
PHP Implementation of Paystack API

v2.2.0 2023-03-04 02:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-04 12:15:43 UTC


Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Intelligence Status Total Downloads License: MIT

This package provides an expressive and convenient way to interact with the Paystack API.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require digikraaft/paystack-php


All APIs documented in Paystack's Developer Reference are currently supported by this package. Using the individual API follows a general convention so that it can be simple and predictable.



Before this, the API key needs to be set. For example, to access the customer/list endpoint,


use Digikraaft\Paystack\Paystack;
use Digikraaft\Paystack\Customer;

$customers = Customer::list();

You can easily pass parameters to be sent as arguments to the API_END_POINT method like this:


use Digikraaft\Paystack\Paystack;
use Digikraaft\Paystack\Customer;


$params = [
    'perPage' => 10,
    'page' => 2,

$customers = Customer::list($params);

This also applies to POST and PUT requests.

For endpoints that require path parameters like the fetch customer with the request like /customer/email_or_id_or_customer_code, simply pass in a string into the API_END_POINT like this:


use Digikraaft\Paystack\Paystack;
use Digikraaft\Paystack\Customer;

$customer = Customer::fetch('CUS_abc1234');

For API_END_POINTs that take both path and body parameters like the update customer with the PUT request customer/id_or_customer_code, simply pass in a string as the first argument, an array as the second like this:


use Digikraaft\Paystack\Paystack;
use Digikraaft\Paystack\Customer;

$params = [
    'first_name' => 'Tim',
    'last_name' => 'Oladoyinbo',

$customer = Customer::update('CUS_abc1234', $params);

There are a few exceptions to the API_END_POINT convention.

The endpoint paymentrequest/list becomes Invoice::list(). This applies to all other actions as documented in the Paystack reference.
The endpoint bvn/match becomes Bank::bvnMatch(array $params)
The endpoint decision/bin/{bin} becomes Bank::resolveCardBin(string $bin)

This package returns the exact response from the Paystack API but as the stdClass type such that responses can be accessed like this:


use Digikraaft\Paystack\Paystack;
use Digikraaft\Paystack\Customer;

$customer = Customer::fetch('CUS_abc1234');

if ($customer->status && $customer->status == true) {
    echo $customer->data->first_name;

Future updates will see to improving on how the response object is handled.


For detailed documentation, check the wiki page here


  • Comprehensive tests
  • Better API response handling


composer test

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Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email dev@digitalkraaft.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.