
Odoo product sync plugin for Sylius applications.

v1.0.0 2023-04-17 20:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 02:53:30 UTC


Fabit Odoo Product Plugin Skeleton

This plugin sync Odoo products into Sylius


For a comprehensive guide on Sylius plugin development please go to Sylius documentation, there you will find the Plugin Development Guide, that is full of examples.

Quickstart Installation

  • Create new file [project]/]config/packages/sylius_odoo_product.yaml and copy configuraiton into it
                    sylius_field: id
                    odoo_field: id
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [int, 'null']
                    sylius_field: productTmplId
                    odoo_field: product_tmpl_id
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [int, 'null']
                    sylius_field: code
                    odoo_field: code
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: name
                    odoo_field: name
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: description
                    odoo_field: description
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: categId
                    odoo_field: categ_id
                    required: false
                    default: [ ]
                    allow_types: [array]
                    sylius_field: lst_price
                    odoo_field: lst_price
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [float]
                    sylius_field: taxes_id
                    odoo_field: taxes_id
                    required: false
                    default: [ ]
                    allow_types: [array]
                    sylius_field: image1920
                    odoo_field: image_1920
                    required: true
                    default: null
                    allow_types: [string, boolean, 'null']
                    sylius_field: active
                    odoo_field: active
                    required: true
                    default: null
                    allow_types: [string, boolean, 'null']

                    sylius_field: code
                    odoo_field: id
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: name
                    odoo_field: name
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: description
                    odoo_field: description
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null', 'bool']
                    sylius_field: amount
                    odoo_field: amount
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [float, 'null']
                    sylius_field: code
                    odoo_field: id
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: name
                    odoo_field: name
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']
                    sylius_field: parent
                    odoo_field: parent_id
                    required: true
                    default: ''
                    allow_types: [string, 'null']

  • Run composer to add dependancy

    composer require fabit/sylius-odoo-product-plugin

  • Add following entry in config/bundles.php

    Fabit\SyliusOdooProductPlugin\SyliusOdooProductPlugin::class => ['all' => true]

  • Add route entry in config/routes.yaml

    resource: "@SyliusOdooProductPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
  • Override the Product Entity src/Entity/Product/Product.php, Add ProductTrait to your Product entity
namespace App\Entity\Product;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Product as BaseProduct;
use Sylius\Component\Product\Model\ProductTranslationInterface;
use Fabit\SyliusOdooProductPlugin\Traits\ProductTrait;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_product", indexes={
 *      @ORM\Index(name="sylius_odoo_product_plugin_odoo_product_tmpl_id", columns={"odoo_product_tmpl_id"})
 * })
class Product extends BaseProduct
    use ProductTrait;
  • Override the ProductVariant Entity src/Entity/Product/ProductVariant.php, Add ProductVariantTrait to your ProductVariant entity
namespace App\Entity\Product;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ProductVariant as BaseProductVariant;
use Sylius\Component\Product\Model\ProductVariantTranslationInterface;
use Fabit\SyliusOdooProductPlugin\Traits\ProductVariantTrait;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_product_variant", indexes={
 *      @ORM\Index(name="sylius_odoo_product_plugin_odoo_product_variant_id", columns={"odoo_product_variant_id"})
 * })
class ProductVariant extends BaseProductVariant
    use ProductVariantTrait;
  • Add following variables in .env file

    ###> fabit/sylius-odoo-product-plugin ###
    ###> fabit/sylius-odoo-product-plugin ###

Sylius basic intallation

  • Run following command to install install Sylius php bin/console sylius:install

    • note: on a demo Odoo, use en_EN as localization
  • Make sure media directory has write permission

  • Setup Country & Zone

INSERT INTO `sylius_country` (`id`, `code`, `enabled`) VALUES
(NULL, 'FR', 1);
INSERT INTO `sylius_zone` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `type`, `scope`) VALUES
(NULL, 'FR', 'France', 'country', 'all');
INSERT INTO `sylius_zone_member` (`id`, `belongs_to`, `code`) VALUES
(NULL, 1, 'FR');

Execute Odoo commands

  • Update database table, Run command to update database schema

    php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

  • Run following command to import all categories

    php bin/console odoo:category:import

  • Run following command to import all taxes

    php bin/console odoo:tax:import

  • Run following command to import all taxes

    php bin/console odoo:product:import

Sylius after Odoo Sync

  • Choose Odoo category "All" in Configuration -> Channel
  • Choose Delivery method
  • Choose Payment method