
Kimai V2 PHP Api client.

0.2.2 2021-08-05 20:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 04:23:18 UTC


JSON API for the Kimai 2 time-tracking software. Read more about its usage in the API documentation and then download a Swagger file for import e.g. in Postman. Be aware: it is not yet considered stable and BC breaks might happen, especially when using code generation. The order of JSON attributes is not guaranteed.

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.2 and later.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "require": {
    "fiteco-group/kimai-client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure host on which Kimai is running
$config = Fiteco\KimaiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setHost('');

// Configure API key authorization: apiToken
$config = Fiteco\KimaiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-AUTH-TOKEN', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Fiteco\KimaiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-AUTH-TOKEN', 'Bearer');

// Configure API key authorization: apiUser
$config = Fiteco\KimaiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-AUTH-USER', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Fiteco\KimaiClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-AUTH-USER', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new Fiteco\KimaiClient\Api\ActivityApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$project = 'project_example'; // string | Project ID to filter activities
$projects = 'projects_example'; // string | Comma separated list of project IDs to filter activities
$visible = 'visible_example'; // string | Visibility status to filter activities. Allowed values: 1=visible, 2=hidden, 3=all (default: 1)
$globals = 'globals_example'; // string | Use if you want to fetch only global activities. Allowed values: true (default: false)
$globalsFirst = 'globalsFirst_example'; // string | Deprecated parameter, value is not used any more
$orderBy = 'orderBy_example'; // string | The field by which results will be ordered. Allowed values: id, name, project (default: name)
$order = 'order_example'; // string | The result order. Allowed values: ASC, DESC (default: ASC)
$term = 'term_example'; // string | Free search term

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->apiActivitiesGet($project, $projects, $visible, $globals, $globalsFirst, $orderBy, $order, $term);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ActivityApi->apiActivitiesGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to Kimai installation.

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActivityApi apiActivitiesGet GET /api/activities Returns a collection of activities
ActivityApi apiActivitiesIdGet GET /api/activities/{id} Returns one activity
ActivityApi apiActivitiesIdMetaPatch PATCH /api/activities/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing activity
ActivityApi apiActivitiesIdPatch PATCH /api/activities/{id} Update an existing activity
ActivityApi apiActivitiesIdRatesGet GET /api/activities/{id}/rates Returns a collection of all rates for one activity
ActivityApi apiActivitiesIdRatesPost POST /api/activities/{id}/rates Adds a new rate to an activity
ActivityApi apiActivitiesIdRatesRateIdDelete DELETE /api/activities/{id}/rates/{rateId} Deletes one rate for an activity
ActivityApi apiActivitiesPost POST /api/activities Creates a new activity
CustomerApi apiCustomersGet GET /api/customers Returns a collection of customers
CustomerApi apiCustomersIdGet GET /api/customers/{id} Returns one customer
CustomerApi apiCustomersIdMetaPatch PATCH /api/customers/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing customer
CustomerApi apiCustomersIdPatch PATCH /api/customers/{id} Update an existing customer
CustomerApi apiCustomersIdRatesGet GET /api/customers/{id}/rates Returns a collection of all rates for one customer
CustomerApi apiCustomersIdRatesPost POST /api/customers/{id}/rates Adds a new rate to a customer
CustomerApi apiCustomersIdRatesRateIdDelete DELETE /api/customers/{id}/rates/{rateId} Deletes one rate for an customer
CustomerApi apiCustomersPost POST /api/customers Creates a new customer
DefaultApi apiConfigI18nGet GET /api/config/i18n Returns the user specific locale configuration
DefaultApi apiConfigTimesheetGet GET /api/config/timesheet Returns the timesheet configuration
DefaultApi apiPingGet GET /api/ping A testing route for the API
DefaultApi apiPluginsGet GET /api/plugins Returns information about installed Plugins
DefaultApi apiVersionGet GET /api/version Returns information about the Kimai release
ProjectApi apiProjectsGet GET /api/projects Returns a collection of projects.
ProjectApi apiProjectsIdGet GET /api/projects/{id} Returns one project
ProjectApi apiProjectsIdMetaPatch PATCH /api/projects/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing project
ProjectApi apiProjectsIdPatch PATCH /api/projects/{id} Update an existing project
ProjectApi apiProjectsIdRatesGet GET /api/projects/{id}/rates Returns a collection of all rates for one project
ProjectApi apiProjectsIdRatesPost POST /api/projects/{id}/rates Adds a new rate to an project
ProjectApi apiProjectsIdRatesRateIdDelete DELETE /api/projects/{id}/rates/{rateId} Deletes one rate for an project
ProjectApi apiProjectsPost POST /api/projects Creates a new project
TagApi apiTagsGet GET /api/tags Fetch all existing tags
TagApi apiTagsIdDelete DELETE /api/tags/{id} Delete a tag
TagApi apiTagsPost POST /api/tags Creates a new tag
TeamApi apiTeamsGet GET /api/teams Fetch all existing teams
TeamApi apiTeamsIdActivitiesActivityIdDelete DELETE /api/teams/{id}/activities/{activityId} Revokes access for an activity from a team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdActivitiesActivityIdPost POST /api/teams/{id}/activities/{activityId} Grant the team access to an activity
TeamApi apiTeamsIdCustomersCustomerIdDelete DELETE /api/teams/{id}/customers/{customerId} Revokes access for a customer from a team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdCustomersCustomerIdPost POST /api/teams/{id}/customers/{customerId} Grant the team access to a customer
TeamApi apiTeamsIdDelete DELETE /api/teams/{id} Delete a team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdGet GET /api/teams/{id} Returns one team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdMembersUserIdDelete DELETE /api/teams/{id}/members/{userId} Removes a member from the team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdMembersUserIdPost POST /api/teams/{id}/members/{userId} Add a new member to a team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdPatch PATCH /api/teams/{id} Update an existing team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdProjectsProjectIdDelete DELETE /api/teams/{id}/projects/{projectId} Revokes access for a project from a team
TeamApi apiTeamsIdProjectsProjectIdPost POST /api/teams/{id}/projects/{projectId} Grant the team access to a project
TeamApi apiTeamsPost POST /api/teams Creates a new team
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsActiveGet GET /api/timesheets/active Returns the collection of active timesheet records
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsGet GET /api/timesheets Returns a collection of timesheet records
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdDelete DELETE /api/timesheets/{id} Delete an existing timesheet record
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdDuplicatePatch PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/duplicate Duplicates an existing timesheet record
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdExportPatch PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/export Switch the export state of a timesheet record to (un-)lock it
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdGet GET /api/timesheets/{id} Returns one timesheet record
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdMetaPatch PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/meta Sets the value of a meta-field for an existing timesheet.
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdPatch PATCH /api/timesheets/{id} Update an existing timesheet record
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdRestartPatch PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/restart Restarts a previously stopped timesheet record for the current user
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsIdStopPatch PATCH /api/timesheets/{id}/stop Stops an active timesheet record
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsPost POST /api/timesheets Creates a new timesheet record
TimesheetApi apiTimesheetsRecentGet GET /api/timesheets/recent Returns the collection of recent user activities
UserApi apiUsersGet GET /api/users Returns the collection of all registered users
UserApi apiUsersIdGet GET /api/users/{id} Return one user entity
UserApi apiUsersIdPatch PATCH /api/users/{id} Update an existing user
UserApi apiUsersMeGet GET /api/users/me Return the current user entity
UserApi apiUsersPost POST /api/users Creates a new user




  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-AUTH-TOKEN
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-AUTH-USER
  • Location: HTTP header


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.6
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen