
ChallongeAPI wrapper for PHP7

v0.3 2017-06-29 07:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 02:18:36 UTC


Version pre-v0.4

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. ChallongeAPI
    1. Initializing the library
    2. Using the library
    3. Taking advantage of objects


This is Challonge API wrapper for PHP7!

With easy usage and clean code.


Initializing the library

Initializing the library is easy, it just needs array of settings. Mainly, your SET_API_KEY. Take a look:

use ChallongeAPI\ChallongeAPI;

$api = new ChallongeAPI([
	//  Your Challonge API key, you can get one at

Available library settings:

Using the library

Working with Challonge API was never easier!

// Fetches all tournaments created on your account

// Fetches all tournaments created by organization 'csgo' (

Taking advantage of objects

// Fetches all tournaments created on your account
$list = $api->tList();

//  Outputs name of all tournaments on your account
foreach ($list->getTournaments() as $tournament)
	echo $tournament->name . "<br>";

//  Finds tournament by it's ID in the list
$tournament = $list->getTournamentById(123456789);
echo $tournament->name . "<br>";

//  Finds tournament by it's URL name in the list
$tournament = $list->getTournamentByUrl('best_tournament');
echo $tournament->name . "<br>";