
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

The Laravel Framework.


A non-official laravel application scaffolding that includes adminlte, debugbar, ide-helper, .php_cs and Eslint configurations. Mirrored from https://github.com/laravel/laravel.git.


The requirements is the same as of the official requirements.


You can also install Laravel via Composer by issuing the create-project command in your terminal:

composer create-project --prefer-dist elnooronline/laravel-quickstart blog

The above command will install a new laravel 5.6 application for you.

Composer Scripts

We added composer scripts to avoid long and repeated commands. These scripts are:

composer php-cs:issues # Used for checking for any configured  php code style issues.

composer php-cs:fix # Used for fix any configured php code style issues automatically.

composer js-cs:issues # Used for fix any configured javascript code style issues automatically.

composer js-cs:fix # Used for fix any configured javascript code style issues automatically.

composer auto-complete:generate # Used for generating ide helper files.

composer api:generate # Used for generating api documentation.

composer app:clear # Used for clear application cache files such as cache, config, route, view and debugbar.