
A PHP wrapper for using the fetchdocs API

1.0.0 2019-04-02 10:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 02:39:27 UTC


fetchdocs.io - Fetch API can be used for the API-Based integration of document fetching as well as for the UI Plug&Play Integration.
All Access to the APIs are restricted by an API Key. Request your access on https://www.fetchdocs.io by submitting the contact form.

##Fetchdocs PHP SDK Client
The fetch php sdk client enables you to work with fetchdocs API you can check API documentation following this link


  1. Run composer require fetchdocs/fetchdocs-api-php.
  2. Include require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php'; to your index file


####1.Get Document

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

//Client using stage server
$clientStage = \Fetchdocs\SDKClient\Client::make('Your API KEY', 'Your Hash Key', true);

//Create Environment
$environment = $clientStage->createEnvironment([
    'name' => 'Environment Name',
    'default_environment' => true,
    'push_notification_url' => 'Your Push Notification Url',
    'push_input_request_url' => 'Your Push Input Request Url'

//Create a customer
$customer = $clientStage->createCustomer([
    'environment_prim_uid' => $environment->prim_uid

$supplier = getSupplierByName($clientStage, 'Test Portal');

//Create Customer Supplier
$customerSupplier = $clientStage->createCustomerSupplier([
    'customer_prim_uid' => $customer->prim_uid,
    'supplier_prim_uid' => $supplier->prim_uid,
    'active' => true,
    'username' => 'Customer Supplier Username',
    'password' => 'PASSWORD'
], 'Your Encryption Key');

//Push document to document queue
$doc = $clientStage->testQueueDocument([
    'prim_uid' => $customer->prim_uid,
    'customer_supplier_uid' => $customerSupplier->customer_supplier_prim_uid

//Get Documents
$documents = $clientStage->getDocumentsQueue([
    'environment_prim_uid' => $environment->prim_uid

while ($documents->count <= 0) {
    $documents = $clientStage->getDocumentsQueue([
        'environment_prim_uid' => $environment->data->prim_uid

//Get document
$document = $clientStage->getDocument([
    'prim_uid' => $documents->documents[0]->prim_uid,
    'customer_secret' => $customer->customer_secret


  • Please check API documentation for more information about request parameters and expected response following this link
  • Please note that each client method returns a STD Object mapping the API response #####1. Use Production Server
$client = \Fetchdocs\SDKClient\Client::make('Your API Key', 'Your Hash Key');

#####2. Use Stage Server

$client = \Fetchdocs\SDKClient\Client::make('Your Stage API Key', 'Your Stage Hash Key', true);

#####3. List Environments

        "prim_uid": "10361",
        "name": "Default",
        "push_document_url": "",
        "push_notification_url": "https://push.domain.tld/notifications/",
        "push_input_request_url": "https://push.domain.tld/input_request/",
        "ui_redirect_url": "",
        "default_environment": true
        "prim_uid": "10362",
        "name": "Env",
        "push_document_url": "",
        "push_notification_url": "https://push.domain.tld/notifications/",
        "push_input_request_url": "https://push.domain.tld/input_request/",
        "ui_redirect_url": "",
        "default_environment": false

#####4.List Timezones


#####5.Date Formats


#####6.Create Environment

    'name' => 'Environment Name',
    'default_environment' => true,
    'push_notification_url' => 'https://push.domain.tld/notifications/',
    'push_input_request_url' => 'https://push.domain.tld/input_request/'
    "prim_uid": 10432

#####7.Update Environment

    'prim_uid' => $environment->prim_uid,
    'name' => 'New Name'
    "success": true

#####8.Delete Environment

   'prim_uid' => $environment->prim_uid,
    "success": true

#####9.List Customers Accounts

    'environment_prim_uid' => 10361
        "prim_uid": 1, 
        "language": "en",
        "timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
        "date_format": "m/d/Y",
        "environment": 144 

#####10.Create Customer

   'environment_prim_uid' => $environment->prim_uid
    "prim_uid": 6684,
    "customer_secret": "b3cjpcy8",
    "access_token": "o1zhz0yzrbx3i5v65j20a751rrg6tyji"

#####11.Update Customer

   'prim_uid' => '10500',
   'customer_secret' => 'Customer Secret',
   'language' => 'de'
    "success": true

#####12.Delete Customer

   'prim_uid' => '10500',
   'customer_secret' => 'Customer Secret',
    "success": true

#####12.Deactivate Customer

   'prim_uid' => '10500',
   'customer_secret' => 'Customer Secret',
    "success": true

