
Provide simple checkout utilities for paypal

1.1.5 2015-01-27 08:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 14:39:05 UTC


Bundle configuration

Symfony 2 configuration config.yml

If you don't want to use paypal checkout service, you can remove the paypal configuration. Other available configurations are visible below :

    	username: 'your_paypal_username'
    	password: 'your_paypal_password'
    	signature: 'your_paypal_signature'
    	use_sandbox: 'true/false'
    	currency: 'EUR/USD/..., optionnal, default : EUR'
    	page_style: 'saved pagestyle available on paypal website, optionnal'
    	header_image: 'image visible on top left, optionnal'
    	header_border_color: '6 char length color code (e.g. 888888), optionnal'
    	header_background_color: '6 char length color code (e.g. 777777), optionnal'
    	payment_page_background_color: '6 char length color code (e.g. 666666), optionnal'
    	brand_name: 'name visible on top of payment page, optionnal'

Simple example

This page explain how to use the ElendevCheckoutBundle into a simple controller.

Simple implementation example Here you can see a really simple implementation example :

 * @author Jonas Renaudot
class OrderingController extends Controller {

    public function doCheckoutAction($checkoutMethod){
        $command = ...; //instance of Elendev\CheckoutBundle\Command\Command
        $checkoutProvider = $this->get("elendev.checkout.service_provider")->getService($checkoutMethod);

        $result = $checkoutProvider->doCheckout($command);

    	if($result->getStatus() == CheckoutResult::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS){
        	return $result->getHttpResponse();
    	}else if($result->getStatus() == CheckoutResult::STATUS_CANCELED){
        	//Command canceled : return to the info page
        	$this->getRequest()->getSession()->setFlash("info", "Command canceled");
        	return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl("ordering.info"));
    	}else if($result->getStatus() == CheckoutResult::STATUS_ERROR){
        	//Error occured : return to the info page allowing user to chose an other payment method
        	$this->get('session')->setFlash("error", "An error occured, retry again please");
        	return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl("ordering.info"));
    	}else if($result->getStatus() == CheckoutResult::STATUS_SUCCESS){
        	//save current command and mark it as done
        	//go to confirmation page
        	return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl("ordering.confirmation"));


Create a new service class

This part explain how to add a new service to the CheckoutServiceProvider. This service will be available through the CheckoutServiceProvider->getService('id') method.

  • Creating a new service class To create a valid service class you need to extends the Elendev\CheckoutBundle\CheckoutService class. The simplest checkout service you can implement is visible below :

    namespace Your\Service\Namespace;

    use Elendev\CheckoutBundle\CheckoutService; use Elendev\CheckoutBundle\Command\Command; use Elendev\CheckoutBundle\CheckoutResult;

    class SimpleCheckoutService extends CheckoutService {

       * @param Command $command
      * @return CheckoutResult : result of checkout operations
     public function doCheckout(Command $command){
          $result = new CheckoutResult();
          return $result;

    } When you return a `CheckoutResult::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS status in the returned response object, the doCheckout method will be called again on page reloading (or on redirect on the current page).

  • Configure a new service Add your new checkout service as a simple service with the elendev.checkout.service tag. The specified id parameter is the service id that you need to use to get the service with the CheckoutServiceProvider->getService('id') method.

    your.service.id: class : Your\Checkout\Service\Class tags : - {name : elendev.checkout.service, id: your_service_id}