
Redis cache driver with extended capabilities

v0.0.1 2015-03-13 08:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:45:50 UTC


This project is currently under development. Code most probably is broken. Please wait until 1.0 is released to use it in production.

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  • All Cache facade methods extended to accept arrays as keys to utilize Redis MULTI operations (multi-get, -set, -forget etc.)
  • Redis optimized commands used where appropriate (EXISTS in has(), SET...NX in add() etc)
  • ❗ No need to do Cache::tags(...) when reading data. Cache::get() is enough. So you can now query cache without even knowing which tags are associated with some cache item
  • Tag operations optimized: there will be no second Redis query when doing Cache::tags() with the same tag set
  • Serialization support:
    • Built-in ability to serialize and deserialize Laravel models with all attributes and relations as a single cache item (Laravel cannot cache models, only queries upon which models are constructed. Each relation in Laravel currently is a separate query and thus a separate cache item)
    • Ability to add new serializers / deserializers for custom object types


Core <===> Serialization <===> Encoding
 |                                 | 
 |---->  TagVersionStorage  <------|
          + Utility +
  • Core contains mostly Redis command implementations
  • Serialization handles packing and unpacking cache items into a structure, suitable to be placed into a cache (encoded item value, expiration data, item tags with their versions). Serialization relies on Coders to convert objects into something easily serializable.
    • Coders contain low-level serialization routes. They receive data (objects or whatever) and emit something, that can be passed to PHP's serialize() in order to get encoded object's representation. Every coder must implement CoderInterface
  • TagVersionStorage is a per-Redis-connection singleton, that manages tag versions: fetches actual tag versions, compares them, flushes them etc. All tag storage handlers should implement TagVersionStorageInterface.
    • PlainTagVersionStorage is a basic version of tag version storage that doesn't share any information about tag versions outside current PHP process. You can implement a version, that will store actual tag versions, for example, in APC if querying Redis becomes expensive or just needs to be avoided.
  • Utility contains some low-level specific tools which are not subsystem related.
    • RedisConnectionTrait - is a trait, that allows to reuse the same scheme of Redis connection handling across the project
    • Arr contains some low-level array routines
    • Time contains some time management routines


  • Code style - Symfony 2
  • Use type hinting where possible
  • Use phpdoc annotations where possible
  • Prefer language constructs to strings (for example, use MyClass::class, not 'MyClass' where class name is needed)