
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the fintech-systems/yodlee-api package instead.
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.0.26) of this package.

v0.0.26 2022-09-20 13:56 UTC


Latest Stable Version GitHub


Install the package via composer:

composer require fintech-systems/yodlee-api

Store private and public keys

Create a directory /storage and copy your private key to /storage/private-key.pem. If you want to run the full testsuite, also copy public-key.pem to /storage.

Set up the environment file

Copy .env.example file to .env and complete the details.

Contents of .env



List of Commands

Display API keys:

✗ php artisan yodlee:api-key
| key                                           | createdDate |
| 00000000-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 | 2021-05-06  |

Console Commands

The console commands contains a subset of the main API methods.

yodlee:accounts                       Fetch a list of Yodlee accounts
yodlee:api-key                        Fetch a list of Yodlee API keys
yodlee:delete-user                    Delete an existing Yodlee user
yodlee:event-subscriptions            Fetch a list of subscribed notification events
yodlee:get-user                       Fetch details about a Yodlee user
yodlee:providers                      Fetch a list of Yodlee providers
yodlee:provider-accounts              Fetch a list of Yodlee provider accounts
yodlee:register-user                  Register a new Yodlee user
yodlee:subscribe                      Subscribe to DATA_UPDATES event notifications
yodlee:transactions                   Fetch a list of Yodlee transactions for a user
yodlee:unsubscribe                    Unsubscribe from DATA_UPDATES event notifications


Retrieving a user

Token issues

    "errorCode": "Y008",
    "errorMessage": "Invalid token in authorization header",
    "referenceCode": "c1b1b1b1-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b-1b1b1b1b1b1b"

Check that you have the correct username as specified user YODLEE_USERNAME in your .env file.


Test examples:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ApiTest.php
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter it_can_generate_a_jwt_token tests/
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html=tests/coverage-report


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Laravel Specific Config

To publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=yodlee-config

Local Development

  • Ensure your private-key.pem and public-key.pem keys are stored in /storage

The event subscription callback URL will normally be https://app_url/api/v1/event.

If you're doing local development, add a temporary URL to the .env file, e.g:

The above example assumes you're using Expose. The start Expose with this URL with Laravel Valet, do this:

expose share --subdomain=my-app --server=eu-1 http://my-app.test

If you're testing with an existing project, then update composer.json in the existing project to require the file like so:

"repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../yodlee-api"

Then update composer:

  composer require fintech-systems/yodlee-api:dev-main
  - Upgrading fintech-systems/yodlee-api (v0.0.17 => dev-main)
  - Removing fintech-systems/yodlee-api (v0.0.17)
  - Installing fintech-systems/yodlee-api (dev-main): Symlinking from ../yodlee-api
Generating optimized autoload files


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Need Help?

Yodlee ERD

To get a high level overview of Yodlee's data structure, see here:

Yodlee API Reference

The Yodlee Developer's API Reference can be found here:

I'm developing this API on my own time for a larger project but if you reach out I might be able to help or prioritize features. +27823096710