fr05t1k / admin-theme-bundle
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
- php: >=5.5.9
- almasaeed2010/adminlte: ^2.3
- symfony/event-dispatcher: >=2.3
- symfony/http-foundation: >=2.3
- symfony/http-kernel: >=2.3
Requires (Dev)
- phpspec/prophecy: ^1.6
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle: Allows easy menu integration.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-10 01:43:06 UTC
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony. This bundle integrates several commonly used javascripts and the awesome AdminLTE Template.
Installation using composer is really easy: this command will add "avanzu/admin-theme-bundle": "~2.0"
to your composer.json
and will download the bundle:
php composer.phar require avanzu/admin-theme-bundle
Enable the bundle in your kernel:
<?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Avanzu\AdminThemeBundle\AvanzuAdminThemeBundle(), ); }
Install assets (preferably using symlink method but hardcopy works as well)...
php bin/console assets:install --symlink
Initialize the theme
php bin/console avanzu:admin:initialize [--symlink|--relative]
initializing will create several symlinks (falling back to hard copy) into the web/theme
folder from the required almasaeed2010/adminlte
- bootstrap
- dist
- plugins
- documentation
- starter.html
Although the bundle should run with zero configruration, there are several settings you might want to adjust to your taste or requirements. Please keep in mind that you don't have to put the whole config block into your configuration but rather the ones you want to change from the defaults.
These are the configuration default values:
# config.yml avanzu_admin_theme: use_twig : true enable_demo: false theme: default_avatar : bundles/avanzuadmintheme/img/avatar.png skin : skin-blue # see skin listing for viable options fixed_layout : false # ------------------------------------------------------- boxed_layout : false # these settings relate directly to the "Layout Options" collapsed_sidebar: false # described in the adminlte documentation mini_sidebar : false # ------------------------------------------------------- control_sidebar : false # controls wether the right hand panel will be rendered knp_menu: # knp menu integration enable : true main_menu : avanzu_main # the menu builder alias to use for the main menu breadcrumb_menu: false # the menu builder alias to use for the breacrumbs
AdminLTE skins are:
- skin-blue (default for this bundle)
- skin-blue-light
- skin-yellow
- skin-yellow-light
- skin-green
- skin-green-light
- skin-purple
- skin-purple-light
- skin-red
- skin-red-light
- skin-black
- skin-black-light
If you want to know more then go ahead and check docs for AdminLTE here.
In order to se a working implementation of the several components, you can enable the demo mode:
# config.yml avanzu_admin_theme: enable_demo: true
and add the routes to your routing configuration:
# routing.yml avanzu_admin: prefix: /admin resource: "@AvanzuAdminThemeBundle/Resources/config/routes.yml"
Upgrade notice
Version >= 2.0
This version is not fully backwards compatible regarding the templates and assets.
- does no longer rely on any external build tools or package managers (except composer of course). In consequence, there are no pre packaged scripts/styles or asset groups available. If you want to use script and/or stylesheet packing, you will most likely already have the tools of your choice in place and are now able to use them as fits best for your needs.
- Introduces route name aliases for url generation inside the components.
Version >= 1.3
- comes with pre packaged asset files located under
. So, there is no longer a strict requirement for bower and/or assetic. The assetic groups hovever, are still there and should work as usual.