
v3.0.1 2024-03-14 02:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-25 01:41:14 UTC


Numverify phone number validation and country API client library for PHP.

Build Status Code Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality Continuous Integration Type Coverage Psalm Level Latest Stable Version Downloads per Month License

This library is a fork of markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php. See Credits for more information.


  • Cache of client (Guzzle) calls. See Construct API to use a cache
  • Phone number validation API
    • Validate phone numbers
    • Carrier information
    • Line type
    • Location info: country, local information
    • Phone number formats
  • Countries API
    • List of countries
    • Country names, country codes, dialing codes

Numverify API documentation:


Compatible with PHP >= 8.2 and can be installed with Composer.

$ composer require esi/numverify-api-client-php


Create New API

use Numverify\Api;

$accessKey = 'AccountAccessKeyGoesHere';
$api       = new Api($accessKey);

Phone Number Validation API

$phoneNumber          = '14158586273';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
// Phone number information.
if ($validatedPhoneNumber->isValid()) {
    $number              = $validatedPhoneNumber->getNumber();              // 14158586273
    $localFormat         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocalFormat();         // 4158586273
    $internationalPrefix = $validatedPhoneNumber->getInternationalFormat(); // +14158586273
    $countryPrefix       = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryPrefix();       // +1
    $countryCode         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryCode();         // US
    $countryName         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryName();         // United States of America
    $location            = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocation();            // Novato
    $carrier             = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCarrier();             // AT&T Mobility LLC
    $lineType            = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLineType();            // mobile

// Use optional country code parameter for local (non-E.164) phone numbers.
$phoneNumber = '4158586273';
$countryCode = 'US';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber, $countryCode);
// PHP Interfaces.
$stringRepresentation = (string) $validatedPhoneNumber;
$jsonRepresentation   = json_encode($validatedPhoneNumber);

Countries API

$countries = $api->getCountries();
// Find countries (by country code or by name).
$unitedStates = $countries->findByCountryCode('US');
$japan        = $countries->findByCountryName('Japan');
// Country information.
$usCountryCode = $unitedStates->getCountryCode(); // US
$usCountryName = $unitedStates->getCountryName(); // United States
$usDialingCode = $unitedStates->getDialingCode(); // +1
$japanCountryCode = $japan->getCountryCode();     // JP
$japanCountryName = $japan->getCountryName();     // Japan
$japanDialingCode = $japan->getDialingCode();     // +81
// Country collection is iterable.
foreach ($countries as $country) {
    $countryCode = $country->getCountryCode();
    $countryName = $country->getCountryName();
    $dialingCode = $country->getDialingCode();
// Country collection PHP interfaces.
$numberOfCountries  = count($countries);
$jsonRepresentation = json_encode($numberOfCountries);
// Country PHP interfaces.
$stringRepresentation = (string) $unitedStates;   // US: United States (+1)
$jsonRepresentation   = json_encode($unitedStates);


Signature of the Api Constructor

     * Api constructor.
     * Requires an access key. You can get one from Numverify.
     * @see
     * Note: If you are on their free plan, $useHttps = true will not work for you.
     * @param string               $accessKey API access key.
     * @param bool                 $useHttps  (optional) Flag to determine if API calls should use http or https.
     * @param null|ClientInterface $client    (optional) Parameter to provide your own Guzzle client.
     * @param array<string, mixed> $options   (optional) Array of options to pass to the Guzzle client.
    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $accessKey,
        bool $useHttps = false,
        ?ClientInterface $client = null,
        array $options = []

Construct API to use HTTPS for API Calls

Note: The Numverify api has different plan options when signing up for an access key. The 'free' plan cannot use the secure (HTTPS) url for the API.

use Numverify\Api;

$useHttps = true;
$api      = new Api($accessKey, $useHttps);  // Optional second parameter

Construct API to use a Custom Guzzle Client or Options

Note: If creating and passing your own client to Api, it will completely ignore $useHttps.

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Numverify\Api;

$client = new Client([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'timeout' => 10

$api = new Api($accessKey, false, $client);

If you simply want to change some of Guzzle's default options, pass them along to the optional $options parameter instead.

use Numverify\Api;

$api = new Api($accessKey, false, null, ['timeout' => 10]);

// or
$api = new Api($accessKey, false, options: ['timeout' => 10]);

Construct API to use a Cache

The Api constructor allows you to pass an optional $options parameter, typically used to pass Guzzle options on to the client.

If you specify cachePath within $options, and it is a valid directory, the constructor will add the cache handler to Guzzle's handler stack.

use Numverify\Api;

$api = new Api($accessKey, false, options: ['cachePath' => '/tmp']);


API failures throw a NumverifyApiFailureException

// Numverify API server error.
try {
    $validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode(); // 500
    $message    = $e->getMessage();    // Unknown error - 500 Internal Server Error

// Numverify API failure response
try {
    $validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode(); // 200
    $message    = $e->getMessage();    // Type:invalid_access_key Code:101 Info:You have not supplied a valid API Access Key.



  • PHP 8.2.0 or above.


numverify-api-client-php is forked from markrogoyski/numverify-api-client-php by Mark Rogoyski.

My thanks to them, and all their contributors. To view changes in this library in comparison to the original library, please see the file.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.

Bugs and feature requests are tracked on GitHub.

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct


Backward Compatibility Promise

See for more information on Backwards Compatibility.


See the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


See the LICENSE for more information on the license that applies to this project.


See SECURITY for more information on the security disclosure process.