#####12.Activate Customer

   'prim_uid' => '10500',
   'customer_secret' => 'Customer Secret',
    "success": true

#####13.Get Customer Account Overview

 'prim_uid' => '10500',
    "customer_data": {
        "prim_uid": 1, 
        "language": "en", 
        "timezone": "Europe/Berlin", 
        "date_format": "m/d/Y" 
    "customer_suppliers": [
            "prim_uid": 307,
            "name": "1&1.de"

#####14.Get Customer Session

   'prim_uid' => $customer->prim_uid,
   'customer_secret' => $customer->customer_secret
    "prim_uid": 6690,
    "access_token": "Access Token"

#####15.Destroy Customer Session

    'access_token => "Access Token"
    "success": true

#####16.List Suppliers

        "prim_uid": 2568,
        "name": "1&1 - Versatel (Business-Kunden)",
        "created": "2018-02-12 12:52:38",
        "supplier_login_url": "https://online-rechnung.versatel.de/tb/telcobill.faces",
        "supplier_logo_url": "https://portal-ui-images.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/logo/120x120/25206.jpg",
        "document_type": "invoice",
        "quick_feedback_supported": false

#####17.Create Customer Supplier

    'customer_prim_uid' => 10050,
    'supplier_prim_uid' => 2568,
    'active' => true,
    'username' => 'CustomerSupplier',
    'password' => 'PASSWORD'
], 'Encryption-Key');
    "success": true,
    "customer_supplier_prim_uid": 13

If quick_feedback parameter is set as true

    "success": true,
    "quick_feedback_started": true,
    "feedback_process_uid": 12

#####18.Delete Customer Supplier

    'prim_uid' => '15000'
    "success": true

#####19.List Customer Suppliers

    'prim_uid' => '10500' //customer uid
        "prim_uid": 2355,
        "supplier_name": "1&1.de",
        "supplier_prim_uid": 307,
        "supplier_logo": "",
        "supplier_logo_url": "", 
        "active": true,
        "input_request_prim_uid": 585, 
        "download_start_date": "2013-07-18", 
        "last_started": "2013-07-18 08:17:13", 
        "next_planned_run": "2013-07-18 10:00:00", 
        "last_status_key": "PENDING", 
        "username": "admin", 
        "document_type": "invoice" 

#####20.Update Customer Supplier

    'customer_prim_uid' => 10050,
    'supplier_prim_uid' => 2568,
    'active' => true,
    'username' => 'CustomerSupplier',
    'password' => 'PASSWORD'
], 'Encryption-Key');
    "success": true

#####21.Get Supplier Fields

    'prim_uid' => '2568'
        "field_key": "USERNAME",
        "label": "Username",
        "help_text": "Here can be any string that can be shown as a help text for the field",
        "mandatory": true,
        "type": "text",
        "dependency": ""
        "field_key": "PASSWORD",
        "label": "Password",
        "help_text": "Here can be any string that can be shown as a help text for the field",
        "mandatory": true,
        "type": "password",
        "dependency": "USERNAME" 
        "field_key": "LANG",
        "label": "Language",
        "help_text": "",
        "mandatory": false,
        "type": "dropdown",
        "dependency": "",
        "options": "{\"de_de\":\"Deutsch\",\"en_us\":\"English\"}"

#####22.Get Document Queue

    'environment_prim_uid' => '15'
    "count": 100,
    "total": 2345,
    "documents": [
            "prim_uid": 173, 
            "customer_prim_uid": 1, 
            "customer_supplier_prim_uid": 13, 
            "supplier_prim_uid": 307, 
            "filename": "receipt-1708171523.pdf",
            "file_size": 136.75, // File size is always in KB
            "file_content_checksum": "", // md5 hash of file content (raw content, not base64 encoded content)
            "document_type": "invoice" // currently "invoice" and "bank_statement" are supported

#####23.Get Document

   'prim_uid' => '102',
   'customer_secret' => 'Customer Secret'
    "prim_uid": 102,
    "customer_prim_uid": 1, 
    "customer_supplier_prim_uid": 13, 
    "supplier_prim_uid": 307, 
    "filename": "receipt-1708171523.pdf",
    "file_size": "136.75", 
    "file_content_checksum": "", 
    "file_content": "", 
    "document_type": "invoice" 

#####24. Remove Document From Queue

    'prim_uid' => $document->prim_uid,
    'customer_secret' => $customer->customer_secret
    "success": true