emrl / site-template
- php: >=8.1
- composer/installers: ~1.0
- emrl/emrl: ^3
- emrl/fire: ^4
- hipdevteam/advanced-custom-fields-pro: *
- hipdevteam/gravityforms: *
- johnpbloch/wordpress: >=5.0
- vlucas/phpdotenv: ^3
- wpackagist-plugin/admin-menu-editor: *
- wpackagist-plugin/akismet: *
- wpackagist-plugin/analytics-insights: *
- wpackagist-plugin/backwpup: *
- wpackagist-plugin/broken-link-checker: *
- wpackagist-plugin/bugsnag: *
- wpackagist-plugin/cache-enabler: *
- wpackagist-plugin/codepress-admin-columns: *
- wpackagist-plugin/duplicate-post: *
- wpackagist-plugin/enable-media-replace: *
- wpackagist-plugin/safe-redirect-manager: *
- wpackagist-plugin/safe-svg: *
- wpackagist-plugin/shortpixel-image-optimiser: *
- wpackagist-plugin/stream: *
- wpackagist-plugin/user-role-editor: *
- wpackagist-plugin/user-switching: *
- wpackagist-plugin/wordfence: *
- wpackagist-plugin/wordpress-seo: *
Requires (Dev)
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-17 18:08:05 UTC
Initial setup
Copy .env.example
to .env
Set a variable for your development hostname/domain (ie: mysite.test
$ TLD=mysite.test
Replace site-template.test
with your development domain in .env
$ sed -i "s/site-template.test/$TLD/g" .env
Install mkcert if you haven't already. Then generate the SSL certificates:
$ mkcert -key-file server.key -cert-file server.crt "$TLD"
Update your local hosts file and add entry for domain
$ echo -e " $TLD" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Developing with Docker
Update .env
with database variables. Make sure the auth keys and salts are not empty.
First you will need to make sure you have credentials saved for Advanced Custom Fields. If not, you can use the following command (replace ACF_KEY
with your actual license key):
$ docker compose run --rm --user application --entrypoint composer php config --global --auth http-basic.connect.advancedcustomfields.com ACF_KEY "https://$TLD"
Install dependencies
$ docker compose run --rm --user application --entrypoint composer php install
$ docker compose run --rm --user node node npm install
$ docker compose run --rm python pip install -r requirements.txt
Start containers:
$ docker compose up
Docker will start the following containers by default:
Container | Purpose |
php | Apache & PHP, runs application |
mysql | MySQL database |
node | Runs webpack build process on port 8080 |
Now you can view the site at the domain you specified previously.
ℹ️ The Python container for mkdocs does not start by default. You can run it along with the other containers or independently.
# Start all containers
$ docker compose --profile docs up
# Or independently
$ docker compose up python
Container | Purpose |
python | Runs mkdocs build process at http://localhost:8000 |
To allow sending of email, you can start the MailHog container as well.
ℹ️ The MailHog container does not start by default. You can run it along with the other containers or independently.
# Start with all containers
$ docker compose --profile mail up
# Or independently
$ docker compose up mailhog
Running commands through Docker
Example: use Deployer to pull in content from staging site:
# If container is already running
$ docker compose exec --user application php vendor/bin/dep content:pull stage=staging
# If container has stopped
$ docker compose run --rm --user application --entrypoint /app/vendor/bin/dep php content:pull stage=staging
Fluid spacing
See https://utopia.fyi/clamp/calculator for generating CSS clamp()
Root directory
File | Description |
/.editorconfig | EditorConfig |
/.env.example | Example environment variables |
/.gitignore | Files to exclude from Git |
/.php-cs-fixer.dist.php | PHP Coding Standards Fixer configuration |
/.phpcs.xml.dist | PHP_Codesniffer configuration |
/app.php | Application bootstrap |
/bitbucket-pipelines.yml | Bitbucket Pipelines configuration |
/composer.json | Composer configuration |
/config.php | WordPress configuration |
/deploy.php | Deployer configuration |
/docker-compose.yml | Docker Compose configuration |
/mkdocs.yml | MkDocs configuration |
/package.json | npm configuration |
/phpunit.xml.dist | PHPUnit configuration |
/requirements.txt | pip configuration, for docs |
/webpack.config.js | webpack configuration |
/wp-cli.yml | WP-CLI configuration |
Config directory
The /config/
directory contains any configuration files.
Docs directory
The /docs/
directory holds documentation source files that are eventually built into the /public/kb/
Public directory
The /public/
directory is the server's document root.
File | Description |
/public/c/ | WordPress content directory |
/public/w/ | WordPress core, installed by Composer |
/public/.htaccess | Apache server configuration |
/public/index.php | Entry point |
/public/manifest.webmanifest | Manifest file |
/public/wp-config.php | WordPress configuration file. This simply includes config.php |
Resources directory
Source files for scripts, styles, images, icons, and other media. Files are packaged by webpack and output to /public/c/dist/
Kb directory
The /public/kb/
directory serves the Knowledge Base. It is created by MkDocs and the result of building the source files in the /docs/
Plugins directory
The /public/c/plugins/
directory stores plugins. Since Composer can manage all plugins in the WordPress Plugin Repository, all files in this directory are ignored by Git.
If a commercial plugin is to be used, it will need to be unignored in the /.gitignore
Mu-plugins directory
The /public/c/mu-plugins/
directory stores Must Use Plugins.
File | Description |
/public/c/mu-plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro.php | Loads Advanced Custom Fields plugin |
/public/c/mu-plugins/commands.php | Registers WP-CLI commands |
/public/c/mu-plugins/error-reporting.php | Turns off error reporting for deprecation errors coming from WordPress core or plugins |
/public/c/mu-plugins/register-theme-directory.php | Registers custom theme directory, along with WordPress' default theme directory |
Src directory
The /src/
directory contains custom functionality for the site (post types, theme setup, etc).
Tests directory
The /tests/
directory contains PHP unit tests.
Theme directory
The /theme/
directory acts as the WordPress theme.