
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the dragon-code/benchmark package instead.

Simple comparison of code execution speed between different options

v1.5.1 2023-02-04 17:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-02-06 13:37:48 UTC


the dragon code benchmark

Stable Version Unstable Version Total Downloads Github Workflow Status License


To get the latest version of The Dragon Code: Benchmark, simply require the project using Composer:

composer require dragon-code/benchmark --dev

Or manually update require-dev block of composer.json and run composer update console command:

    "require-dev": {
        "dragon-code/benchmark": "^1.0"



The result of the execution is printed to the console, so make sure you call the code from the console.

use DragonCode\Benchmark\Benchmark;

(new Benchmark())->compare(
    fn () => /* some code */,
    fn () => /* some code */,

(new Benchmark())->compare([
    fn () => /* some code */,
    fn () => /* some code */,

(new Benchmark())->compare([
    'foo' => fn () => /* some code */,
    'bar' => fn () => /* some code */,

Result example:

 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  #       0             1            
 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  1       11.3845 ms    15.565 ms    
  2       14.92 ms      14.8241 ms   
  3       14.812 ms     15.2948 ms   
  4       15.3211 ms    14.9243 ms   
  5       15.045 ms     15.4147 ms   
  6       15.3918 ms    15.1484 ms   
  7       14.6678 ms    14.0797 ms   
  8       14.7602 ms    14.613 ms    
  9       14.9372 ms    15.6712 ms   
  100     15.2036 ms    14.6706 ms   
 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  min     11.3845 ms    14.0797 ms   
  max     15.3918 ms    15.6712 ms   
  avg     14.64432 ms   15.02058 ms  
 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  Order   - 1 -         - 2 -        
 ------- ------------- ------------- 

When measuring the average value among the results, when more than 10 iterations are used, the final data is filtered by peak values. The calculation of the 10% of the lowest and 10% of the highest values is excluded from the total result, thus the final data becomes cleaner and less dependent on any external factors.

Iterations Count

By default, the benchmark performs 100 iterations per callback, but you can change this number by calling the iterations method:

use DragonCode\Benchmark\Benchmark;

(new Benchmark())
        fn () => /* some code */,
        fn () => /* some code */,

If the passed value is less than 1, then one iteration will be performed for each callback.

Without Data

If you want to see only the summary result of the run time without detailed information for each iteration, then you can call the withoutData method, which will display only the summary information:

use DragonCode\Benchmark\Benchmark;

(new Benchmark())
        'foo' => fn () => /* some code */,
        'bar' => fn () => /* some code */,

Result example:

 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  #       foo           bar            
 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  min     11.3845 ms    14.0797 ms   
  max     15.3918 ms    15.6712 ms   
  avg     14.64432 ms   15.02058 ms  
 ------- ------------- ------------- 
  Order   - 1 -         - 2 -        
 ------- ------------- ------------- 


If the option to display detailed information is enabled (without using the withoutData method) and more than 1000 iterations are requested, then the output of detailed information will be forcibly disabled, since there will be absolutely no point in it with a significantly increasing load on the computer.

Round Precision

By default, the script does not round measurement results, but you can specify the number of decimal places to which rounding can be performed.

For example:

use DragonCode\Benchmark\Benchmark;

(new Benchmark())
        fn () => /* some code */,
        fn () => /* some code */,

Result example:

 ------- ---------- ---------- 
  #       0          1         
 ------- ---------- ---------- 
  1       12.22 ms   14.65 ms  
  2       14.54 ms   15.37 ms  
  3       15.26 ms   14.37 ms  
  4       15.07 ms   14.73 ms  
  5       14.67 ms   14.74 ms  
 ------- ---------- ---------- 
  min     12.22 ms   14.37 ms  
  max     15.26 ms   15.37 ms  
  avg     14.35 ms   14.77 ms  
 ------- ---------- ---------- 
  Order   - 1 -      - 2 -     
 ------- ---------- ---------- 


This package is licensed under the MIT License.