToCashier | POST /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/allocate | Allocate Cash To Cashier |
TellerCashManagementApi | createCashier | POST /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers | Create Cashiers |
TellerCashManagementApi | createTeller | POST /tellers | Create teller |
TellerCashManagementApi | deleteCashier | DELETE /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} | Delete Cashier |
TellerCashManagementApi | deleteTeller | DELETE /tellers/{tellerId} | |
TellerCashManagementApi | findCashierData | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} | Retrieve a cashier |
TellerCashManagementApi | findTeller | GET /tellers/{tellerId} | Retrieve tellers |
TellerCashManagementApi | findTransactionData | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/transactions/{transactionId} | |
TellerCashManagementApi | getCashierData1 | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers | List Cashiers |
TellerCashManagementApi | getCashierTemplate | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/template | Find Cashiers |
TellerCashManagementApi | getCashierTxnTemplate | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/transactions/template | Retrieve Cashier Transaction Template |
TellerCashManagementApi | getJournalData | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/journals | |
TellerCashManagementApi | getTellerData | GET /tellers | List all tellers |
TellerCashManagementApi | getTransactionData | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/transactions | |
TellerCashManagementApi | getTransactionsForCashier | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/transactions | Retrieve Cashier Transaction |
TellerCashManagementApi | getTransactionsWtihSummaryForCashier | GET /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/summaryandtransactions | Transactions Wtih Summary For Cashier |
TellerCashManagementApi | settleCashFromCashier | POST /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/settle | Settle Cash From Cashier |
TellerCashManagementApi | updateCashier | PUT /tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} | Update Cashier |
TellerCashManagementApi | updateTeller | PUT /tellers/{tellerId} | Update teller |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | createTemplate | POST /templates | Add a UGD |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | deleteTemplate | DELETE /templates/{templateId} | Delete a UGD |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | getTemplateByTemplate | GET /templates/{templateId}/template | |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | mergeTemplate | POST /templates/{templateId} | |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | retrieveAll39 | GET /templates | Retrieve all UGDs |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | retrieveOne27 | GET /templates/{templateId} | Retrieve a UGD |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | saveTemplate | PUT /templates/{templateId} | Update a UGD |
UserGeneratedDocumentsApi | template20 | GET /templates/template | Retrieve UGD Details Template |
UsersApi | create14 | POST /users | Create a User |
UsersApi | delete21 | DELETE /users/{userId} | Delete a User |
UsersApi | getUserTemplate | GET /users/downloadtemplate | |
UsersApi | postUsersTemplate | POST /users/uploadtemplate | |
UsersApi | retrieveAll40 | GET /users | Retrieve list of users |
UsersApi | retrieveOne28 | GET /users/{userId} | Retrieve a User |
UsersApi | template22 | GET /users/template | Retrieve User Details Template |
UsersApi | update23 | PUT /users/{userId} | Update a User |
WorkingDaysApi | retrieveAll16 | GET /workingdays | List Working days |
WorkingDaysApi | template4 | GET /workingdays/template | Working Days Template |
WorkingDaysApi | update7 | PUT /workingdays | Update a Working Day |
Documentation For Models
- AccountingRuleData
- AccountingTagRuleData
- AppUser
- AppUserClientMapping
- AppUserData
- BatchResponse
- Body
- Body1
- Body10
- Body11
- Body12
- Body13
- Body14
- Body15
- Body16
- Body17
- Body18
- Body19
- Body2
- Body20
- Body21
- Body3
- Body4
- Body5
- Body6
- Body7
- Body8
- Body9
- BodyPart
- BodyPartHeaders
- BodyPartMediaType
- CashierData
- CashierTransactionData
- CashierTxnType
- Charge
- ChargeData
- Chronology
- Client
- ClientData
- ClientTimelineData
- CodeValueData
- CommandProcessingResult
- CommandWrapper
- Component
- ComponentData
- ContentDisposition
- CurrencyData
- DatatableCheckStatusData
- DatatableChecksData
- DateParam
- DateTimeField
- DateTimeFieldType
- DateTimeZone
- DeleteAccountNumberFormatsResponse
- DeleteAccountingRulesResponse
- DeleteCentersCenterIdResponse
- DeleteCentersChanges
- DeleteChargesChargeIdResponse
- DeleteClientsClientIdChargesChargeIdResponse
- DeleteClientsClientIdIdentifiersIdentifierIdResponse
- DeleteClientsClientIdRequest
- DeleteClientsClientIdResponse
- DeleteCodeValueDataResponse
- DeleteCodesResponse
