
Adds support for custom SQS payloads in Laravel

2.3.0 2024-03-27 06:54 UTC


This package adds support for custom SQS payloads with your standard Laravel jobs.


First install the package using composer composer require edriving-limited/dynamic-sqs. Then publish the configuration files using php artisan vendor:publish.

You will also need to update the driver for your SQS connection to dynamic-sqs.


First, you should create your job class, the exact same way you would your standard Laravel jobs. Then, we need to create a "handler" class, this class is responsible for taking the payload from your SQS message and returning an instance of your job class.

This class should implement the JobHandlerContract and define a handle method, which returns a job instance.

use App\Jobs\SendWelcomeEmail;
use eDriving\DynamicSqs\JobHandlerContract;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

class SendWelcomeEmailHandler implements JobHandlerContract
    public function handle(array $payload): ShouldQueue
        return SendWelcomeEmail($payload['data']['userId']);    

With your handler class set up, we then need to define how to map any given SQS message, to a particular handler. To do this, open your newly published config/dynamic-sqs.php config file. In here, there are two properties we need to define, discoverer and map.


This property should reference a class, which is responsible for taking a given payload, and returning the "handler id". This ID is a value in your payload which will be used determine which handler to use for this message. One is set up for you already, which returns the "handler" value from the payload. You're free to create your own version of this class to suit your messages.

    'discoverer' => [\eDriving\DynamicSqs\Commands\DiscovererHandler::class, 'discover'],


Finally, we need to map the handler ID's, to their handler classes. You do this by populating the map property with key => value pairs. The key being the handler ID, and the map being the class-string of the handler class.

    'map' => [
        'sendWelcomeEmail' => SendWelcomeEmailHandler::class 