
1.1.0 2024-05-29 08:41 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:03 UTC


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ขอบคุณ K'DearTanakorn

เราได้ทำการ Fork มาจาก Repo: DearTanakorn/truemoney-webhook-gateway

และให้ใช้งานร่วมกับ PHP Server ได้

System Requirements

  • PHP 8.0 or higher


$ composer require farzai/truemoney-webhook

Get started

use Farzai\TruemoneyWebhook\Postman;

// New instance
$postman = new Postman([
   'secret' => 'your-secret-key',

// Capture all data from incoming request
$data = $postman->capture();

// You can use $data to do anything you want.
// For example, you can get the data as Array
// @returned
// [
//    'event_type' => 'P2P',
//    'received_time' => '2022-01-31T13:02:23+0700',
//    'amount' => 100,
//    'sender_mobile' => '0988882222',
//    'message' => 'ค่าไอเทม',
//    'lat' => 1653538793,
// ]

Sometime, you may want to get some fields from incoming request. You can use $data->field_name to get the value of the field.

For example:

$data->event_type; // string
$data->amount; // int
$data->sender_mobile; // string
$data->message; // string
$data->lat; // int