
The WordPress project setup for WordPress modern development with Laravel featuring EnpiiBase plugin

Installs: 1

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2024-04-17 09:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 04:31:41 UTC



  • Create the project (stable version)
composer create-project enpii/wp-proj <folder-name>
  • Use development version (branch master)
composer create-project -s dev enpii/wp-proj <folder-name>

in case you want to specify the branch (e.g. branch develop)

composer create-project -s dev enpii/wp-proj:dev-develop <folder-name>
  • Ensure that you have tne .env file, if it doesn't exists, you can copy from the example file
cp .env.example .env
  • Then use the appropriate env variables for you working environment, remember to check the SALTS section to use correct ones.


  • Install (or update) the dependencies
docker run --rm --interactive --tty -e XDEBUG_MODE=off -v $PWD:/app npbtrac/php80_cli composer install

Deploy with Docker

  • Start all containers
docker-compose compose up -d

then the website would be available at (the port 19180 can be edited in .env file)

  • Update composer with Docker
docker-compose exec -e XDEBUG_MODE=off wordpress composer update
  • Run phpcs
docker-compose exec wordpress ./vendor/bin/phpcs
  • Run wp-cli
docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress wp plugin list

or check system info

docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress wp enpii-base info

or add Admin user

docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress wp user create <admin_username> <admin_email> --user_pass=<admin_password> --role=administrator
  • Run wp-app artisan
docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress ./wp-enpii-base-artisan wp-app:hello


docker-compose exec --user=webuser wordpress wp enpii-base artisan wp-app:hello

Working with GIT

  • You can put your own plugins, themes, mu-plugins to corresponding folders. Then if you use git, you can add these things to your repository by:
    • Update the ./wp-content/.gitignore to allow your plugins, mu-plugins, themes
    • e.g. you have a plugin called hello-world, you need to add this
    • Then you can git add <your-plugin-folder> to the repo

Compiling assets (CSS, JS)

  • This repo consists of a sample plugin Demoda and a sample theme Appeara Alpha, it has the webpack configs to compile plugin and theme CSS and JS. The assets would be compiled to public-assets/dist folders

To install dependencies

docker compose exec --workdir /var/www/html wordpress yarn install

Compile plugin assets

docker compose exec --workdir /var/www/html wordpress yarn build-plugin

or to watch and compile

docker compose exec wordpress yarn dev-plugin

Similarly to the theme with

docker compose exec wordpress yarn build-theme

and watch

docker compose exec wordpress yarn dev-theme

Working with Translation

  • Create the pot file for the Appeara Alpha theme
docker compose exec --user=webuser --workdir /var/www/html wordpress yarn i18n:make-pot-theme
  • Update the pot file to existing po files (same parent folder)
docker compose exec --user=webuser --workdir /var/www/html wordpress yarn i18n:update-po
  • Create mo file (from po file), same parent folder
docker compose exec --user=webuser --workdir /var/www/html wordpress yarn i18n:make-mo <po-path>

Of course you can update the script to match your project.