
Integration support for EventSauce with the Laravel framework.

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0.6.0 2022-03-15 20:02 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-30 01:48:52 UTC


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Laravel EventSauce

👋 This project is currently looking for a new maintainer.

This library allows you to easily integrate EventSauce with your Laravel application. It takes out the tedious work of having to set up your own message dispatcher and provides an easy API to set up aggregate roots, aggregate root repositories, consumers, and more. It also comes with a range of scaffolding console commands to easily generate the boilerplate needed to get started with an Event Sourced application.

⚠️ While already usable, this library is currently still a work in progress. More documentation and features will be added over time. We appreciate pull requests that help extend and improve this project.


  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • Laravel 8.0 or higher


Before installing a new package it's always a good idea to clear your config cache:

php artisan config:clear

You can install the library through Composer. This will also install the main EventSauce library.

composer require eventsauce/laravel-eventsauce


You can publish the config file with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="eventsauce-config"


The default domain_messages table will be loaded in through the library's service provider and migrated with:

php artisan migrate

You can also publish it and modify it as you see fit with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="eventsauce-migrations"

Default Connection

The default database connection can be modified by setting the EVENTSAUCE_CONNECTION env variable:


Default Table

The default table name for your domain messages can be set with the EVENTSAUCE_TABLE env variable:



Laravel EventSauce comes with some commands that you can use to scaffold objects and files which you'll need to build your Event Sourced app. These commands take out the tedious work of writing these yourself and instead let you focus on actually writing your domain logic.

Generating Aggregate Roots

Laravel EventSauce can generate aggregate roots and its related files for you. By using the make:aggregate-root command, you can generate the following objects and files:

  • The AggregateRoot
  • The AggregateRootId
  • The AggregateRootRepository
  • The migration file

To generate these files for a "Registration" process, run the following command:

php artisan make:aggregate-root Domain/Registration

This will scaffold the following files:

  • App\Domain\Registration
  • App\Domain\RegistrationId
  • App\Domain\RegistrationRepository
  • database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_create_registration_domain_messages_table.php

These are all the files you need to get started with an

Generating Consumers

Laravel EventSauce can also generate consumers for you. For example, run the make:consumer command to generate a SendEmailConfirmation process manager:

php artisan make:consumer Domain/SendEmailConfirmation

This will create a class at App\Domain\SendEmailConfirmation where you can now define handle{EventName} methods to handle events.

Generating Commands & Events

EventSauce can generate commands and events for you so you don't need to write these yourself. First, define a commands_and_events.yml file which contains your definitions:

namespace: App\Domain\Registration
      identifier: RegistrationAggregateRootId
      user_id: int
      identifier: RegistrationAggregateRootId
      user_id: int

Then define the input and output output file in the AggregateRootRepository:

final class RegistrationAggregateRootRepository extends AggregateRootRepository

    /** @var string */
    protected static $inputFile = __DIR__.'/commands_and_events.yml';

    /** @var string */
    protected static $outputFile = __DIR__.'/commands_and_events.php';

And register the AggregateRootRepository in your eventsauce.php config file:

'repositories' => [

You can now generate commands and events for all repositories that you've added by running the following command:

php artisan eventsauce:generate

For more info on creating events and commands with EventSauce, as well as how to define different types, see the EventSauce documentation.


Aggregate Roots

More docs coming soon...

Aggregate Root Repositories

More docs coming soon...

Queue Property

You can instruct Laravel to queue all consumers onto a specific queue by setting the $queue property:

use App\Domain\SendConfirmationNotification;
use EventSauce\LaravelEventSauce\AggregateRootRepository;

final class RegistrationAggregateRootRepository extends AggregateRootRepository
    protected array $consumers = [
    protected string $queue = 'registrations';

This will force all consumers who have the ShouldQueue contract implemented to make use of the registrations queue instead of the default queue defined in your queue.php config file.


Consumers are classes that react to events fired from your aggregate roots. There's two types of consumers: projections and process managers. Projections update read models (think updating data in databases, updating reports,...) while process managers handle one-time tasks (think sending emails, triggering builds, ...). For more information on how to use them, check out EventSauce's Reacting to Events documentation.

A SendEmailConfirmation process manager, for example, can look like this:

use App\Events\UserWasRegistered;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Notifications\NewUserNotification;
use EventSauce\LaravelEventSauce\Consumer;

final class SendConfirmationNotification extends Consumer
    protected function handleUserWasRegistered(UserWasRegistered $event): void
        User::where('email', $event->email())
            ->notify(new NewUserNotification());

Within this consumer you always define methods following the handle{EventName} specification.

Registering Consumers

After writing your consumer, you can register them with the $consumers property on the related AggregateRootRepository:

use App\Domain\SendConfirmationNotification;
use EventSauce\LaravelEventSauce\AggregateRootRepository;

final class RegistrationAggregateRootRepository extends AggregateRootRepository
    protected array $consumers = [

The sequence of adding consumers shouldn't matter as the data handling within these consumers should always be treated as independent from each other.

Queueing Consumers

By default, consumers are handled synchronous. To queue a consumer you should implement the ShouldQueue contract on your consumer class.

use EventSauce\LaravelEventSauce\Consumer;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

final class SendConfirmationNotification extends Consumer implements ShouldQueue

By doing so, we'll instruct Laravel to queue the consumer and let the data handling be done at a later point in time. This is useful to delay long-running data processing.


Check out the CHANGELOG in this repository for all the recent changes.


This project is currently looking for a new maintainer.


Thanks to Frank De Jonge for building EventSauce. Thanks to Freek Van der Herten and Spatie's Laravel EventSauce library for inspiration to some of the features in this package.


Laravel EventSauce is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.