fdt2k / backpack-devtools
Custom auth for backpack
- backpack/generators: *
- fdt2k/laravel-package-service-provider: dev-master || dev-master-2 || 1 - 2
- laravel-shift/blueprint: ^2.1
Our devtools helps to iterate quickly over models without too much of a hassle
This is done by several points:
Providing an unique command line that performs all the operations
sail artisan kda:backpack:migrate
Providing a way to regenerate models without breaking changes (wip)
Provide a way to automatically save and restore seeds in sql files with an history
Provide a way to easily write generate diff migrations (wip)
sail composer require fdt2k/backpack-devtools --prefer-source
Blueprint Installation
sail artisan vendor:publish --tag=blueprint-config
configure blueprint
edit config/blueprint.php
'models_namespace' => 'BaseModels',
or whatever other namespace you want.
then replace the model migration generator with our own
'migration' => \KDA\Backpack\BlueprintMigrationGenerator::class,
in config/blueprint.php
model namespace
If you changed the namespace to other than BaseModels, you'll have to configure devtools
sail artisan vendor:publish --provider="KDA\Backpack\DevtoolsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
then change it in config/kda/backpack/devtools.php
'blueprint' => [
'source'=> 'BaseModels',
Automatic Seeding configuration
automatic seeding
Automatic seeding helps during development, by automatically dumping specified tables and restoring them after the migration.
just put table into the settings
without Seeders
by default you have not to worry about anything, kda:backpack:migrate will automatically reseeds with sql dumps
with Seeders
disable autorestore on migrate by setting
'should_restore_seeds'=> false,
then create a seeder like this
namespace Database\Seeders;
class SidebarSeeder extends \KDA\Backpack\Database\Seeders\HistoryFileSeeder
protected $history = 'sidebars';
Use as any other Seeder Please note that autoseeding only works with mysql, because I'm lazy
Factory namespace
by default laravel-shift/blueprint erase factories so we just have to add
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
Factory::guessFactoryNamesUsing(function (string $modelName) {
return 'Database\Factories\\Real\\'.class_basename($modelName).'Factory';
to app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
$this->app->singleton(\Faker\Generator::class, function () {
return \Faker\Factory::create('fr_CH');