- DeleteDataTablesDatatableAppTableIdDatatableIdResponse
- DeleteDataTablesDatatableAppTableIdResponse
- DeleteDataTablesResponse
- DeleteEntityDatatableChecksTemplateResponse
- DeleteEntityTypeEntityIdDocumentsResponse
- DeleteFinancialActivityAccountsResponse
- DeleteFixedDepositAccountsAccountIdResponse
- DeleteFixedDepositProductsProductIdResponse
- DeleteGLAccountsRequest
- DeleteGlClosuresResponse
- DeleteGroupsGroupIdResponse
- DeleteHolidaysHolidayIdResponse
- DeleteHookResponse
- DeleteInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsResponse
- DeleteInterestRateChartsChartIdResponse
- DeleteLoansLoanIdChargesChargeIdResponse
- DeleteLoansLoanIdCollateralsCollateralIdResponse
- DeleteLoansLoanIdResponse
- DeletePaymentTypesPaymentTypeIdResponse
- DeleteProvisioningCriteriaResponse
- DeleteRecurringDepositAccountsResponse
- DeleteRecurringDepositProductsProductIdResponse
- DeleteReportMailingJobsRequest
- DeleteReportMailingJobsResponse
- DeleteReportsResponse
- DeleteResourceTypeResourceIdNotesNoteIdResponse
- DeleteRolesRoleIdResponse
- DeleteSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse
- DeleteSavingsAccountsSavingsAccountIdChargesSavingsAccountChargeIdResponse
- DeleteSavingsProductsProductIdResponse
- DeleteSelfBeneficiariesTPTBeneficiaryIdResponse
- DeleteTellersTellerIdCashiersCashierIdResponse
- DeleteTemplatesTemplateIdResponse
- DeleteUsersUserIdResponse
- DeleteUsersUserIdResponseChanges
- DurationField
- DurationFieldType
- Entity
- EnumOptionData
- Event
- ExtensionData
- ExternalServicesPropertiesData
- Field
- FinancialActivityData
- FloatingRate
- FloatingRatePeriod
- FormDataBodyPart
- FormDataContentDisposition
- FundData
- GLAccount
- GLAccountData
- GeoCodeData
- GetAccountNumberFormatsIdResponse
- GetAccountNumberFormatsResponseTemplate
- GetAccountOptions
- GetAccountRulesResponse
- GetAccountRulesTemplateResponse
- GetAccountTransferTemplateResponse
- GetAccountTransfersClientClassification
- GetAccountTransfersClientType
- GetAccountTransfersFromAccountType
- GetAccountTransfersFromAccountTypeOptions
- GetAccountTransfersFromClientOptions
- GetAccountTransfersFromOffice
- GetAccountTransfersFromOfficeOptions
- GetAccountTransfersGender
- GetAccountTransfersGroups
- GetAccountTransfersPageItems
- GetAccountTransfersPageItemsCurrency
- GetAccountTransfersPageItemsFromAccount
- GetAccountTransfersPageItemsFromOffice
- GetAccountTransfersPageItemsToAccountType
- GetAccountTransfersResponse
- GetAccountTransfersStatus
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferCurrency
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferFromAccount
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferFromAccountOptions
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferFromClient
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferFromClientOptions
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferFromOffice
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferFromOfficeOptions
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferResponse
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferToAccount
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateRefundByTransferToClient
- GetAccountTransfersTemplateResponse
- GetAccountTransfersTimeline
- GetAccountTransfersToAccountTypeOptions
- GetAccountTransfersToOfficeOptions
- GetAccountingMappingOptions
- GetAccountsChargeCalculationType
- GetAccountsChargeTimeType
- GetAccountsCharges
- GetAccountsChargesCurrency
- GetAccountsCurrency
- GetAccountsLinkedToPocketResponse
- GetAccountsLockPeriodTypeEnum
- GetAccountsPageItems
- GetAccountsPurchasedShares
- GetAccountsPurchasedSharesStatus
- GetAccountsPurchasedSharesType
- GetAccountsStatus
- GetAccountsSummary
- GetAccountsTimeline
- GetAccountsTypeAccountIdResponse
- GetAccountsTypeProductOptions
- GetAccountsTypePurchasedShares
- GetAccountsTypeResponse
- GetAccountsTypeStatus
- GetAccountsTypeSummary
- GetAccountsTypeTemplateResponse
- GetAccountsTypeTimeline
- GetAssetType
- GetCachesResponse
- GetCentersAccountType
- GetCentersCenterIdAccountsResponse
- GetCentersCenterIdCurrency
- GetCentersCenterIdResponse
- GetCentersCenterIdStatus
- GetCentersDepositType
- GetCentersOfficeOptions
- GetCentersPageItems
- GetCentersResponse
- GetCentersSavingsAccounts
- GetCentersStaffOptions
- GetCentersStatus
- GetCentersTemplateResponse
- GetCentersTimeline
- GetChargeAppliesTo
- GetChargeCalculationType
- GetChargePaymentMode
- GetChargeTimeType
- GetChargesAppliesTo
- GetChargesAppliesToResponse
- GetChargesCalculationTypeResponse
- GetChargesChargeCalculationType
- GetChargesChargeTimeType
- GetChargesCurrency
- GetChargesCurrencyResponse
- GetChargesPaymentModeResponse
- GetChargesResponse
- GetChargesTemplateFeeFrequencyOptions
- GetChargesTemplateLoanChargeCalculationTypeOptions
- GetChargesTemplateLoanChargeTimeTypeOptions
- GetChargesTemplateResponse
- GetChargesTimeTypeResponse
- GetClientChargeCalculationType
