
1.0.0 2015-06-28 17:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 11:32:48 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status Eoko Public Channel


Output in Console by using pseudo-language and a very flexible structure. For example :

$this->warn('this is not cool');
// [DONE] should output red text

$this->msg('[warn]not cool again[vvvv] with very verbose text[/vvvv][/warn]');
// [DONE] should output red text.
// [TODO] get verbosity from outside and if console is verbose, add the vvvv text

$this->msg('Hello {{username}} !', ['username' => 'merlin']);
// [DONE] should output "Hello merlin"

$this->msg('[notice]Hello {{username}} ![/notice]');
// [DONE] should output "Hello merlin" in blue

Controller Plugin

In CLI, inside any controller you have access to a new plugin message.

Output styling text

For styling, we have pre-register formatter on shortcode.


// eq to $this->message()->show('[msg fg="blue"]notice[/msg]');

// eq to $this->message()->show('[msg fg="green"]success[/msg]');

// eq to $this->message()->show('[msg fg="yellow"]comment[/msg]');

// eq to $this->message()->show('[msg fg="magenta"]warn[/msg]');

// eq to $this->message()->show('[msg fg="red"]danger[/msg]');

$this->message()->show('[msg fg="white" bg="red"]kkkkk[/msg]');

Output text with variable

$this->message()->show('[msg fg="white" bg="red"]{{text}}[/msg]', ['text' => 'My custom text']);
$this->message()->show('[warn]{{msg}}[/warn]', ['msg' => 'Warn message']);

Quick Example

class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
    public function indexAction()
        $this->message()->show('[msg level="warn"]my message : [danger]{{message}}[/danger][/msg]', array('message' => '[danger]wololo[/danger]'));
        $this->message()->show('[msg fg="white" bg="red"]warn : message {{a}}[/msg]', array('a' => 'd\'exemple!'));
        $this->message()->info('info : message {{a}}', array('a' => 'd\'exemple!'));

        /** @var Message $message */
        $message = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('eoko.console.message');
        return new ViewModel();
        $this->message()->show('[verbose verbosity="v"][v]this is v[/v] not [vv]vv[/vv][/verbose]');