
The plugin allows you to inject Userback widget to your Store so your Users can give you a feedback on their experience.

v1.0.0 2021-05-13 20:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 03:07:07 UTC



The plugin allows you to inject Userback widget to your Store so your Users can give you a feedback on their experience.


  1. Add composer dependency: composer require empressia/sylius-userback-plugin

  2. Generate widget on userback.io and copy Access Token (lookup Userback.access_token line in generated Widget Code)

  3. Setup the Access Token environmental variable (you can paste USERBACK_ACCESS_TOKEN=paste_your_token_here in your .env.local file). Leave it blank if you want to disable widget.

Instructions below are valid only if you use default Sylius configuration and layouts. The plugin makes use of sylius.shop.layout.head block in default Sylius layout.

  1. Paste this snippet on top of config/packages/_sylius.yaml file:
      - { resource: "@EmpressiaSyliusUserbackPlugin/Resources/config/sylius_ui.yaml" }

Quality Assurance

Prepare test environment

From the root directory, run the following commands:

cd tests/Application
APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:database:create
APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:schema:create
APP_ENV=test bin/console sylius:install

To be able to setup a plugin's database, remember to configure you database credentials in tests/Application/.env and tests/Application/.env.test.

Running plugin tests

  • PHPUnit

  • Behat (non-JS scenarios)

    vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="~@javascript"
  • Static Analysis

    • Psalm

    • PHPStan

      vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon -l max src/