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Utility for managing a shared Docker network for local development environments. 2020-12-23 14:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-09-20 00:36:41 UTC


Genly is a utility for managing a shared Docker network and other common services for local development environments. It is heavily inspired by Dash.

Like Rokanan, it is named after an Ursula Le Guin character.



Install Genly globally with Composer by running

composer global require fostermadeco/genly dev-master

Genly requires several Symfony components at version ^4.4, because this is the current Symfony LTS version.

This means you will have to upgrade Rokanan in order to have them installed side-by-side. Run

composer global require fostermadeco/rokanan dev-require-php7

This will install a new version of Rokanan with the same requirements as Genly. If you require any conflicting Symfony components at ^3.4 in your root global project (as described in the Rokanan README, you will have to remove them first.


Genly will create its own Docker network and, upon initialization, will create a number of common Docker containers. These include,

  1. An nginx proxy, so that multiple web projects can be accessed via project-specific domain names instead of localhost.
  2. A dnsmasq resolver that will route *.test requests to the nginx proxy; this will not interfere with any *.test entries in /etc/hosts.
  3. A mailhog container that can be accessed at https://mailhog.test. Web containers should be configured to send mail to mailhog (the service name).
  4. A MySQL 5.7 container that can be accessed from other containers on the network at mysql57. It can also be accessed via MySQL clients like SequelPro or Querious at
  5. A Postgres 12 container that can be accessed from other containers on the network at postgres. It can also be accessed at by Postgres clients — TablePlus works well.

To be compatible with Genly, a project should contain a docker-compose.yml file that defines a web service and a node service. It can include any other services, but these are the minimally required ones.


genly init

This command will create the genly network and all of the above containers.

genly init:project

This command will create any services defined in your project docker-compose.yml file.

In Docker projects, commands should only be run inside containers and not on the host machine. To make things easier, genly also has the following two convenience commands to ensure composer and npm commands are run through the web and node service, respectively.

genly composer [...]

For example, genly composer install --no-dev --no-scripts --classmap-authoritative will run composer install --no-dev --no-scripts --classmap-authoritative in the web container.

genly npm [...]

For example, genly npm install will run npm install in the node container.

With Webpack and BrowserSync configured correctly, genly npm run watch can even be run, with live-reloading available at https://sync.example.test.

Example docker-compose file

Here is a basic docker-compose file.

version: '3'

    image: webdevops/php-nginx:7.4
      - 80
    working_dir: /app
      WEB_DOCUMENT_ROOT: /app/public
      VIRTUAL_HOST: example.test
      HTTPS_METHOD: redirect
      - .:/app:rw,cached
      - genly

    image: node:12
      - 443
    working_dir: /app
      VIRTUAL_HOST: sync.example.test
      - .:/app:rw,cached
    command: npm run watch
      - "web:example.test"
      - genly

      name: genly