
Component console to run script with Eureka Framework

6.1.0 2023-11-28 13:51 UTC


Current version Supported PHP version CI Quality Gate Status Coverage

Console component to run script. You can integrate it easily in Eureka Framework application with Kernel Console, and use dependency injection.

Console provide argument manager (like every another command on linux system). Console have some defined classes to help you to do a lot of beautiful script.


vendor/bin/console --script="My\Class\Name"
vendor/bin/console --script=My/Class/Script
vendor/bin/console My/Class/Script
vendor/bin/console my/class/script # first character of each part can omit upper case


Options & Arguments

The options work like unix arguments. Full & short alias are supported.

So, you can have dynamics script based on command options.



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\AbstractScript;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Help;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Option\Option;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Option\Options;

class ExampleScript extends AbstractScript
    public function __construct()
        $this->setDescription('Example script');

            (new Options())
                    new Option(
                        shortName:   'u',
                        longName:    'user',
                        description: 'User name',
                        mandatory:   true,
                        hasArgument: true,
                        default:     'Joe doe',
                    new Option(
                        shortName:   'n',
                        longName:    'is-night',
                        description: 'If is night'

    public function help(): void
        (new Help(self::class, $this->declaredOptions(), $this->output(), $this->options()))

     * @return void
    public function run(): void
        $user = $this->options()->get('user', 'u')->getArgument();
        $say  = $this->options()->get('is-night', 'n')->getArgument() ? 'Good night' : 'Hello';
        //~ Can also use short version:
        // $user = $this->options()->value('user', 'u');
        // $say  = $this->options()->value('is-night', 'n') ? 'Good night' : 'Hello';

        $this->output()->writeln("$say $user!");

Reserved Options

Some options are reserved:

  • -h, --help: Display Help
  • --no-color: Disable colors / styling (Can also be disabled with NO_COLOR env var)
  • --debug: Activate debug mode (trace on exception if script is terminated with an exception)
  • --time-limit=ARG: Specified time limit in seconds (default: 0 - unlimited)
  • --memory-limit=ARG: Specified memory limit (128M, 1024M, 4G... - default: 256M)
  • --error-reporting=ARG: Specified value for error-reporting (default: -1 - all)
  • --error-display=ARG: Specified value for display_errors setting. Values: 0|1 Default: 1 (display)
  • --quiet: Force disabled console output (if message are written on stream output)
  • --with-header: Enable console lib message header
  • --with-footer: Enable console lib messages footer
  • --script=ARG (or just ARG): Console class script to run (Example: database/console) - MANDATORY


Class help is provided to have a pretty format of parameters when you use --help arguments for your script.



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\Help;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Option\Option;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Option\Options;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput;

$output  = new NullOutput();
$options = (new Options())
        new Option(
            shortName:   'u',
            longName:    'user',
            description: 'User name',
            mandatory:   true,
            hasArgument: true,
            default:     'Joe doe',
        new Option(
            shortName:   'n',
            longName:    'is-night',
            description: 'If is night'
$help = new Help('Application/My/Script', $options, new NullOutput());
Use    : bin/console Examples\ExampleScript [OPTION]...
  -u ARG, --user=ARG                    User name - MANDATORY
  -n,     --is-night                    If is night

Input / Output


Input is handle by Input interface. Can handle prompt console from user.


Output is handle by Output interface. Can display content on standard output, file, memory (depending the stream resource passed to the OutputStream class).



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\Output\StreamOutput;

$output = new StreamOutput(\STDOUT, false);
$output->writeln('Hello!'); // PHP_EOL is added to the line
$output->write('Hello!');   // No new line

$output = new StreamOutput(\STDERR, false);
$output->writeln('Error message for "error output (stderr)');


Console output support styling and color:



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\Color\Bit4HighColor;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Color\Bit4StandardColor;
use Eureka\Component\Console\Style\Style;

$whiteBold      = (new Style())->bold();
$greenHighlight = (new Style())->color(Bit4StandardColor::Green);
$bgErrorRed     = (new Style())->background(Bit4HighColor::Red);

echo $bgErrorRed->apply('An error as occurred!');


Console now embed 4 bits colors, 8 bits colors & 24 bits colors. Support of 8 bit & 24 bits colors depends on terminal application (8 bit color have correct support, not 24 bits)

  • 4 bits color are listed in two Enum to facilitate manipulation (for regular & high intensity color)
  • 8 bits base colors are listed in two Enum (for regular & high intensity color)
  • 8 bits complex color use RGB class (+ greyscale class with intensity)
  • 24 bits use RGB class

Pretty table

You can easily display a pretty table with Table & related classes:



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\Table\Table;

//~ Table with header
$table = new Table(3, new Border(Border::BASE);
$table->newRow(['Col 1', 'Col 2', 'Col 3'], true);
$table->newRow([1, 2, 3]);
$table->newRow(["text", "very long text", 1.2]);
$table->newRowSpan('Spanned row');
echo $table->render();

The output will be:

║ Col 1    │ Col 2    │ Col 3    ║
║ 1        │ 2        │ 3        ║
║ text     │ very lo… │ 1.2      ║
║          Spanned row           ║

And with non-extended ascii chars:

| Col 1    | Col 2    | Col 3    |
| 1        | 2        | 3        |
| text     | very lo… | 1.2      |
|          Spanned row           |

Pretty progress bar / %

You can easily display a progress bar or percentage:



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\Progress\ProgressBar;

$maxIteration = 10;
$maxSize      = 20;
$progress = new ProgressBar(new Options(), $maxIteration, $maxIteration);

for ($i = 0; $i < $maxIteration; $i++) {
    $progress->display('iteration #' . $i);

Type bar

After the first iteration:

│██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ iteration #0

After the second iteration:

│████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ iteration #1

At the end:

│████████████████████│ iteration #9

Type percent

After the first iteration:

[ 10.00%] iteration #0

After the second iteration:

[ 20.00%] iteration #1

At the end:

[100.00%] iteration #9

Terminal & Cursor

Now, you can get a terminal to have information about width / height of terminal, and manipulate cursor on this



namespace Examples;

use Eureka\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput;use Eureka\Component\Console\Output\StreamOutput;use Eureka\Component\Console\Terminal\Terminal;

$output   = new StreamOutput(\STDOUT, false);
$terminal = new Terminal(new NullOutput());

//~ Get Terminal sizes

//~ Clear terminal

//~ Get cursor and manipulate it


See the CONTRIBUTING file.

Install / update project

You can install project with the following command:

make install

And update with the following command:

make update

NB: For the components, the composer.lock file is not committed.

Testing & CI (Continuous Integration)


You can run tests (with coverage) on your side with following command:

make tests

For prettier output (but without coverage), you can use the following command:

make testdox # run tests without coverage reports but with prettified output

Code Style

You also can run code style check with following commands:

make phpcs

You also can run code style fixes with following commands:

make phpcbf

Static Analysis

To perform a static analyze of your code (with phpstan, lvl 9 at default), you can use the following command:

make phpstan

To ensure you code still compatible with current supported version at Deezer and futures versions of php, you need to run the following commands (both are required for full support):

Minimal supported version:

make php81compatibility

Maximal supported version:

make php82compatibility

CI Simulation

And the last "helper" commands, you can run before commit and push, is:

make ci  


component-console is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details