- GetClientChargeCurrency
- GetClientChargeTimeType
- GetClientClientIdAddressesResponse
- GetClientIdProductIdAccountingMappings
- GetClientIdProductIdChargeOptions
- GetClientIdProductIdLockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions
- GetClientIdProductIdMinimumActivePeriodFrequencyTypeOptions
- GetClientIdProductIdProductOptions
- GetClientStatus
- GetClientTransactionsCurrency
- GetClientsAllowedDocumentTypes
- GetClientsChargesPageItems
- GetClientsClientIdAccountsResponse
- GetClientsClientIdChargesResponse
- GetClientsClientIdIdentifiersResponse
- GetClientsClientIdIdentifiersTemplateResponse
- GetClientsClientIdResponse
- GetClientsClientIdStatus
- GetClientsClientIdTransactionsResponse
- GetClientsClientIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse
- GetClientsClientIdTransactionsType
- GetClientsColumnHeaderData
- GetClientsDataTables
- GetClientsDocumentType
- GetClientsLoanAccounts
- GetClientsLoanAccountsStatus
- GetClientsLoanAccountsType
- GetClientsOfficeOptions
- GetClientsPageItems
- GetClientsPageItemsResponse
- GetClientsResponse
- GetClientsSavingProductOptions
- GetClientsSavingsAccounts
- GetClientsSavingsAccountsCurrency
- GetClientsSavingsAccountsStatus
- GetClientsStaffOptions
- GetClientsTemplateResponse
- GetClientsTimeline
- GetCodeValuesDataResponse
- GetCodesResponse
- GetCollateralCurrencyResponse
- GetCollateralTypeResponse
- GetCollateralsTemplateAllowedTypes
- GetCurrenciesResponse
- GetDataTablesAppTableIdResponse
- GetDataTablesResponse
- GetEntityDatatableChecksResponse
- GetEntityDatatableChecksTemplateResponse
- GetEntityTypeEntityIdDocumentsResponse
- GetEquityType
- GetFieldConfigurationEntityResponse
- GetFinancialActivityAccountsResponse
- GetFixedDepositAccountsAccountChart
- GetFixedDepositAccountsAccountChartCurrency
- GetFixedDepositAccountsAccountIdCurrency
- GetFixedDepositAccountsAccountIdResponse
- GetFixedDepositAccountsAccountIdSummary
- GetFixedDepositAccountsChartSlabs
- GetFixedDepositAccountsCurrency
- GetFixedDepositAccountsDepositPeriodFrequency
- GetFixedDepositAccountsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsInterestCalculationType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsInterestCompoundingPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsInterestPostingPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsMaxDepositTermType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsMinDepositTermType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositAccountsPeriodTypes
- GetFixedDepositAccountsProductOptions
- GetFixedDepositAccountsResponse
- GetFixedDepositAccountsStatus
- GetFixedDepositAccountsSummary
- GetFixedDepositAccountsTemplateResponse
- GetFixedDepositAccountsTimeline
- GetFixedDepositProductsAccountingRule
- GetFixedDepositProductsCurrency
- GetFixedDepositProductsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType
- GetFixedDepositProductsInterestCalculationType
- GetFixedDepositProductsInterestCompoundingPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositProductsInterestPostingPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositProductsMaxDepositTermType
- GetFixedDepositProductsMinDepositTermType
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdAccountingMappings
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdActiveChart
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdChartSlabs
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdCurrency
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdFeeToIncomeAccountMappings
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdFeeToIncomeAccountMappingsCharge
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdFeeToIncomeAccountMappingsIncomeAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdIncomeFromFeeAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdIncomeFromPenaltyAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdInterestCompoundingPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdInterestOnSavingsAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdMaxDepositTermType
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdMinDepositTermType
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdPenaltyToIncomeAccountMappings
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdPenaltyToIncomeAccountMappingsCharge
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdPeriodType
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdPreClosurePenalInterestOnType
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdResponse
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdSavingsControlAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdSavingsReferenceAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsProductIdTransfersInSuspenseAccount
- GetFixedDepositProductsResponse
- GetFloatingRatesFloatingRateIdResponse
- GetFloatingRatesRatePeriods
- GetFloatingRatesResponse
- GetFromAccountOptions
- GetFromAccountStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromAccountTypeOptionsResponseStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromAccountTypeResponseStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromAccountTypeStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromClientOptionsResponseStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromClientStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromOfficeOptionsResponseStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromOfficeResponseStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFromOfficeStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetFundsResponse
- GetGLAccountsResponse
- GetGLAccountsTemplateResponse
- GetGlClosureResponse
- GetGlobalConfigurationsResponse
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsLoanAccounts
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsLoanType
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsMemberLoanAccounts
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsMemberLoanStatus
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsMemberLoanType
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsMemberSavingsAccounts
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsResponse
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsSavingAccountType
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsSavingAccounts
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsSavingCurrency
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsSavingStatus
- GetGroupsGroupIdAccountsStatus
- GetGroupsGroupIdResponse
- GetGroupsGroupIdTimeline
- GetGroupsPageItems
- GetGroupsResponse
- GetGroupsStatus
- GetGroupsTemplateClientOptions
- GetGroupsTemplateColumnHeaderData
- GetGroupsTemplateColumnValues
- GetGroupsTemplateDatatables
- GetGroupsTemplateOfficeOptions
- GetGroupsTemplateResponse
- GetGroupsTemplateStaffOptions
- GetHolidaysResponse
- GetHookResponse
- GetHookTemplateResponse
- GetIncomeFromFeeAccountId
- GetIncomeType
- GetInstructionTypeOptionsResponseStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetInstructionTypeStandingInstructionSwagger
- GetInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsAttributeName
- GetInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsConditionType
- GetInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsEntityType
- GetInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsIncentiveType
- GetInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsIncentives
- GetInterestRateChartsChartIdChartSlabsResponse
- GetInterestRateChartsChartSlabs
- GetInterestRateChartsCurrency
- GetInterestRateChartsResponse
- GetInterestRateChartsTemplatePeriodTypes
- GetInterestRateChartsTemplateResponse
- GetJobsJobIDJobRunHistoryResponse
- GetJobsResponse
- GetLoanAccountingMappings
- GetLoanCharge
- GetLoanChargeCalculationType
- GetLoanChargeCurrency
- GetLoanChargeTemplateChargeAppliesTo
- GetLoanChargeTemplateChargeOptions
- GetLoanChargeTemplateChargeTimeType
- GetLoanChargeTimeType
- GetLoanCurrency
- GetLoanFeeToIncomeAccountMappings
- GetLoanFundSourceAccount
- GetLoanIncomeFromFeeAccount
- GetLoanIncomeFromPenaltyAccount
- GetLoanInterestOnLoanAccount
- GetLoanOverpaymentLiabilityAccount
- GetLoanPaymentChannelToFundSourceMappings
- GetLoanPaymentType
- GetLoanPortfolioAccount
- GetLoanProductsAccountingMappingOptions
- GetLoanProductsAccountingRule
- GetLoanProductsAmortizationType
- GetLoanProductsAssetAccountOptions
- GetLoanProductsChargeAppliesTo
- GetLoanProductsChargeOptions
- GetLoanProductsCurrency
- GetLoanProductsCurrencyOptions
- GetLoanProductsDaysInYearTemplateType
- GetLoanProductsExpenseAccountOptions
- GetLoanProductsExpenseType
- GetLoanProductsIncomeAccountOptions
- GetLoanProductsIncomeType
- GetLoanProductsInterestRateFrequencyType
- GetLoanProductsInterestRateTemplateFrequencyType
- GetLoanProductsInterestRecalculationCompoundingFrequencyType
- GetLoanProductsInterestRecalculationCompoundingType
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- PutTellersTellerIdCashiersCashierIdRequest
- PutTellersTellerIdCashiersCashierIdResponse
- PutTellersTellerIdCashiersCashierIdResponseChanges
- PutTemplatesTemplateIdRequest
- PutTemplatesTemplateIdResponse
- PutUpdateStandingInstructionChanges
- PutUsersUserIdRequest
- PutUsersUserIdResponse
- PutUsersUserIdResponseChanges
- PutWorkingDaysRequest
- PutWorkingDaysResponse
- Question
- QuestionData
- Rate
- ReportData
- ReportMailingJobRunHistoryData
- ReportMailingJobTimelineData
- ReportParameterData
- Response
- ResponseData
- ResultsetColumnHeaderData
- ResultsetRowData
- Role
- RoleData
- SavingsProductData
- Scorecard
- ScorecardData
- ScorecardValue
- SingleDebitOrCreditEntryCommand
- SmsCampaignData
- Staff
- StaffData
- Survey
- SurveyData
- TaxComponent
- TaxComponentHistory
- TaxGroup
- TaxGroupMappings
- TemplateMapper
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: fineract-platform-tenantid
- Location: HTTP header