
Faker2 is a fork of Faker, in PHP 8 code and with only 1 locale preloaded

1.0.0 2022-03-12 01:24 UTC


Continuous Integration Minimum PHP Version Latest Stable Version License

Faker2 is a fork of the (archived) original Faker PHP library. More information on the reasons the original creator decided to archive the library can be found in this article.

Faker2 differences from the original library:

  • PHP requirement upgraded to ^8.0.
  • PHPUnit upgraded to version 9.5.
  • All locales, except en_US, are removed (along with their tests).
  • All ORM-related classes are removed.
  • Guesser classes are removed.
  • Type hinting added on all methods.
  • Test suite refactored for PHPUnit 9.5, type-related tests removed.
  • Psalm added


Faker2 requires PHP version 8.0 or greater.


The easiest way to get started with Faker2 is through composer:

# Install as dependency
composer require "dklis/faker2"


For usage refer to original Faker readme Faker repo README

Faker README archived


Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted on the Github Issue Tracker.