
Global state for Laravel Livewire components

v0.2.0 2024-06-02 16:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-02 16:15:55 UTC


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Vessel - global state for Livewire

Vessel provides a global state for Livewire, allowing multiple components to share state without a multitude of events to handle interaction.

Just create a Vessel class, set it's properties and initialization and use it on your components.


composer install epessine/vessel

No configuration needed.


Vessel works by creating 'vessel classes', where you define the properties that you global state will have:

use Vessel\BaseVessel;

class FilterVessel extends BaseVessel
    public string $selectedUserType = 'admin';

You can also initialize your properties using the init() method:

use Vessel\BaseVessel;

class FilterVessel extends BaseVessel
    public string $selectedUserType;

    public function init(): void
        $this->selectedUserType = str('admin')->toString();

Then use the Vessel on your components with the Vessel\Attributes\Vessel attribute. Take a look at the components below:

use Livewire\Component;
use Vessel\Attributes\Vessel;

 * @property-read FilterVessel globalFilters
class Filter extends Component
    public function globalFilters(): string
        return FilterVessel::class; // vessel class declared above

    public function selectUserFilter(string $type): void
        // here we change the vessel property value
        $this->globalFilters->selectedUserType = $type;

    // ...
use Livewire\Component;
use Vessel\Attributes\Vessel;

 * @property-read FilterVessel globalFilters
class UserList extends Component
    public function globalFilters(): string
        return FilterVessel::class; // vessel class declared above

    public function users(): array
        // here we get the updated vessel property value
            ->where('type', $this->globalFilters->selectedUserType)

    // ...

After calling Filter::selectUserFilter(), the selectedUserType will be updated on all components that use the same Vessel, and will reflect the change on the UserList::users computed property query, for example.

All of that without a single event dispatch/listener!

Updated Hook

You can use the updated lifecycle hook on Vessel properties the same way as Livewire properties. The updated method name should include the Vessel method name as well. Let's rewrite the example above:

use Livewire\Component;
use Vessel\Attributes\Vessel;

 * @property-read FilterVessel globalFilters
class UserList extends Component
    public array $users;

    public function globalFilters(): string
        return FilterVessel::class; // vessel class declared above

    public function updatedGlobalFiltersSelectedUserType(string $value): void
        // here we get the updated vessel property value
        $this->users = User::query()->where('type', $value)->get()->all();

    // ...

This way, whenever the $selectedUserType property on the FilterVessel class is updated on any component that uses it, the updatedGlobalFiltersSelectedUserType method will be called.


There are some base rules when using Vessel:

  • Vessel properties cannot be accessed/mutated on the front-end via $wire. You can create methods that can be called on the front-end to interact with the Vessel indirectly, though.
  • Vessel properties are 'immutable' so any changes inside the property will not reflect on other components. Always reassign the property after making changes.
  • Vessel uses the application cache to operate and maintain state, so storing huge amounts of data on a Vessel can slow down your whole application.