
A Elastification client bundle for Symfony2

0.5.2 2016-01-20 11:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 16:36:13 UTC


Build Status


Here is the configuration section for using the bundle


Required in composer.json

"elastification/php-client-bundle": "<1.0"

You have choose the right package for your transport. If you do not have installed thrift you should use guzzle

"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "<7.0"

For Thrift transport

"munkie/elasticsearch-thrift-php": "~1.4"

Don't forget to run composer update after you finished your composer.json


In your app/config/AppHernel.php file you should activate the bundle by adding it to the array

$bundles[] = new Elastification\Bundle\ElastificationPhpClientBundle\ElastificationPhpClientBundle();

App Config

In your app/config.yml or environment based you can add params (full config example):

  port: 9200
  protocol: http # http/thrift
  elasticsearch_version: 1.4.1
  search_repository_serializer_dic_id: elastification_php_client.serializer.native #default: elastification_php_client.serializer.native
  index_repository_serializer_dic_id: elastification_php_client.serializer.native #default: elastification_php_client.serializer.native
  document_repository_serializer_dic_id: elastification_php_client.serializer.native #default: elastification_php_client.serializer.native
  replace_version_of_tagged_requests: true #default: false
  logging_enabled: true
  profiler_enabled: true
      - {index: my-index, type: my-type, class: AppBundle\Entity\MyEntity}


The registered DIC service id for the client is elastification_php_client


Native Serializer Service Id: elastification_php_client.serializer.native

Jms Serializer Search Service Id: elastification_php_client.serializer.jms.search

Jms Serializer Document Service Id: elastification_php_client.serializer.jms.document


Document Repository Serivce Id: elastification_php_client.repository.document

Search Repository Serivce Id: elastification_php_client.repository.search

Index Repository Serivce Id: elastification_php_client.repository.index

Cat Repository Serivce Id: elastification_php_client.repository.cat

Tagged request

If you want to register request services you can tag them with: elastification_php_client.request




For all examples should create some sample data in your elasticsearch.

Example for Search Repository

Performs a simple search. This code is an example that can be performed within an action of a controller.

/** @var SearchRepositoryInterface $searchRepo */
$searchRepo = $this->get('elastification_php_client.repository.search');

$query = array(
    'query' => array(
        'term' => array(
            'country' => array(
                'value' => 'germany'

$searchRepo->search('my-index', 'my-type', $query);

Example for Document Repository

Gets a single document by id. This code is an example that can be performed within an action of a controller.

/** @var DocumentRepositoryInterface $docRepo */
$docRepo = $this->get('elastification_php_client.repository.document');

var_dump($docRepo->get('my-index', 'my-type', 'yourDocumentId'));

Examples for Index Repository

Checks if an index exists This code is an example that can be performed within an action of a controller.

/** @var IndexRepositoryInterface $indexRepo */
$indexRepo = $this->get('elastification_php_client.repository.index');

Creates an index This code is an example that can be performed within an action of a controller.`

/** @var IndexRepositoryInterface $indexRepo */
$indexRepo = $this->get('elastification_php_client.repository.index');

Example for simple search query with native serializer and no preconfigured requests

This code is an example that can be performed within an action of a controller.

/** @var Client $client */
$client = $this->get('elastification_php_client');

$request = new SearchRequest('my-index', 'my-type', new NativeJsonSerializer());
$response = $client->send($request);
//get the raw deserialized data
//for grabbing into the result do: $response->getData()['hits']

Example for tagging request services and using the request manager

Here is an example of a tagged request as service. The id parameter is optional. If this is not set, the request service id will be used. If the config parameter replace_version_of_tagged_requests is set to true. All registered requests will be parsed and set to the configured version.

    class: "Elastification\Client\Request\V090x\GetDocumentRequest"g
    arguments: ["my-index", "my-type", @elastification_php_client.serializer.native]
    public: false
      - { name: elastification_php_client.request, id: get.service.text }

Using a registered request and perform a request. This code is an example that can be performed within an action of a controller.

$request = $client->getRequest('get.service.text');
$response = $client->send($request);


  • create version for lib (0.1.0)
  • create version for bundle
  • [] implement thrift config
  • create jms serializer services
  • create services for document repository
  • create services for search repository
  • create jms serializer service if jms serializer is available
  • client lib: create jms document entity
  • create document jms serializer service
  • [] php-client enable/disable response (debug) output ?