
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Soy Symfony Build Parameters Task

0.2.0 2016-02-01 10:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-10-15 08:35:16 UTC


This is an old repository that is no longer used or maintained. We advice to no longer use this repository.

Original README can be found below:

Soy Symfony Build Parameters Task


This task is available as package at: https://packagist.org/packages/enrise/soy-symfony-build-parameters-task

You can run: composer require enrise/soy-symfony-build-parameters-task

After installing you can follow the usage below, if you don't know soy, first check: https://github.com/soy-php/soy

Objective and Usage

This task aims on generating the parameters.yml for symfony configurations, for that using environment strategies.

The default strategy does:

  1. Read a global environment file: files/env/environment.global.yml
  2. Read a environment file: files/env/environment.dev.yml
  3. Reads a templace file: app/config/parameters.dist.yml
  4. Generates the final parameters file: app/config/parameters.yml

You can do it without interaction just by creating simple recipes like:


use Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\ParametersTask;
use Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareEnvironmentTask;
use Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask;

$recipe = new \Soy\Recipe();

$recipe->component('symfony-parameters', function (PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask $environmentTask) {
    ->cli([ParametersTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
    ->cli([PrepareEnvironmentTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
    ->cli([PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask::class, 'prepareCli'])

And then run:

# ./vendor/bin/soy symfony-parameters


Running Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask
Running Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareEnvironmentTask
	Template file app/config/parameters.yml.dist
	Destination file app/config/parameters.yml
	Destination file will be replaced
Running Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\ParametersTask
	Read environment file files/environment/environment.local.yml
	Read global environment file files/environment/environment.global.yml
app/config/parameters.yml file generated successfully

Basic recipe can look like


use Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\ParametersTask;
use Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareEnvironmentTask;
use Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask;

$recipe = new \Soy\Recipe();

$recipe->component('default', function (PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask $environmentTask) {
    ->cli([ParametersTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
    ->cli([PrepareEnvironmentTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
    ->cli([PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask::class, 'prepareCli'])

This way will satisfy all tasks dependencies and also give total control. The help command will look like:

Optional Arguments:
	component (default: default)
		The component to run
		Show usage
		Show version
		Disable diagnostics
	--recipe recipe (default: recipe.php)
		The recipe file to use
	--env-path env-path (default: files/environment)
		The directory which contains the env files
	--env env (default: dev)
		The current environment name. I.E.: dev, test, prod
	--dest-file dest-file (default: app/config/parameters.yml)
		The destination file
	--src-file src-file (default: app/config/parameters.yml.dist)
		The source file used as template for generating the dist file

Parameters priorities (lower to higher)

If you supply no options the command default ones are gonna get used:

  • --env-path env-path (default: files/environment)
  • --env env (default: dev)
  • --dest-file dest-file (default: app/config/parameters.yml)
  • --src-file src-file (default: app/config/parameters.yml.dist)

Symfony environment variable

# SYMFONY_ENV=test ./vendor/bin/soy      
  Running Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask
    Symfony Environment detected as "test"

CLI Arguments

# SYMFONY_ENV=test ./vendor/bin/soy --env=local
  Running Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask
    Symfony Environment detected as "local"

Force on recipe


    function (PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask $sfEnvironmentTask, ParametersTask $parametersTask) {
    ->cli([ParametersTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
    ->cli([PrepareEnvironmentTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
    ->cli([PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask::class, 'prepareCli'])
# SYMFONY_ENV=test ./vendor/bin/soy --env=local
  Running Enrise\Soy\SymfonyBuildParameters\PrepareSymfonyEnvironmentTask
    Symfony Environment detected as "prod"