
Composer Packages is a Composer plugin for getting information about installed packages in your project.

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2.0.0 2020-10-24 21:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:05:13 UTC


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Composer Packages


Composer Packages is a Composer plugin for getting information about installed packages in your project.

It could be very useful for anyone who wants to build a package discovery system, crawling the filesystem is then not needed.


This package provides:

  • An easy way to get information about installed packages,
  • An easy way to retrieve packages that has a particular types,
  • An easy way to find the installation directory of a package,
  • An easy way to get any package version,
  • An easy way to get any package dependencies.

How does it work ?

When doing a composer update or composer install, the plugin will generate classes that are going to be automatically loaded by the Composer autoload system.

Those classes contains statical information about packages that are installed in your project. Among those static data, it also contains some useful methods. The number of methods in those classes can very depending on the number of packages that are in your project.

This package idea has been inspired by the package ocramius/package-versions from the amazing Marco Pivetta.


  • PHP 7.1.3


composer require drupol/composer-packages --dev


To get packages of a particular type



include './vendor/autoload.php';

use ComposerPackages\Types;

// Use your IDE auto completion to list all the available methods based on your installed packages.
$packages = Types::library();

foreach ($packages as $package) {
    $package->getName(); // $package is an instance of Composer\Package\PackageInterface

// You can also get an array
$packagesArray = iterator_to_array($packages);

To get a package



include './vendor/autoload.php';

use ComposerPackages\Packages;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;

// Use your IDE auto completion to list all the available methods based on your installed packages.
$package = Packages::symfonyProcess();

// Package is an instance of Composer\Package\PackageInterface then:
$package->getName(); // To get the name.

// Find all the packages where the name starts with the letter "c".
$finder = static function (PackageInterface $package) : bool {
    return 'c' === str_split($package->getName())[0];

foreach (Packages::find($finder) as $package) {
    // Do something here.

To get an installation directory



include './vendor/autoload.php';

use ComposerPackages\Directories;

// Use your IDE auto completion to list all the available methods based on your installed packages.
$directory = Directories::symfonyProcess();

To get a package version



include './vendor/autoload.php';

use ComposerPackages\Versions;

// Use your IDE auto completion to list all the available methods based on your installed packages.
$version = Versions::symfonyProcess();

To get a package dependencies



include './vendor/autoload.php';

use ComposerPackages\Dependencies;

// Use your IDE auto completion to list all the available methods based on your installed packages.
$dependencies = Dependencies::symfonyDependencyInjection();

foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
    echo $dependency; // $dependency is string, the package name.

// You can also get an array
$dependenciesArray = iterator_to_array($dependencies);

Note: If composer is not already installed, you might get an error like below when using this package:

In Types.php line […]:

  Attempted to load class "ArrayLoader" from namespace "Composer\Package\Loader".
  Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g. "…\ArrayLoader", "…\ArrayLoader" or "…\ArrayLoader"?

If you do, you can explicitly require composer in your project, to ensure it's available:

composer require composer/composer

To get a package version



include './vendor/autoload.php';

use ComposerPackages\Versions;

// Use your IDE auto completion to list all the available methods based on your installed packages.
$version = Versions::symfonyProcess();

Code quality and tests

Every time changes are introduced into the library, Github run the tests and the benchmarks.

The library has tests written with PHPUnit.

Before each commit some inspections are executed with GrumPHP, run ./vendor/bin/grumphp run to trigger them manually.

PHPInfection is used to ensure that your code is properly tested, run composer infection to test your code.


Feel free to contribute by sending pull requests. We are a usually very responsive team and we will help you going through your pull request from the beginning to the end.

For some reasons, if you can't contribute to the code and willing to help, sponsoring is a good, sound and safe way to show us some gratitude for the hours we invested in this package.

Sponsor me on Github and/or any of the contributors.